Monday, December 21, 2015

christmas isn't a season. it's a feeling.

As Bing Crosby once said.....I've got that Christmas feeling. Do I ever! Every year, the holiday season brings me so much joy. It's amazing how excited I get about the little things. Like gingerbread cookies, decorations, and white hot chocolate. I always try to cram in as many special events as possible. This year was no different. There was holiday shopping with my mom, decorating the apartment, enjoying seasonal snacks, attending work events, going to dinners with friends, days out with my husband, and well....a million other things! It is amazing how much you can squeeze into a month.

Since there has been so much going on lately - and the countdown to Christmas is getting smaller and smaller - I thought that I would show you some of my favourite pictures so far.

The holiday season is definitely my favourite time of year. Want to see some of my other seasonal must haves? Then check out Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel. My latest video is dedicated to my holiday favourites....

What are your holiday favourites?

xo Shannon


  1. Love your elf snowangel!
    Happy holidays!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  2. I love how everyone has traditions they stick to during the holidays! It's so cool to see, even the little weird ones. Also, I'm so glad I've found someone that likes white hot chocolate! All of my friends think it's gross and it makes me so sad!

  3. Such fun photos...
    Would you like to follow each other?

    x Isabelle | Outfit Van De Dag

  4. Such fun photos...
    Would you like to follow each other?

    x Isabelle | Outfit Van De Dag

  5. So true, I am in the total Christmas spirit right now!

  6. Yes, definitely. I'm not even Christian and I enjoy the holiday season. All the warm lights, hot wine, happy people and nice music.

  7. I love this season, it's so beautiful... <3
    Hope you enjoy your Christmas time sweetie!

    Lots of love from VOH,


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