Saturday, February 28, 2015

haul: my last trip to target

I'm sure you have heard all about it by now. Target is pulling out of Canada. That means hundreds of stores gone and thousands of employees out of work. Some have decided to take this moment to mock the fact that Target assumed it would win over Canadian consumers....but the reality? This is a sad situation for all involved. People are out of work. A business is put at risk. And shoppers have less choices than ever before.

On a personal level, I am quite disappointed. In fact, I was pretty shocked when I first heard the news. Less than two years ago, I was posting about my very first trip there. Finally, there were affordable pieces that were a little more upscale. As quickly as it came it seems to be gone again. There will be no more trips out with my mom - spending far too much time and money lingering over the aisles. There will be no more designer lines for Target available in Canada. And there will be no more shopping sprees for no reason at all. Alas!

As soon as the news broke, my mom and I planned a trip to do a bit of shopping. We wanted to pick up any items that we really wanted....before all of the discount shoppers swooped in. That was a strange experience. Watching people casing the joint more or less. During that excursion, we picked up a few clothing items and some accessories. But even by that point, many of the shelves were empty and there was a strange, sad atmosphere in the store.

It wasn't until a week or so later that the sales started. 30% off of certain sections of the store. So, my mom and I returned. Just in case. Or for some last minute bonding time. We managed to pick up quite a few deals and discounts - which was great. But honestly? I would have much rather Target stay put. There was something really fun about going with my mom. Every few months, we would just go there for no reason at all. We would shop and talk and just have a bit of girl time. It was nice. And I will miss that. Even though we can go shopping somewhere just won't be the same. Sigh!

Anyway, I thought that I would show you the items that I picked up on my very last trip to Target. Take a look and let me know what you think.

For me, it is a sad farewell. But hey, at least my last haul was pretty stellar. Goodbye Target Canada....and thanks for the memories.

How do you feel about Target closing in Canada? Do you love to shop there?

xo Shannon

Thursday, February 26, 2015

money can't buy happiness...but it can buy makeup.

To an outsider, it must seem strange. How one person can own so much makeup....can want so much makeup....can love so much makeup. Yet, there seem to be more and more product lovers like myself. People who adore trying out new things, having fun, and getting creative. The latest addition to my collection? Some items from Joe Fresh. My mom was out one day and managed to snag a bunch of eye and lip products for half off. So, she picked up some for herself and some for me. It was the perfect surprise.

What did this surprise haul include? Three lip crayons and two eye crayons. The lip crayons came in a warm brown, a bold red, and a vibrant pink. The eye crayons were a royal purple and a deep black. Like any makeup products, some were a hit and some were a miss. That seems to be the name of the game! Especially when it comes to affordable makeup items. The quality is either incredible or kind of so-so. So, which items exceeded expectations? And which ones were a flop?

Let's start with the lip crayons. The three I ended up with were a brown-ish nude, a red, and a pink shade. What I loved about these crayons? They are easy to wear, simple to apply, and have a nice, creamy texture. I found the crayons to be surprisingly pigmented. There was a lot of colour payoff and the lip products themselves were quite moisturizing on the lips. Overall, I was very impressed! Each colour looked great, was easy to wear, and lasted. Take a look at the colours and swatches below to see for yourself....

Now for the eyeshadow crayons. As great as the lip crayons were - that is how awful the eye crayons turned out to be. Total letdown. And then some. The pigmentation was poor on the lid to start with. That I could forgive because I could at least use the product as a base. The real issue? The crayons had a greasy, oily kind of texture. They creased immediately! Trying to apply a shadow over top only seemed to exacerbate the problem. Quite frankly, I see absolutely no place for these in my makeup collection. I am going to give them another go but if it is still the same? I think their future is in the waste bin. At any rate, you can take a look at them here:

Ultimately, some of these Joe Fresh products were great and others were a major letdown. Despite how awful (and I rarely dismiss a makeup product entirely but these were truly horrible) the eye crayons were....the lip crayons were absolutely fabulous. I love wearing them - and I love how I feel wearing them. Which is why I created a makeup look sporting that vibrant pink shade. Take a look and let me know what you think.

It is always exciting trying out new makeup. Sometimes they make your day and other times they wind up in the trash. But it is all part of the adventure! Thankfully in this case, those lipstick shades totally wowed.

What do you think of these products? Have you tried anything from Joe Fresh?

xo Shannon

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

fish don't know they're in water.

Some days are just fun. They are the kind of days that you look back on and think, that was such a great day. I had one of those days recently. My fiance and I went on a double date with some friends to the Ripley's Aquarium. None of us had ever been before, so we didn't know quite what to expect. Would it be worth the wait? Live up the hype? Be tons of fun? Well, it was absolutely amazing. I had such a good time. There were so many underwater creatures to look at. Some cute, some creepy, and some absolutely out of this world.

We took the train into the city and walked over to the aquarium. Since we bought our tickets in advance, we got to skip the massive line up of people. Thank goodness for that! The moment we stepped into the aquarium, it was overwhelming. There was so much to see. Different species, tanks,  information, interactive features. Plus there were people absolutely everywhere. I guess that is what happens when you visit a major tourist attraction on a weekend. The good news? The crowds seemed to lighten up as we went though.

There were a few stand out moments for me. They included the sea horses (there was this white one that was absolutely incredible. I don't even have words for how beautiful it was!) and the giant moving walkway. For the walkway, there was literally a giant tank surrounding everyone - going right overhead and on either side. The moving walkway took us along the giant tank as we checked out turtles, fish, and sharks. It was truly memorizing.

After almost three hours at the aquarium, we went for lunch. Where did we go? Wahlburgers! I have been there once before and the food is phenomenal. They have delicious burgers and super tasty tater tots. I am not a foodie by any means but my gosh, do I love to eat there. Delicious! Following our lunch, we took the train back home and ended up stopping for dessert. Then my fiance and I spent the rest of the night hanging out and watching Netflix. It was definitely a fun day from start to finish.

Since it was such a fantastic day, I thought I would show you all a few of my favourite pictures from the aquarium. Here they are!

This probably goes without saying....but I loved the aquarium. It is always fun when you have a special day to look back on. This was definitely one of them. Hopefully we will be able to go back sometime in the future!

Do you like to visit aquariums? What do you think of these pictures?

xo Shannon

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Mansa Fashion. on YouTube!

Exciting news! I have finally taken the plunge. After months of deliberating, wondering, and second guessing.....Mansa Fashion. is now on YouTube. This was not an easy decision for me to make. See, I love watching beauty gurus share their secrets, post reviews, and create stunning makeup looks. That is actually how I got into makeup in the first place. I started watching tutorials on YouTube. Over the years, they helped me learn new skills, gain confidence, and have fun with makeup.

So, why was it so difficult to decide to create a channel of my own? I was plagued by thoughts like, how could I ever compare to the gurus that inspire me? What if my channel ends up being a total failure? The more I compared myself to established beauty vloggers, the more worried I became. Then it hit me: there is no comparison. Just like my blog, a video channel is a way to express myself in a new way. To share my thoughts, tips, and advice on another platform. It doesn't have to be the best just has to make me happy.

A few days ago, I created the bare bones of my channel. Registering, creating a background, and all of the preliminary stuff. That was done and taken care of. I had no plans to film quite so soon - but inspiration hit and I couldn't stop myself. Before I knew it, I was doing my hair and makeup, setting up my camera, and attempting to film a brief introduction video. It might not be perfect...and it is only the first step....but I can't wait to see what becomes of this new experience.

Are you ready to see my very first video for Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel? Check it out!

This is an exciting new chapter in the future of my blog. And I am so happy to share it with you. Thank you for all of the support over the past three and a half years. It means the world to me - and has given me the confidence to break out of my comfort zone and do something I desperately wanted to.

To check out my YouTube channel, head over to Mansa Fashion.

xo Shannon

Friday, February 20, 2015

we go together like copy and paste.

Date night. How I love thee. It sounds silly, but there is something exciting about getting dressed up and going out. Even if it is just to dinner and a movie. Even if the outfit is pretty laid back and casual. It is good to shake things up every now and again! On a typical evening with my fiance, we hang out at his place and watch our favourite TV shows. This is something I love (a lot)....but even still, it is nice to do something different sometimes.

On a recent date night to the movies, I decided to wear a skirt. This is a big deal. If only because the weather right now is absolutely freezing. Every day it seems to get a little colder, a little snowier, and a little icier. I have basically been living in warm clothes in recent months! That means sweaters, hoodies, cardigans, and all the rest. Something as simple as a skirt and a long sleeved shirt made me feel like myself again. It helped me to get out of my style rut. Let me just say, I am definitely counting down the days until spring returns.

Since I had such a good time getting dressed up, I thought that I would make today an outfit post. For my makeup, I wore a combination of brown eyeshadow shades with some winged out cat eye liner. I was definitely feeling warm neutrals. I kept my hair simple by tying it back into a ponytail. As for my outfit? I wore a long sleeved French Connection top and a Material Girls skirt with zippered details. I added on a pair of tights and some sparkly flats and that was my finished look!

Want to take a look at my date night outfit? Here it is.....

It was definitely a wonderful night out. I had fun getting ready - and I had even more fun spending time with my favourite person.

What do you like to wear on a night out?

xo Shannon

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

valentine's is a time for love.

Me? I love Valentine's Day. A lot. There is something about all of the romantic gestures and smiling faces that just makes me feel happy. (Not to mention all of the chocolate and chick flicks!) Are you the same way? Then I hope you all had a wonderful celebration with the person or people you love most! Since I am such a big fan of the holiday, I thought that I would do a little post about my day.

It started off with gifts my parents. I came downstairs to find flowers, a card, and a giant pink stuffed frog from my dad sitting on the couch. Then there was a bag full of goodies from my mom. That included a  new purse, a Betsey Johnson bracelet, new earrings and a necklace, along with some DVDs. I definitely felt spoiled! It was all a little bittersweet though. Since I was young, my parents have always given me and my siblings little gifts for Valentine's Day. But since I am moving out and getting hitched this summer, they said this was the last time they would be partaking in the tradition. It is always hard for me to let go of that was a little sad. As wonderful as their gifts were! Here is a peek at the Valentine's Day gifts from my family:

After that, I started to prepare for the night ahead. Every year, my fiance comes over and I cook him dinner. This year I decided to make ham, scalloped potatoes, vegetables, cupcakes, and cookies. Yum! I spent much of my day making and decorating cupcakes and baking the cookies. Then I decorated the upstairs with stuffed things, candles, and heart shapes decorations. I even picked out some romantic comedies since he said we would watch my movies for the evening. (For the record, they were Lovewrecked, When In Rome, and How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days.)

After that, I got dressed, did my makeup, and went downstairs to cook dinner. It was a lot of work but it was definitely worth it. The night went very well. I liked being able to do something nice for my fiance. Even though he is not so into Valentine's Day, he bought me a really cute card and a gorgeous charm for my Pandora bracelet. It was really sweet! So, here are a few pictures from the evening.

I love Valentine's Day. It is an excuse to do something special, wear lots of pink and red, and spoil the person you love. What could be better?

How did you spend your Valentine's Day this year?

xo Shannon

Monday, February 16, 2015

relax the mind, renew the body, revive the soul.

Who doesn't love to relax and unwind? This is something I am consciously trying to do more of lately. It is so easy to get bogged down by stress and responsibilities. So, I am aiming to add a little more rest and relaxation into my days. It sounds silly - but I actually have started scheduling myself time to sit back and unwind. It may only be for fifteen minutes or so. But even those small chunks of time can make a big difference to my mental and emotional well being. I highly recommend it!

One of the ways that I have been trying to treat myself is with a mud mask. The winter has been hard on my skin this year. My solution? To take better care of it. That is why I picked up a couple of items from the Beauty Concepts line. In the past, I have tried the under eye pads and the face mask. Overall, I was quite happy with them. That is why I thought: mud mask!

The Beauty Concepts Clear As Mud kit was a total winner. It was quite cheap (I think about $5 for the whole pack) and it came with four mini mud masks. Even though it came with four, there is an awful of product in each pod. That means you can get two or three applications out of each one - so long as you store it properly afterwards.

The process itself was pretty simple. Apply the mud mask to your face, leave for ten minutes, and rinse off with water. The claims are that the mud mask will leave you with "beautiful and youthful skin." far so good. After using the mud mask, my skin instantly looked and felt better than it did before. Not to mention how relaxing it felt to spend time on myself. I think that was the best part. Not only was the mud mask working well on my skin, but it reminded me that pampering myself every now and again? It is essential.

My experience with the Beauty Concepts Clear As Mud was a positive one. The product isn't too harsh on my skin, it does a solid job, and is very easy to use. It also allowed me to relax and have a little me time. Bonus!

What do you do to relax and unwind? Have you tried anything from Beauty Concepts? 

xo Shannon

Saturday, February 14, 2015

i love nothing in the world so well as you.

Today is the big day. Valentine's Day, that is! It might sound cliche....but I absolutely love the holiday. There is something about all of the romance, the grand gestures, and the thoughtful moments that just make me feel all warm and fuzzy. I am one of those girls who loves love. There is nothing quite as good as watching a romantic movie, like Bridget Jones, He's Just Not That Into You, The Wedding Planner, or How To Lose a Guy In Ten Days.....they all manage to make me smile. (Okay, and sometimes even cry a little bit!) Yes, I love Valentine's Day.

Unfortunately, my fiance does not feel the same way. As he puts it, I do special things for you all the time. Why does it have to be on this one day? I see his point....but I love Valentine's Day anyway! Over the years, I think he has kind of softened on his anti-Valentine's stance. When we first started dating he was totally against it. Now? He has come around a bit. This might be because I like to spoil him on the big day. Cooking dinner, baking cookies, decorations, little gifts.....the works! Shockingly, this has actually become a lot of fun for me. I am not overly domestic in general. But every now and again, I like to pretend that I am. Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to do that - and spoil the person I love most. 

However you are celebrating Valentine's Day this year, have fun! Whether you are single or in a relationship, I hope you spend time with the people you care about most. Because that is the most important part. Share love, be kind, and have a wonderful holiday. 

To get you in the mood for the festivities, I thought I would share a few of my favourite Valentine's Day inspired pictures. I hope that you all enjoy them!

How will you be spending Valentine's Day this year? Do you have anything special planned?

xo Shannon

Thursday, February 12, 2015

a professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit.

It's strange. My whole life I have always wanted to be a writer. I suppose I had this vague notion of what it would be like. Every day, I would wake up, turn on my computer, and write the day away. As a child, I wasn't sure if I would write novels, work for a newspaper, or write for a magazine. What I did know? Writing would be my career. No matter what. I never thought about how much money I would make or how I would gauge success. I just wanted to write. Now that I am older, I have learned that achieving that vague notion? It is going to take an awful lot of hard work and determination.

I have been freelance writing for four years. Constantly applying for jobs, tweaking my resume, writing articles upon articles upon articles, handling social media, going for interviews, submitting's exhausting! But I know that each and every step I take is getting me a tiny bit closer to the dream I had when I was young. Even now, I still believe all of the hard work will pay off. I still believe it is possible to achieve those impossible dreams. I guess that belief is what keeps me going when my schedule is crazy. When I cancel plans to work. When I feel overwhelmed. Ultimately, I think whatever career path you choose to pursue - determination is everything.

On that note! I thought I would post a few of the articles I have written lately. While I write about a wide range of topics (everything from roofing shingles to travel tips to lifestyle), I thought I would post a few related to fashion and beauty. So, here goes....

Loxa Beauty
Beauty No-No: Falling Asleep In Your Makeup
Creating Fuller Looking Lips In Minutes
5 Must Haves For Your Purse

Style It Rock It
Your Guide To Wearing Marsala Right
The Most Buzzworthy Moments From Paris Fashion Week
Celebrity Looks For Less: Taylor Swift

Passport Diva
Tips To Enjoy a Healthy Life While Travelling
Packing 101: To Shoe or Not To Shoe? 

Pretty Diaries
How Meghan Trainor Is Inspiring Body Confidence
Beauty By The Numbers

Daily Beauty Blog
Full Face Look: Kat Von D Products
All About Graphic Liner

So! That is a tiny peek at a bit of the writing I have been doing over the last few weeks. I have definitely been doing my best to stay busy and further my career. Who knows what the future has in store for my writing career. For now, I am doing my best, working hard, and hoping things will eventually fall into place. Writing is my passion. Even though I may lose it from time to is what I want to do with my life. And I know that will never change.

What is your passion? Do you have a dream job?

xo Shannon

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

there are always flowers for those who want to see them.

Flower Beauty. I swear, I cannot get enough of it lately. Perhaps this is because it is the first time (in a very long time) that a new brand has actually hit the drugstore here in Canada. For years it has been the same old things: Maybelline, L'Oreal, Cover Girl, Hard Candy, Revlon. With the somewhat recent launch of Flower Beauty, makeup fans are going crazy. The products have been flying off of the shelves at my local drugstore. Despite this, I have been lucky enough to try out more than my fair share. Some of them I picked up on my own and others I was given as gifts around the holidays.

The latest that I am reviewing? Eye 2 Eye. This is a double ended product. It has a felt-tip eyeliner pen on one end and a mini mascara on the other end. The concept itself is genius. It is the perfect product to take on the go, throw in your makeup bag, or minimize clutter in your makeup drawer. As you can see from the picture above, it looks like a regular felt-tipped eyeliner pen. The only difference? There is a mascara included on the other end as well. Want to take a closer look? Here is a peek at both sides uncapped!

There is no doubt about it: this is a seriously handy product. It is a great way to be prepared wherever you are. Or just speed up your morning makeup routine! The concept? Absolutely flawless. So, how did the products themselves hold up? Let's start with the eyeliner. This was a definite win. Even though the colour itself wasn't ultra black, the product was super easy to use. The pen applicator was firm, which makes cat-eye liner a snap. Total bonus first thing in the morning!

As for the mascara, this was less of a win. I absolutely love the idea of including a mascara. Unfortunately, the mascara itself wasn't fantastic. I found the formula to be quite wet - which makes it a bit messy to apply. The mascara wand was nothing special and it actually made it difficult to coat my lashes properly. When it comes to lashes, I like them big and bold....and this mascara just didn't make that happen. Everyone has their own preferences though. So for some, this mascara might be fantastic. For me? Not so much. Despite this, I still love the concept and think this is a wonderful product to throw into your purse.

Ready to see the look I created using the Eye 2 Eye from my new favourite drugstore brand, Flower Beauty? Here is it....

There is something exciting about new brands. And something especially exciting about products that can save you time and space. While the mascara may not have been my favourite....the overall concept behind this product was a major win. I absolutely love it! It definitely makes me excited to try out new things from Flower Beauty in the future.

Have you tried this product before? Do you own any double ended beauty products?

xo Shannon

Saturday, February 7, 2015

a peek at my insta-life.

For a long time, I couldn't use Instagram that well. My smart phone wasn't compatible. Sigh! I was stuck using a really bad download version on my computer. That made it challenging to stay up to date with other people. And equally challenging to post pictures. Those troubles are gone. Now that I have a tablet (a holiday gift from my fiance), I am able to make the most of it. So far, it has been wonderful! It is great to get a peek at people's lives and highlights. I follow some of my favourite celebrities, inspiring accounts, and some seriously stunning beauty bloggers. 

So, on that note.....let me know what your Instagram name is. I will be sure to check out your pictures! Or alternatively, if you feel like following me, my handle is: TCOBeautyIsArt. In the meantime, here are a few of my recent photos. 

Do you have Instagram? What do you think of these pictures?

xo Shannon

Thursday, February 5, 2015

i will love you endlessly. amour.

One of the perks of a fiance that works at a drugstore? Every so often, a damaged product makes its way home to me. Like this perfume set from Eva Longoria. What was originally a three-piece holiday gift set became a full sized and a travel sized version of EVAmour. Score! Since I have a total obsession with fragrances - and most notably celebrity fragrances - my lovely fiance was kind of enough to bring me the unharmed bottles. It was a lovely surprise.

What did I think of the scent? Let's start with the packaging. I love the combination of red and gold. It is super sophisticated. I love the sleek and simple packaging. Even though it is simple, the red bottle gives it plenty of pop. It definitely stands out on my perfume shelf! I absolutely love the way it looks. Thankfully, I love the way it smells, too. A lot of my perfumes are flirty and this one was a pleasant change to the types of perfumes I already own.

As I mentioned, the bottle looks super sultry and sophisticated. Which I love. What I love even more is the fact that the perfume itself is just as sultry and sophisticated. As the title suggests, it is all about love and romance. That makes this perfect for a date night. Say, an evening out at a restaurant, movie, or even a comfy night in. There is just something about this scent that screams: love! With Valentine's Day coming up in just over a week....I have already decided that this is the one to wear. It will go perfectly with the candy hearts, roses, and other festivities the holiday has to offer.

Getting to try out this fragrance for free? A major bonus. Absolutely loving it? Even more of a bonus. EVAmour by Eva Longoria is one celebrity fragrance that has plenty of sex appeal. It is absolutely stunning. I would definitely recommend this for a special night with someone you care about.

Have you tried this perfume? What did you think of it?

xo Shannon

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

be your own kind of beautiful.

There are always highs and lows in life. Lately, I have been struggling with stress. In general, I tend to get anxious and stressed out about things that are out of my control. Is anyone else like this? Now that the holidays are seems to be barreling by. It is a mere five months until I get married. My life has become working, planning, discussing, saving, packing, and oh yeah, worrying. This whole transition period has become totally overwhelming. It's not the getting married part. It is the whole finding a place to live and moving out thing. I suppose I am struggling to stay organized, get things done, and not feel totally overwhelmed. 

In the midst of everything, I have turned to makeup. It may sound crazy - but makeup calms me down. There is something about putting on my makeup, creating a new look, and getting inspired that helps me to calm down and re-assess. That's the thing about stress. Most of the time, it comes out of nowhere and it does more harm than good. My solution? To focus on the things that I love. That is what inspired this look. My heart was racing, my stress level was on the rise, and my to-do list was growing endlessly longer. So, I did my hair and makeup. 

The look? I created a rocker inspired ponytail with plenty of volume at the front. I threw on one of my favourite sweaters (a white and black bow sweater from Forever 21) and a pair of sparkly "Love" earrings. Instant casual glamour. As for my makeup, I stuck to my all-time favourite shades....bold neutrals. Browns and champagne colours, a bit of eyeliner, plenty of mascara, and a neutral lip. By the time I was finished, I felt so much better. Take a look at my stress-relieving makeup look: 

So, when in doubt? Do your makeup. With so many changes coming up and less and less balance happening in my life....stress and worry has taken over. Thankfully, there is always makeup to help me re-charge and re-prioritize. 

How do you reduce stress in your life? What do you think of this makeup look?

xo Shannon

Sunday, February 1, 2015

on any given day, you can change the direction of your life.

The way I used to describe myself? Fangirl. From a young age, I worshiped music, musicians, and bands. I dreamed of the rock star lifestyle, the tour buses, the concerts, and the glamour. There was something so....untouchable about it all. That only seemed to add to the mystique. Over the years, I have managed to create an identity totally separate from the things I love. I learned to describe who I am rather than what I enjoy. But even today, I get excited when I see band merchandise. Silly? Maybe. Fun? Definitely.

That is exactly how I felt when I came across this One Direction makeup set. Going in, I knew to keep my expectations low. This wasn't going to be high-end quality - and was designed with young girls in mind. Despite it all, there was something exhilarating about opening the makeup set. The cute details, the 1D doodles, and the logo on every single product? It took me back to another time. So, memories and nostalgic was the actual makeup?

Let's start by taking a closer look at what is inside. It includes six eyeshadow shades, one eyeliner, four lip glosses, one glittery top coat, and two nail polish shades. This is what the limited edition set looks like on the inside:
Let me just say, in terms of packaging, this was a total winner. It comes in a cute tin and you get to choose which One Direction member is on the cover. (I chose Liam. What can I say? We all have our favourites....) Inside the tin are some cute designs and all of the makeup. Each product has a One Direction related song name, which was a really adorable idea. I loved the attention to detail absolutely everywhere in this set. So cute! The attention to detail definitely made this worth the money. As for the price tag? That was quite low. I think the whole thing was about $12 CDN. Not too bad for a bunch of new items to try out - and the One Direction themed makeup.

Where to begin? This is a closer look at the eyeshadow shades the kit included. It had a silver, a champagne, turquoise, brown, purple-ish blue, and a deep grey. Each one appeared very shimmery and bold in colour in the packaging: 
How did they swatch? Not badly and not fantastically either. There were a few shades that I instantly loved. In fact, my first impression of this set was quite different to my view of it now. This is because they applied a glitter coating over all of the eyeshadow shades. So, the first time you use them, they look absolutely gorgeous. The next time? They are no longer shimmery and lack the same level of pigmentation. That was awfully disappointing, especially since I had fallen in love with that pretty turquoise shade and the silver. Such a shame! 

As for the lip glosses included? Personally, I hate when sets have glosses laid out in this way. Mostly because I cannot touch up my makeup on the go. That means once the colour and shine fades, you are out of luck. In terms of the glosses themselves though, I was pleasantly surprised. They had a fair amount of pigmentation to them. Especially that bright pink shade! They look gorgeous on the lips and are very wearable. Below are the eyeshadow and lip gloss swatches so you can get a better idea of what I am talking about: 
As for the other items in this set? It was a hit or miss. I found the lip gloss top coat to be a waste. While it looks super glittery in the tube, it provides little to no glitter on your actual lips. The eyeliner pencil on the other hand, is not bad. It was surprisingly creamy and did a good job of adding some subtle definition to the eyes. This is great for a comfy night in or to wear to work. The liner isn't super dramatic but it looks really pretty.

Last up? The nail polish shades. I actually thought it was quite nice that they included a couple of nail polishes in this set. Often, makeup sets like this are limited to eyes and lips. The nail polish was a really nice bonus. It came with a bright pink and a polish with large chunks of glitter. How did I wear them? I painted my toe nails pink and put two coats of the glitter on top. It was fun and pretty. More suited to the summer weather, but lovely nonetheless! 

After all is said and done, there were some good and bad things about this One Direction makeup set. I loved the shadows until the glitter top coat was gone. Then they were just okay. The glosses were a pleasant surprise as was the eyeliner pencil. The top coat was a waste of time and the nail polishes were quite nice. So, I guess it was not all sunshine and roses.....but it sure was fun trying everything out. This is the makeup look I created using the purple-ish blue shade and the dark brown. Be sure to let me know what you think.
Overall, the packaging was a plus and the products were so-so. Even though I was not over the moon with some elements, I am still happy with my decision to splurge on this One Direction makeup set. There are a few things I can make use of - and hey - the tin looks great on display.

Have you tried this set? What did you think of it?

xo Shannon
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