Saturday, July 18, 2015

keep calm it's girls night out.

Some nights are special. Like girly nights spent with people you love. Which is exactly why a recent night out with my mom felt super special. We went to an event hosed by Melissa Broxup Canada. It was called Girls Night Out. And for good reason! They had mini manicure stations, a Smashbox counter, a wine bar, and a candy bar. Talk about a fun night out. The best part? They had a Q and A session with Lindsey Kelk. She is a British author that my mom and I really love - and the reason we attended the event in the first place.

When we got to the event, there were people buzzing around everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. Instead of hitting the stands and booths the first thing we did was grab a seat. We wanted a good spot for the author Q and A. Despite getting there at a decent time, we were several rows back. Sigh! But we still had a lot of fun listening to Lindsey Kelk. She spoke like she wrote...which basically means she was hilarious. She shared a lot of great stories and talked about her new book. (Which we also got a signed copy of. Super excited to start reading it!)

After the Q and A session was over, everyone walked around to see the booths and grab some wine. Okay, most people went straight for the wine. My mom and I went straight over to see Lindsey Kelk. We were actually the first people in line to meet her. She was absolutely lovely. So so sweet, funny, and gracious. The only downside? My mom could not figure out how to take a picture on my phone. So after a few minutes of her trying I said, "Okay....mind if we take a selfie?" It was my first selfie with a celebrity, that is for sure!

Overall, it was a really fun night. It felt good to spend some girly time with my mom. Where we didn't talk about wedding stuff the whole time. It was nice to just have fun. I am very happy that she bought tickets. Even though the day itself was totally hectic (my fiance and I moved all of our furniture into the apartment in the morning) the Girls Night Out event was some much needed stress relief.

There is so much going on right now. My life has been super hectic lately! But in between all of the to do lists and stress, there have been some really great experiences, too. Those are the things I am focusing on as the summer continues.

What have your summer highlights been so far?

xo Shannon


  1. Sounds like a great event, Shannon:) And yay for meeting an author you love.

  2. Honey! I really love ur blog. Great job!

    xoxo from Poland

  3. Seems like a really lovely event!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  4. This is too cute! I recently went to brunch with my mom and had a blast. Sometimes you need that bonding time to just have fun and be girly. <3

    Kristen @ Your Beauty Fix

  5. Wow the whole event looks amazing. I've been travelling a lot so that's been my highlight for the summer

  6. Great post!
    Let's keep in touch/ want to follow each other?

  7. You and your mom looks so happy, Shannon. So nice that you had such a great and fun time together.


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