Tuesday, June 16, 2015

i am on the brink of the great waters.

Phew! Things have been crazy lately. In between the regular day-to-day stuff, there are wedding plans, an endless amount of packing, and even a bit of travel. Okay....I didn't manage to jet off somewhere warm and exotic. My parents did take me to Niagara Falls (USA and the Canadian side as well) for three days. They wanted to have one last trip before I get married. Which was super sweet. If not a bit tricky to work into my jam-packed schedule.

My mom had big plans for this mini-getaway. It started very early on Friday morning. We loaded up the car and drove to Niagara Falls. Then we crossed the border in the USA - to shop of course! We headed to Target and followed it up with a trip to the outlet mall. My dad wandered around while my mom and I went from store to store. The truth? I am really trying to cut back on my spending. So, an afternoon of shopping was not as exciting as it used to be. Sigh! Despite this, I picked up a couple of things from Target, Marshalls, and even a little something from Michael Kors.

Afterwards, we drove back to Niagara Falls, Canada and checked into the hotel. The view from our room was awesome! You could see the falls and the rest of Clifton Hill. It was pretty great. Then we did a bit of wandering and went to The Rainforest Cafe for dinner. Needless to say, it was a busy but fun day. Here are a few pictures from day one of the trip!

Day two was by far the most exciting. Why? We went to Marine Land! This was actually the whole reason for the trip. My family and I went there when my siblings and I were young - and I always said how much I wanted to go again. So my dad decided to deliver on his promise to take me back. It was a really fun day. We watched the show with the sea lions, beluga whales, dolphins, and walruses! Then we wandered to the other marine exhibits, went on rides, played at the arcade, and did a bit of souvenir shopping.

The highlight of the day? Getting to touch and feed a beluga whale. Honestly, that is one of the coolest things I have ever done in my life. It was absolutely amazing to be so close to such a beautiful animal. My mom got to feed the beluga whale, too. Such an awesome experience. During the day, I also fed some deer - though that was less exciting. They knocked the food right out of my hand!

Overall, Marine Land was really fun. (Even if I did get a little sunburned.) After spending most of the day there, we grabbed some food, spent some time checking out the attractions on Clifton Hill and did some more shopping. Here are some of the pictures from day two.....

Day three was the last we spent in Niagara Falls. It was only a half day. We slept in until check out before heading out for a light lunch. Then it was time for mini put! There was a dinosaur themed mini put place on the hill....so we went there and played a round. I came in last. Sigh! Afterwards, we walked down to see the falls. Then it was time to hit the road. The drive felt long - but it was nice to get back home again. 

It was a nice trip - and it was good to get away from things for a while. Niagara Falls is a really great place to visit! Now it is back to reality. Deadlines, work, packing, and all the rest. 

Have you ever been to Niagara Falls? 

xo Shannon


  1. O wow , looks like you had a blast.


  2. It's on my bucket list to visit! How sweet that your parents wanted to take you away one last time. I love that.


  3. Awww how sweet of your parents, Shannon, I am sure you had the time of your life. Cool pics, btw.

  4. Great photos

    New post :

  5. It seemed like you had lots of fun...i love the dolphins so cute


  6. Oh baby! didn't know you're getting married soon! so great news! <3 I'm so happy for you <3 congrats sweetie!! <3

    Beautiful pics!

    Lots of love,
    Sonya - www.vivalaohlala.es

  7. What a wonderful trip, I would love to visit and I love dolphins :) Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion blog

  8. Amazing pics and great trip... lucky you!!!!
    xo Paola
    My Facebook

  9. Such a wonderful trip!
    And you have a great blog, I am following you now.


    Rue de Tres Chic

  10. Amazing pictures! I would love to see Niagara falls!! :)



  11. I've always wanted to go there! Great pics. :)

    xo - Sheila

  12. what a great place to visit

    D-1 Monoism ID

  13. I so want to visit Marine Land! (Or any underwater parks, or aquariums, because my sad 17 year old ass has not set foot in any before, sigh) Hope you had a wonderful time! <3

    May x • THE MAYDENbloglovin'

  14. That is very sweet of your parents. I haven't been to the Falls but going through your pictures I may have to plan a trip soon. You look stunning in the pics btw.

  15. Such great places to visit :) Good luck on your wedding, and you have the sweetest and loving parents.

    Aimee Bustillo | http://aimeebustillo.blogspot.com

  16. Nice!
    follow to follow?
    let me know!

  17. ...wow...magic place :)...I love dolphins!!!
    beautylove le mie follie

  18. Aaaaw....how awesome are your parents:) And OMG! I can't believe I've never been to Marineland considering how close it is to us! My kids have been asking to go, esp. since we see that commercial all the time:D Maybe, this year....TY for sharing these pics, Shannon.:)


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