Tuesday, April 28, 2015

YouTube: Before and After - Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer

Guess what? Another video is up! Hard to believe but this is now my fifth video on YouTube. I feel a huge sense of pride about each and every video I have posted. Even though I am still finding my footing…. I really love doing this. In fact, I already have a massive list of video ideas for the months to come. It’s just a matter of finding time in my schedule to film. (Easier said than done when there are always people around!)

My latest is all about the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer. This is one of my all-time favourite beauty products. Especially once spring and summer roll around. This moisturizer is by far the best gradual tanner on the market. It creates gorgeous glowing skin – without any streaks or unnatural looking areas. It is so easy to apply, too! No wonder I keep coming back to it each and every time the sun starts shining.

Me personally? I am really pale. I mean, really pale. I often struggle to find foundations light enough for my skin. (Anyone else deal with this problem? So annoying!) In the past I tried other self-tanning products but they all made my skin look a little more orange than tan. Not with the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer! I just love the way it looks. This is seriously a confidence boost in a bottle.

Want to find out more about the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer? My latest YouTube video is a review – and a before and after of the product in action. If you can, please take a look, comment, like, and subscribe! 

Spring is here. And so is my tan! I couldn’t be happier with the way this product delivers. Year after year I find myself stocking up and re-applying. It is affordable, effective, and easy to use. What more could I possibly ask for? Be sure to check out the creation of beauty is art. YouTube channel to find out more and to check out my other videos!

Do you use self-tanners? Which is your favourite?

xo Shannon


  1. Lovely ^^

    I'm following you. Follow back? (you don't need to comment my post)

  2. The Make up is so nice!
    It looks very nice :)

    Love ♥

  3. Wow, what a difference! You look gorgeous in both pics, but you definitely suit a tan - what a lovely glow! <3

    I have a new post on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  4. Wow it does work wonders on you and gives your skin a great glowing complextion!!

  5. You're really glowing in picture 2, lokking good! ;)


  6. The difference is incredible! As a fellow very pale person I'll be giving this a try :)


  7. i LOVE that you're doing videos now. I'm getting more and more encouraged to just try to do more of my own.....but in the mean time i can live vicariously through you lol

    Amanda | feast.fashion.faves

  8. Oh my goodness you have the perfect glow!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  9. I'm so happy to see another video from you, and you did such an amazing job! Very helpful and informative. I love how glowy and gradient your skin looks.. and definitely not orange unlike other self-tanning products.. I'm glad it worked so great with your skintone :) It's so radiant!

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

  10. you are beautiful! I will go to see the video! kiss

  11. Congrats on the 5th video, Shannon. Great job, you go girl! Well I face the very same problem, I always have trouble to find the right light shade, most of the time the lightest one is still too dark or yellowish for me, however after all these years I manage to just mix the right shade for my skin, means I usually mix up to three different shade, the one I really can recommend when you are as pale as I am is Max Factor #1 light, that shade is even a little bit too light for me so it's ideal for mixing. Sorry didn't meant to write a book, lol. Anyway I don't use self tanners, they always turn out orange or yellow on me, so I'd rather be pale, lol.

  12. I have been looking for a tinted moisturizer and this might be the answer to my question. Thanks for sharing the reviews of it. It looks great on your skin.

    Have a good day

    ~ Seepz


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