Monday, November 17, 2014

love is the flower you've got to let grow.

Something exciting? The fact that Flower Beauty is now in Canada. For the last year or two, I have been hearing all about Drew Barrymore's makeup line. I watched beauty gurus swatch, rave, and fall in love. I read blog posts dedicated to her latest venture. All the while, I wished the product were sold outside of the England. Finally that day has come. It happened a few short weeks ago. I was walking through my local Wal-Mart store and bam! An entire display of products. Now, there wasn't a ton to choose from. And it wasn't the full collection.....but it was something.

The display was stocked with lip crayons, nail polish, and most importantly, cream eyeshadows. Rather than go overboard and buy a little bit of everything - I limited myself to one item. My choice? A cream eyeshadow. Most of the shade options were fairly neutral (shimmery white, cream, grey, and so on). So, I opted for a bronzey shade simply because I adore bronze eyeshadow colours. The colour was Flirty Floret.

I have tried quite a few cream shadows in the past. A lot of the time, they are good to use as a base - but need to be layered with a powder shadow to really get the pigmentation and staying power. Not this product! The colour is so bold! A little goes a very long way. You don't need to add on a powder shadow for the colour to be noticeable. Plus, the cream shadow lasts all day. And I do mean all day! I applied it in the morning, made it through a day of work, an afternoon of laundry and tidying up, and an evening of writing and blogging. No creasing, smudging, or faded colour. It was fantastic!

In fact, it was so fantastic that I had to curb my shopaholic tendencies. Sine a lot of the other available shades are things I already have in my collection, I'm not letting myself buy them all. But that is awfully challenging. The packaging is so pretty and the product is incredible. Ready to see the makeup look I created with my first Flower Beauty purchase?

One thing is clear: Flower Beauty was worth the wait. I am so glad that the products are finally being sold in my country. Here is hoping that over the coming months, we get more products from the line. High-quality for a drugstore price. You just can't beat that!

Have you tried anything from Flower Beauty? Were you impressed with the products?

xo Shannon


  1. the colour is so wonderful :)
    xx Katha

  2. Glamorous shade!

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  3. OMG Shannon, that eyeshadow is seriously gorgeous! <3

  4. great color! perfect for autumn x

  5. I had never heard of this brand but its a fantastic color indeed! Looks amazing on you!
    June Wants It All

  6. Perfect color <3 Lovely post..Keep In touch dear..hugs
    rampdiary / My art Blog / Beauty and fashion Blog

  7. Lovely color! I like cream eyeshadows, I just cannot get them to stay on there longer! :)

  8. Such a nice choice of colour!
    I love the intro so much because I am a flower addict! Keep posting!

    I can rock any outfits, come follow my online diary

  9. They look surprisely yummy but very chic!


  10. It looks gorgeous, what a beautiful colour definitely worth the wait haha!

    Wish they stocked her range in the UK!

    Gabby xo

    Blog - What She Buys / Instagram / Twitter

  11. Really pretty, super make-up :)

    Brina xoxo, SweetStyle

  12. This eyeshadow looks amazing on you! So pretty! Wow! Thank you for stopping by!

    Evi xoxo

    The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

  13. I love the color! It's so great:)

  14. Fantastic!
    New post from me: let me know what you think! If you want to follow my blog! Kisses!

  15. Wow, that rich brown looks stunning on you.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  16. perfect for autumn! :) ♡

  17. wow the result is amazing!! great choice:)
    check my blog,I'm following u now!

    Patchwork à Porter

  18. Adorable. Wish to get such a beautiful make-up!!!



  19. fantastic !

  20. Oh wow Shannon! You are soooooo beautiful and this cream eyeshadow is stunning! *__* Perfect for this season

  21. oh wow this is amazing!

  22. Fantastic eyewear! I've haven't tried Drew's line yet but I will most definitely have to.


  23. That eyeshadow look fantastic! I loved it, hope that flower beauty starts worldwide shipping soon:)

  24. We have not tried Flower Beauty yet but we have to say that this shadow looks amazing on you. It's like she created it just for you. :-)

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings


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