Thursday, January 30, 2014

just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive.

Any Pretty Little Liars fans out there? Then you probably want to get yourselves to Aeropostale pretty soon! I don't usually shop there, but when I saw the window display of PLL clothes, I couldn't resist! Why? I am totally addicted to that show. Love, love, love everything about it. Right now, Aeropostale is selling an outfit inspired by each of the characters, so of course, I bought Hanna's dress.

When I got to the check out, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a free "LIARS UNITE" t-shirt. It is a super comfy and cute t-shirt. Since I have been wearing this t-shirt an awful lot lately, I thought that I would do a quick makeup look of the day featuring my "LIARS UNITE" shirt! When I was deciding what to do with my makeup, I was really inspired by the darker tone of the show....which you'll probably be able to tell!

Ready to take a peek at my Pretty Little Liars shirt and makeup? Here goes!

Products Used: Too Faced The Return of Sexy Palette, MUA Black Eyeliner, Maybelline Stain Gloss in Blissful Brown, NARS Deep Throat blush, Rimmel Stay Clean Foundation.

There you have Pretty Little Liars inspired look. I may not look quite like Hanna, but hey, maybe someday!

What do you think of this makeup look? Who is your favourite PLL character?

xo Shannon


  1. I love Pretty Little Liars! So addicting. My favorites are Spencer and Hanna. Aria is too clueless at times and Emily has been so angry lately that I can't deal with her. Your makeup looks gorgeous and I love the Liars Unite shirt. I'm definitely going to have to check out Aeropostale. Such a cute idea to have outfits inspired by each character. Thanks for sharing.

    Peace & Love
    Crystal @ YA Society

  2. I love PLL :) I saw they would have some PLL pieces in Aero, I musttt go check it out!
    I love your makeup by the way, looks incredible.


  3. Love this show, but had no idea about a line. Wish I didn't find out though hahaha since I am in Oz so...


  4. Pretty Little Liars is so addicting, you're right! It's smart to have created a fashion line, because their style is so cute.

  5. LOVE your makeup!! You're so pretty!
    Cool shirt :)

  6. Amazing make-up, as usual!!!!!!!!!!
    Lovely tee!!!
    Happy friday!

  7. lovely make up!! if u want, can we follow each other.. i found your space very intresting :) let me know it in my blog :)

  8. I need to watch that show and am curious to see your dress!
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  9. Wow, your makeup looks gorgeous girl! That dark smoky eye is amazing! Love your pretty little liars tee too! I need to get on board with that show already! :)

  10. loved ur look shannon
    and ur tee also

  11. I love PLL..Hanna is my favorite but I wouldn't mind Emily's look- such a pretty liar. You look great btw- your make up is Spencer

  12. I know it should be all about the makeup(which does look flawless as always!) but I really love your hair in this look! It looks super natural but really glamorous too :)

    Laura x

  13. Nice tee and great make-up. PLL is great tv series. :)
    I´d be glad if you enter on my Giveaway

  14. Your make up is gorgeous, you look flawless ! I have the return of sexy palette but I don't use it much, now you made me want to use it again ! I have heard wonders about PLL but I haven't started watching yet ! Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies
    Fashion and Cookies on Facebook

  15. uuuh yea, totally guilty pleasure! The shirt looks great on you!

    Amanda |

  16. you are very pretty! love your hair and makeup :D

  17. Gorgeous make up. You have pretty eyes.


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