Thursday, April 24, 2014

life is like a camera: focus on what's important.

Now that the snow has gone and the sunshine is here to stay, I've been doing my best to get out there and have some fun. Luckily, there have been a few special events lately. In the last few weeks, I've gone to on a double date, went to see Downton Abbey exhibit, and saw The Wanted in concert. It's definitely been nice!

Since these experiences have been so wonderful, I thought I would share some of my pictures and stories. To start with, here is a peek at the outfit and makeup I wore on a double date. My boyfriend and I went to dinner and to see Captain America with some friends. It was a lot of fun! I was inspired by the warm weather so I chose a blue striped maxi dress, a knitted shawl, and some loose curls. For makeup, I stuck with some pretty neutrals. (Thanks, Naked 3 palette!)

Next up was a Downton Abbey exhibit in Toronto. My mom and I went together - and it was a good day. We grabbed lunch, went shopping, looked at all of the Downton costumes, took a tour of the Spadina Museum, and went to dinner. It was a jam-packed day, but it was a lot of fun, too. Seeing the costumes in person was really cool. We are both huge fans of the show, so it was a memorable experience.

And lastly, The Wanted concert. My friend bought the tickets for my birthday and finally the concert date rolled around. I had been looking forward to this one for ages. It was a really fun night! My friend and I did a bit of shopping beforehand and then had a total blast at the concert. The opening acts were great and The Wanted was even better. It was so great to see them perform one more time.

So, that is a little peek at some of the more memorable moments lately. It's been really nice to have those fun days to kind of balance out everything else. I hope the rest of spring is just as wonderful!

What have you been up to lately?

xo Shannon


  1. Looks like you've had a wonderful time. I love your both of your make up looks, super pretty! xx

    Adventures of an Anglophile

  2. Very cute outfits. You have the most gorgeous eyes!

    Simply Summer

  3. Love your concert look and photos. Looks like you had a blast .

  4. sounds like you had so much fun ! Wish I was there to see them in concert too :( Look lovely btw :) xxx

  5. you look beautiful..I love ur makeup..


    visit my blog..
    Centrum Style
    mdayomi Bloglovin

  6. You are so right...we all need balance and to have a little fun! Your makeup looks fabulous as always!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  7. Lovely post... your make up is very very nice!!! Congrat! Thank you for visiting my blog! Do you want to see my last post?

  8. You rock both outfits awesomely and I love the hair and makeup styling, you are so so pretty!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  9. love the dress! so pretty :)

  10. nice dress

  11. My first time here, you look amazing with straight hair :D I'm loving your blog <3

  12. Thank you for your comment. =)
    Beautiful photos.

  13. dang girl! you're on a roll, so many exciting events! And looking fab while attending them too :)

    I would love to visit the Downtown Abbey costume exhibit, I'm a sucker for costuming!

    And concert, so FUN!

    Amanda |


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