Friday, September 12, 2014

how you see yourself is how others will see you too.

If there are two things I love, they are: makeup and music. That is why I always get super excited when I come across makeup from Fergie's Wet n' Wild collection. I love her music and her style. Plus, I adore Wet n' Wild makeup. So, it's a win-win. We sometimes get a bit of her collection here in Canada, but not a whole lot. During my trip to Las Vegas, we stopped off at a Walgreens for a few random items. That is when I came across a bunch of Fergie makeup. How exciting! Our of everything, I chose Desert Festival from the Center Stage Collection.

What drew me to this particular palette? That red and orange shade! I don't have a lot of colours like that in my current makeup collection. I loved that they were such bold colours. They just made me super excited. In fact, I got so excited about this palette, that I started using it during my trip. Here is a closer look at the palette, along with some swatches:

So, what did I think of this palette? It is true love! In general, I adore the texture and pigmentation of Wet n' Wild eyeshadow shades. This one was no different. I was very pleased with the silky shadows and the colour payoff. Most of the shades are just beautiful. The only dud for me was that light brown shade. It doesn't work well as a highlight and it doesn't have enough colour to do much of anything. The other shades though? Gorgeous! My favourites are the red shade, that shimmery orange, and the brown colour in the middle. Fantastic colour payoff - and they create a gorgeous eye look.

This is the look that I created with this palette during my Vegas trip:

New makeup is always exciting.....and this eyeshadow palette from Fergie was no exception. I absolutely loved the colour selection, the pigmentation, and the texture. I only wish that I had a few more of these palettes to play around with!

What do you think of this makeup look? Do you have anything from Fergie's Center Stage Collection?

xo Shannon


  1. I was thinking of getting a red eyeshadow! But I wasn't sure how it would look on me haha. What lovely colors, they remind me of Arizona haha i don't know why, i've never been there. You look great, maybe I'll check out Fergie's collab with Wet 'n' Wild.

    Jen xx

  2. I think this might be a must try for me you're rockin' it!
    Kristin xx

  3. Wow, I love the makeup look! I was thinking that the colors were to bright but you made them work! :D

  4. Wonderful look dear. I love wet n wild eyeshadows too. Walking on eggshell is my fav :)

  5. I don't own anything of the collection but you created a beautiful look Shannon! Gorgeous!

  6. ;)


    Ótimo sábado, Shannon!

    Beijo! ^^

  7. Omg!! Very nice colors, in love!!
    I am trying to use more red colors, and this one is amazing!

  8. Great work . Gorgeous makeup !!! :)

    Visit my blog and enter giveaway :

  9. Shannon, you look so beautiful with this make up! Your eyes are always so stunning and I really wish I could pull off a bit of red shades on my eyes, but it does not work on me. :( Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  10. Love the palette's show-stopping colors!! Looks amazing on you!

    Amanda |

  11. Gorgeous eye makeup, Shannon! I love the red and orange too :)


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