Thursday, October 12, 2017

brand love: clinique (moisture surge collection + gift bag goodies)

As hard as it is to believe.....winter is not too far away. I know, I know! It's a scary though. Right now the fall weather is starting to kick in and the temperatures are dropping fast. For me, that means one thing: dry skin. This is something I deal with on a regular basis but once the fall and winter months arrive, it becomes so much worse. That means I really need to be proactive when it comes to skin care. All I can say is thank goodness for Clinique! This is easily one of my favourite brands, thanks to their Moisture Surge line of products.

Recently, there was a promotion happening at a nearby department store counter where you spend over $30 and receive a bunch of free Clinique samples. Always a good thing. My plan was to pick up a new Moisture Surge lotion but they actually had a gift set available that was too good to pass up. It included a full-sized moisture surge, the moisture surge overnight mask, the moisture surge concentrate serum, and a bonus chubby stick in Woppin Watermelon. It is a great collection of products that will definitely keep my skin hydrated for the next several months. And the coloured lip balm was a great bonus, since I am a total sucker for comfortable and easy-to-wear lip products.

Then there were all of the gifts with purchase. It included a pink, orange, and white makeup bag (the Clinique makeup bags are some of my all-time favourites and I use them all the time) and a great selection of both makeup and skin care products. Take a look....

Inside the little gift bag was a miniature moisture surge lotion, the dramatically different lotion, a mini eyeshadow and blush, a small bottle of their Clinique Happy perfume, a high impact mascara, and a chubby stick in the shade mega melon. As you can see from the picture above, this was a great add on - and made the purchase a total steal. I love that there was a variety of products here, from skin care to fragrance, and makeup.

Everything that was included in the gift bag and the Moisture Surge collection is stellar. These are high-quality products that work well and are great for everyday. Plus, they will be saving my skin all fall and winter long.

Something else I have been loving lately? The Urban Decay Moondust palette. It doesn't matter what season it is...glitter is on my radar. Check out the palette, swatches, and my full review on Mansa Fashion. YouTube!

Do you use Clinique products? What are your fall and winter must haves?

xo Shannon


  1. Nice post

  2. These Clinique haul looks great:) I'm a huge fan of the line! I honestly think it's one of the most underrated brands out there Both their skin care and makeup are pretty fab IMO.:)

  3. I would also take that deal if I came across it. It seems really worth it!

    Joy to the World

  4. This review is so great. i love clinique products. so good.

  5. Nice! Great review, dear. I really like your blog. Check out mine:

    Carstvo zapisanih misli

    and if you want us to follow each other, let me know on my blog. :)

    Kisses! <3

  6. Great post dear:)
    Have a nice weekend!

  7. Clinique is one of my favourite brand for the skin care. At the moment I'm using the Repairwear Laser Focus for eyes and I think it's wonderful.
    I love glitters!!! The Moondust palette is gorgeous. Is a limited?

  8. Omg love it. Follow back?

  9. I love clinique! great post shannon! thank you for all the love you continue to show me!!


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