Thursday, March 16, 2017

inspired by: kim kardashian's snapchat makeup

It isn't too often that something really catches my attention on Snapchat. Sure, I love to follow my favourite celebrities and see what they're up to. But it's not often that I bother to screenshot something. But then a little while back, Kim Kardashian posted the makeup look, shown above. It immediately took my breath away. There was something about the bright colours and that ultra contoured face that just struck me. I knew right away that I wanted to try to re-create the look for myself. 

My reasoning? To follow through with some of my beauty resolutions. One of them was to be more adventurous when it comes to makeup. There are certain types of looks that I love to do - and wear often. But I want to continue to grow, learn, and sharpen my skills. That means continuing to try new things and really get out of my comfort zone. This Kim Kardashian Snapchat makeup seemed like the perfect place to start. It was full of bold, mermaid-like colours. What could be better than that? 

So...without further ado. Here is my version of this ultra bold, glamorous, and bright makeup look. Definitely let me know what you think of it. 

It can be a lot of fun to get creative and do something different. Being playful with colour is something that is constantly on my to-do list...and this Kim Kardashian makeup look was a great place to start. 

What do you think of this makeup look? Do you like to wear bright colours?

xo Shannon


  1. Interesting look. I looks better on you than on KK, maybe because of the hair color. :)

    Kathy's delight / Instagram

  2. Nice make up

  3. Love this look! I think this is a great look for spring and a great way to try something different!

  4. I am in love with the shades!

  5. Lovely. Will this look be beautiful in beaches?


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