Monday, March 6, 2017

madonna week: style highlights

Few are as iconic (or memorable) as Madonna. It was a while back now, but a friend and I were watching the music video for "Bitch I'm Madonna," and waxing poetic about her career, her strong character, and of course, her incredible sense of style. Needless to say, we were inspired. That is when my friend suggested that I dedicate an entire week of posts to the incomparable Madonna. Genius! Finally, I have been able to sit down and create some pop-icon themed posts. Today's is all about her bold fashion choices.

If there is one thing Madonna is known for (apart from her music career) it has to be her style. Over the years, she has worn every possible combination of pieces. From bangles and bracelets to leather jackets, oversized suits, metallic leotards, country chic ensembles, and wild over the top creations....there is nothing this iconic singer has not strutted her stuff in. For me? This is a huge source of inspiration. I find these days, people like the idea of having a specific type of style. You know, preppy, trendy, glamorous, and so on. Not me. I like to embrace different styles on different days. It all depends on how I feel and what my current inspirations are.

On that is an outfit I created that was inspired by the one and only Madonna.

Still searching for more Madonna inspiration? Never fear. Here are a few of her most unforgettable outfits. Be sure to let me know which one is your personal favourite!

So there it is. The first post in my Madonna week series. Expect some exciting Madonna themed posts in the days to come! Expect to see quotes and even a love it or leave it featuring this incredible artist and pop culture icon.

Which outfit is your favourite? Who inspires your style?

xo Shannon


  1. Nice post great post

  2. Great post and nice pics selection

  3. Love Madonna. She's definitely an inspiration!

  4. Love how 80's glam is back with a vengeance! Madonna still KILLS it!
    Thank you for visiting babe- Hope to see you back for my latest!

    Xx- Julie | Haute Khuuture Blog


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