Tuesday, February 28, 2017

koko kollection by kylie cosmetics (review and swatches)


The Kardashians are high up on my list of loves. More specifically, Khloe Kardashian. I am a huge fan of her personality (she is bold, outspoken, and passionate), style (figure hugging bodysuits, distressed jeans, and massive hoops earrings), and talents (her book has been a big source of inspiration to me and she is a serious fitness queen). When Kylie Cosmetics announced the Koko Kollection - inspired by none other than Khloe Kardashian - I was desperate to get my hands on it.

I did....but it took a while. The first time the collection went on sale, it sold out before I could get to the checkout page. I had all but given up hope when an unexpected restock gave me a glimmer of hope. This time, I was ready. I hit refresh over and over until the kit was officially up for grabs. I rushed to the checkout page and waited with baited breath for it to load. Would I get it? Would the page time out? It was agonizing. Then, success! The KoKo Kollection was officially on the way.

Less than a week later, it arrived. Inside were three liquid lipsticks and one lip gloss with Khloe inspired names: Khlo$, Okurrr, Gorg, and Damn Gina. With so much buzz surrounding this limited edition Kylie Cosmetics collection, there is just one question to answer: did it meet expectations? Here is everything you need to know about the KoKo Kollection.

As I mentioned already, there were three liquid lipsticks and one gloss. The liquid lipsticks included Khlo$ (a peachy nude shade), Okurrr (a vibrant fuchsia), and Gorg (a deep plumb). Then there was the Poppin Gloss in the shade, Damn Gina (a sparkly pink gloss). The swatches below will give you a better idea of the colours themselves.

Left to Right:
Khlo$, Gorg, Okurrr, and Damn Gina.

These liquid lipsticks not only swatched well but they lasted. In fact, after taking that picture above, Ia attempted to remove the swatches. Nope! I tried two different makeup removers and even had a shower but the stain remained. For two days. Needless to say, the liquid lipsticks have some seriously stellar staying power. On the lips, they last all day without needing to be touched up. (The deeper shades actually stain the lips a little bit. So even when you take them off, your lips will likely hold onto a bit of the pigment. That can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your preferences!) The gloss is pretty but does not have the same kind of longevity, which is to be expected. 

Now for the colours themselves. Talk about love! Each one has a special place in my heart. I love the vampiness of Gorg (which makes it a great fall shade), the bold and bright Okurrr (flawless for spring and summer), and the pretty shimmer that Damn Gina provides. Without a doubt, my favourite shade is Khlo$. The peachy nude is dramatic but not too over the top. It is easy to wear and looks great with literally any makeup look. It is the one I have been reaching for over and over again. 

Next up? The packaging. This is something that Kylie Cosmetics excels at. They have a way of making each order feel special. There was a cute little "handwritten" note from Kylie inside, along with the actual lipsticks. The KoKo Kollection came in a small white box with elegant writing on the front. The lipsticks themselves have a gorgeous gold finish. Everything about it screams glamour. 

The last thing to discuss is comfort. I am not one to put up with a lip product that is uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form. I simply do not have the patience for a high maintenance lippie! Thankfully, these are totally effortless. While they do not provide a ton of hydration, they aren't uncomfortably dry either. I don't have to put a chap stick or lip balm over top - which is something I do on a regular basis. They are definitely comfortable and easy to wear. 

Yes, the KoKo Kollection definitely met my expectations. The colours are beautiful, the pigmentation is intense, they have incredible longevity, and are comfortable to wear. I am in love! 

Have you tried any of these shades? Do you like Kylie Cosmetics?

xo Shannon


  1. The lipsticks looks amazing! I'm impressed!
    Following you from now on. Hoping you will follow me too. :)

    Kathy's delight / Instagram

  2. Love it! Amazing colors! :)

  3. Kuddos for getting your hands on it! It sounds awesome. I really want to try her metallic lip called 'Reign.' These colors are beautiful and this review is so helpful!

  4. I wish I could afford myself anything Kylie launches, but sadly I still can't. :(
    These swatches are great, may you happily use those lipsticks. <3



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