Friday, June 9, 2017

new in from hard candy: metal eyes and wet ever

It is impossible to resist Hard Candy. They are one of the few makeup brands that is consistently putting out new products...and always keeps up to date with the hottest makeup trends. Think about it. They were the first drugstore brand to offer bold lipstick shades (like blue, yellow, and black), along with strobing sets, and affordable contour kits. While not every product is amazing, there are more hits than misses. This explains why whenever there are new products available from Hard Candy, I simply have to try them for myself.

The most recent? The Look Pro! Metal Eyes Chrome Eyeshadow Kit and the Wet Ever Bold Hold Lip Lacquer. Both products immediately intrigued me. I am a sucker for any sort of kit from Hard Candy (they have some amazing ones, like their eyeshadow kits and the strobing kit) and I loved the idea of a glossy lip lacquer. What can I say? I am a makeup junkie at its finest. Here is a closer look at the two items that were added to my makeup collection.

Look Pro! Metal Eyes Chrome Eyeshadow Kit. Out of the two products, I was most excited about this one. My hope was that it would produce a bold eye look, with tons of shimmer and colour payoff. It didn't. At all. This comes with four baked shadows (silver, brown, gold, and maroon), a brush, a mixing well, a setting spray liquid, and an eyeshadow pencil. According to the instructions, you are supposed to dip your brush into the eyeshadow, mix the shadow with the liquid, and apply it to the eyelids. Only problem? There is zero colour payoff at all. It was a struggle to get anything to show up using the wet technique. In order to create any sort of makeup look, I used the shadows dry and built up the colour for ages. Honestly, this is so bad, I am tempted to throw it away. Yes. It is that awful. The only good thing about this set is the eyeliner. It is shockingly creamy and pigmented.

Wet Ever Bold Hold Lip Lacquer in Genius. Now for the lip product. This came in a little metal tin, much like some of their other liquid lipsticks. My love of those (both the regular formula and the metallic formulas) made me absolutely certain that the Wet Ever line would knock my socks off. did and it didn't. The colour Genius is absolutely stunning. I love it so much. It has a very 90s feel to it, which is perfect in my opinion. This is very pigmented and has great staying power. The only snag? This feels quite sticky on the lips. If you are like me and hate anything sticky or tacky, skip the Wet Ever line completely. That stickiness does not fade as the day goes on. Alas!

I tried to create a look using both of these products but it didn't turn out all that well. I suppose that is what happens when you are struggling to make eyeshadow shades work! Hopefully the makeup look will give you a better idea of how these products perform....

Not every Hard Candy product is a winner. Sadly, these were a serious disappointment given their names, claims, and packaging. The good news? It won't be long until this brand has another makeup item on the shelves....and I'll be first in line to try it.

What do you think of these products? Are you a fan of Hard Candy?

xo Shannon


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