Thursday, June 22, 2017

work. travel. save. repeat.

Phew! Time flies when you are having fun. In some ways, it seems like my vacation just started....and in other ways, it feels like forever ago since I left. This road trip was by far the longest vacation that I have ever taken. (Usually they are a week, max.) It was two and a half weeks of the open road, theme parks, and family time. Honestly? It is a little weird being home again. Though it is certainly a relief to be back in my own little space.

This post is nothing more than a quick hello from me. I got in yesterday afternoon and since then, have done little but sleep, sleep, and sleep some more. It always amazes me how exhausted a vacation can make you feel! Tomorrow, I start back at work....which will definitely be a struggle. Can't say I am looking forward to that. Ahh well, back to reality!

Expect a full recap of my vacation highlights in the next little while. I'll be sharing photos, stories, and of course, a haul of the items that came home with me. I will also be getting caught up on reading all of your lovely blogs while I'm at it. So, you will likely see me commenting here and there.

What have you been up to lately?

xo Shannon

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I'm finally back to catching up on blogs and posting as well. I can't wait to see photos and read about your trip!


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