Sunday, September 24, 2017

first impressions: fenty beauty by rihanna

It has been a while since a new makeup line has created a massive amount of buzz. For the last while, Sephora has been full of the same old brands with their usual offerings of beauty products and skin care items. While there is always tons to choose from....there hasn't been anything super exciting in a while. I'm talking line-ups, crowds, and tons of anticipation. Until Fenty Beauty arrived, that is. The new makeup brand, created by Rihanna, is shaking up the beauty industry.

What makes it so unique? There is a massive shade selection for foundations, with a whopping forty options to choose from. That makes it far easier for people of all skin colours and undertones to find the perfect match. In addition to the huge selection of foundations, there are highlight and contour sets, powder highlights, blushes, makeup brushes, and more. It is certainly an impressive start.

On a trip to Sephora during a VIB Rouge event, my mom and I were able to check out the line for ourselves. (After making our way through the ultra crowded aisles.) While there was a lot to choose from....I started with the gold highlight, Trophy Wife. Plus, I was able to pick up a sample pack of the primer and foundations. So, today I wanted to share my Fenty Beauty first impressions with you.

Fenty Beauty Primer and Foundation. 

Honestly, I was super excited to get this little trial set of the primer and foundations. Mostly because I really wanted to find out if these were something worth purchasing in the future. (I have dry skin and a lot of higher end brands wind up looking cakey and heavy on me.) The primer was very smooth and gave a nice even finish. It wasn't too heavy or oily which was great. While I liked it....I can't see myself buying a full-sized version. It just isn't different enough from the primers already in my collection. 

As for the foundations...these I like. None of the shades in the trial set actually matched my skin but since there is such an extensive selection of shades, I am not worried about finding the right one. This is medium coverage, easy to blend, and long-wearing. Plus, it doesn't look heavy or unnatural on the skin. It would definitely work well for people with oily to normal.

Fenty Beauty Trophy Wife Highlight.

Ahh, Trophy Wife. This was the first item from the line that caught my eye. I'd never seen a gold highlight before and was instantly drawn to that bold metallic shade. I simply had to swatch it. And when I was just as glorious as I'd hoped. Smooth, pigmented, and oh so sparkly. It is fabulous. My only concern? How would it look on the skin? It can be hard to wear such a bold metallic on the cheeks. However, my concerns were unfounded. 

I was shocked to discover that this highlight is super natural looking on the skin. It offers a subtle sheen of gold - but can be built up to look more intense. This product can also be worn in many different ways. The gold is quite versatile because in addition to working well as a highlight, it can also be applied on the eyelids (for a fun pop of gold shimmer) or brow bone. Versatile, beautiful, and easily a standout from her collection. 

As you can see from the picture above, the products look really wonderful. The foundation offers nice coverage and a natural finish, while Trophy Wife is a super gorgeous highlight that stands out in the best possible way. So far? I am a huge fan of Fenty Beauty. I can't wait to try out more from the line. 

Have you tried anything from Fenty Beauty? What do you think of it?

xo Shannon

Editing Note: Due to the fact that Rihanna provided a platform to an abusive man, I no longer support her work or brands. 


  1. I am super curious with this collection. Loved the post!

    New post:

    Xoxo ♥

  2. I've heard so much about Fenty Beauty! I think it's amazing but I still need to try it! Amazing post! I follow you on GFC! Hope you will visit my blog ♥

  3. such a great Post<3
    You have a lovely blog.
    I follow you now.
    Hope you follow back.

  4. I love the fact that she created something for every lady out there but unfortunately am not a fan of makeup

    Glowyshoes's blog

  5. i am a big fun of it :D
    hope we can support each other :)

  6. ;)

    Esses produtos parecem ser muito bons!

    Ótima terça!

    Beijo! ^^

  7. beautiful post dear :)
    Kisses :)


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