Thursday, December 1, 2016

the december tag.

How incredible is that photo? I saw it and it absolutely took my breath away. It reminded me of how peaceful soft flakes of snow seem....and how wondrous the world can be. Somehow, it seemed like the perfect way to welcome in December. There is something exciting about the start of this month in particular. Being a total Christmas-a-holic it means that I can go into full blown Christmas mode (and no one can say a darn thing about it). It signals the start of family get togethers, parties, and a raft of other exciting events. To start it off on the right foot, I decided to do "The December Tag." I found this online a while back and bookmarked it for this occasion. So, here goes! 

Favourite Thing About December. There is no doubt about it. My favourite thing about this month is the build up to Christmas. I love spending time with loved ones, watching movies, and wrapping presents. It is the best time of year.

Your Most Cherished Tree Ornament. Something I love? Decorating the Christmas tree. Sure, it's a huge pain to lug everything out, unbox all of the decorations, and fiddle with hooks and wires. But when it is all done? The beauty of that tree makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's hard to choose my favourite ornament (because I have an awful lot of them) but I think it is one of a dollhouse. It lights up inside and I've had it since I was a little girl. 

Must Have December Accessories. Hats, gloves, and scarves are important. Especially once the temperatures drop lower and lower. But even more important? The wintery accessories I wear throughout the month. I'm talking snowflake earrings, Christmas charm bracelets, tree shaped necklaces, and candy cane rings. Oh yeah. Tacky is my middle name come December! I love holiday themed jewellery - along with novelty t-shirts and ugly Christmas sweaters. 

Easiest Person To Shop For. This is a tricky question. I don't find anyone particularly easy to shop for. Probably because I desperately want to find the perfect gift. I want my loved ones feel appreciated. So, I have a habit of shopping even after I am done shopping. I add and add and add until I feel good about the selection of gifts I have for them. 

Wrapping Paper or Paper Bags? Absolutely, wrapping paper. Ever since I was a little kid, I have loved wrapping and unwrapping presents. I used to tear into packages with reckless abandon. Now? I absolutely love to wrap up gifts in festive paper. It is fun, relaxing, and rewarding. 

Favourite Holiday Scents. Oh, December smells make me giddy. Visiting Leyland & Bodyworks in December usually proves to be a dangerous activity. I just love those warm, sweet scents! Like gingerbread, marshmallow, sugar cookies, vanilla, and peppermint. I have a ton of scented candles out and ready to go at all times.

Best Stocking Stuffer To Receive. Stockings are always an exciting part of the Christmas festivities. I love buying people little stocking stuffers and I love to receive them, too. My favourite things to get are cheesy holiday themed items. Like Santa Claus Pez dispensers and stuffed elves. Anything fun and themed is good with me.

December is here. The month ahead is sure to be full of fun, excitement, and some seriously amazing moments. I cannot wait! 

In other latest YouTube video for Mansa Fashion. is up now. It is a long overdue birthday haul. Please take a look....and like, comment, and subscribe if you get a chance.

Are you excited about December?

xo Shannon 


  1. Per me dicembre rappresenta sopprattutto il Natale, che fin da bambina ho sempre adorato.

  2. I think that this is a very creative idea to write about... I'm so sorry, but I haven't watched the video, but I promise I will a little bit later...

  3. nice post :)
    Happy Sunday :)

  4. Yes, always wrapping paper! Wrapping gifts is usually one of my favorite parts about the season - I spend so much time perfecting it and coming up with a theme. Yay, December!


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