Wednesday, April 6, 2016

darling, i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

It is hard to believe....but I have not purchased a new perfume in months. Instead? I have been using what I own and doing my best to steer clear of the fragrance aisles. Difficult to do. Especially since I adore trying out (and getting inspired by) different scents. Out of all of my perfumes there are some that stand out among the rest. Like my Taylor Swift perfumes, for instance. Her first two are some of my most used. They are romantic, feminine, and whimsical. Perfect for date night. And actually....they are my husbands favourites. Every time I wear a Taylor Swift perfume, he says I smell nice. Every. Single. Time.

So perhaps it was not that surprising that he bought me her third perfume. It was to commemorate our anniversary (of when we started dating. Not our wedding anniversary!) and was totally unexpected. This was a few months ago now....but with spring here....I find myself reaching for this over and over again. It has become a serious spring obsession. The perfume in question? Incredible Things. Everything about it screams spring. From the scent itself to the bottle.

See? That bottle is nothing but not spring inspired. The cap is gold and has an intricate floral design. The bottle itself is white with a beautiful array of colours. Yellow, green, red, pink, and blue. It is absolutely gorgeous. Every time I look at it....I feel inspired by the season. Maybe that is why I continue to reach for it! My obsession with spring is real. (It felt like a very long winter. I am definitely ready for warm weather, cute clothes, and sunshine. Oh, and Taylor Swift perfume.) 

There is no doubt about it. The Incredible Things bottle is stunning. So....what about the scent? This is very different from her first two offerings. Those were subtle and sweet. Incredible Things is bolder. It is dynamic. Strong. Yet it still has this romantic and whimsical feel to it. It embodies all of the charm of the first two fragrances but kicked up a notch. This is decidedly more adult. It has a sophistication that cannot be ignored. That makes it perfect for an evening out, a meet up with friends, or a special occasion.

Spring is here. Thank goodness. Now that it is? Incredible Things is on my radar. This perfume has become one of my favourites. The bottle is gorgeous and the scent is breathtaking. What more could I possibly ask for? Taylor Swift is yet to disappoint on the fragrance front.

What do you think of this perfume? Have you tried it?

xo Shannon


  1. Very beautiful!

  2. Now I am curious about the scent. The first two ones are too sweet for my taste. Need to check this one out. You're right the packaging is just too cute. Happy date anniversary, Shannon.

  3. Lovely post dear. Have a great day and check my new post:)

  4. I don't buy perfume very often - in general I buy one and use that all the time, and sometimes to change I use one of my Chanel perfumes to have something a little different at times. Love the packaging of this perfume girl, it seems amazing!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  5. wow, great post!

  6. Ahh the packaging is so pretty! It almost looks like a watercolor to me. I never really think about perfumes! I always just get the cheap stuff at Leyland and Body Works, or whatever I can find. I'll have to remember this one. There's one from Victoria's Secret that I love called Noir Tease and that's pretty much my go to! :)

  7. Oh my this is such a cute packaging! totally inlove with it gorgeous! :) I'll definitely purchase this one :) thanks for sharing!

    xxRica |

  8. I haven't smelled this one yet but I deff want to try it now. The packaging in it is quite beautiful and that alone would sell me on it.

  9. great product. the ad is just beautiful.


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