Sunday, October 20, 2019

good? bad? hard candy fragrance mist set review

Did I need another fragrance mist set? Absolutely not. Did I buy another fragrance mist set? You bet. While I realize that my perfume collection is extensive (and more than any one person technically requires)...there is something so alluring about scents. They are magical. Meaningful. Memorable. I can still remember wearing certain perfumes for this special occasion or that exciting event. So many of my memories are tied to my shelves of perfume. That makes it especially challenging to pass by some new and potentially thrilling scents. A little while ago, I stumbled upon this fragrance mist set from Hard Candy. There were four bottles for a mere $10. How could I possibly pass up the chance to fall head over heels in love with a gorgeous new scent? If you are curious about this set, then keep reading. Here is everything you need to know.

I have written about Hard Candy an awful lot of times in the past. Why? The brand is accessible, affordable, and always has exciting new releases. Take this fragrance mist set as an example. It had a great price point, a variety of scents, and is easy to take with you, wherever you go. According to the brand, "these perfect travel size fragrance mists are ideal for tossing in your bag, or packing for your weekend getaway! These long lasting fragrances will leave your skin delicately scented all day long." They are 90mL each (hence them being travel friendly) and certainly have good longevity. The scents aren't too overpowering but stick around for a good chunk of the day. Personally, I think these are great for daytime use. I have been using them before work each day because they aren't super strong but still smell nice and fresh. They also last for most (if not all) of my workday.

Clearly, the size of the bottles is wonderful and the wear time is solid. How about the scents themselves? The set has four difference fragrance mists: Cherry Blossom Vibes, Sweet Strawberry Dream, Coconut Love, and Wild Peach Sweet. A couple of these were familiar to me. Last year, during the holiday season, Cherry Blossom Vibes and Coconut Love popped up in a few roller balls and mini bath sets. (I have the Coconut Love roller ball and always keep it in my purse, so I figured this set was worth a try for that scent alone!) Then there were two scents that I hadn't seen before.

The first, Cherry Blossom Vibes, is pleasant, floral, and warm. It is soft and just a little romantic as well. This is perfect for a lunch date or any time you want to feel pampered and pretty. Next up is Sweet Strawberry Dream. While I love almost anything strawberry scented, this one is only okay. It doesn't smell much like strawberry and instead has a somewhat soapy fragrance. Coconut Love, on the other hand, is a total winner. It is sweet but has that fabulous coconut scent as well. This is one that works for any occasion, both day and night. Finishing it all off is Wild Peach Sweet. Like strawberry, I am a total sucker for anything peach scented. This particular scent is pleasant but not all that peachy. Instead, it smells like candy. (Something I happen to enjoy....but it may not be everyone's cup of tea.) All in all, this is a bit of a mixed bag. A couple of the scents are fabulous, one is okay, and one is not that impressive. However, for $10 the set is certainly worth purchasing.

Have you tried any of these scents? Are you a fan of Hard Candy?


  1. great products!

  2. Oh that's a shame! Hopefully you can find something comparable.

  3. Great post. Thank you for sharing! :)New post  -   

  4. Thanks for the beautiful post!

    Have a nice day)  

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