Monday, March 18, 2019

makeup brush reviews (tarte and juicy couture)

I spend a lot of time talking about the fun stuff on here. Like eyeshadow, lipstick, and lashes. When it comes to the absolute essentials (like beauty tools), I admit they receive far less attention. Maybe because they aren't as exciting. I mean, a brush is a brush...right? Not exactly. Despite how important the basics are - how integral they are to the success of any makeup look - they tend to get overlooked. Well, not this time. A while back, I was given two different brush sets. One from Tarte and one from Juicy Couture. They were a welcome addition to my existing makeup brush collection (which you can see a bit of here). Want to know how they perform? Here is everything you need to know.

Juicy Couture: Gift Mug Set (6 Piece Brush Collection)

The first set has the cute factor on lock. This set came in a black mug with the words: Babe, Rise and Be Glamorous printed in gold along with the Juicy logo underneath. This is the mug that I've been using to hold some of my prettier makeup brushes lately. It's quite large, sturdy, and looks beautiful. Then there are the brushes themselves. The handles are hot pink and have the Juicy Couture logo printed on the side. Then there is a gold ferrule, along with white and pink synthetic bristles. Visually, they look gorgeous and have that fun flair I've come to expect from the brand. 

This six piece set has a larger blush brush, a foundation brush, a small flat brush (which works wonderfully when applying loose glitter), an angled brush, a small shadow brush, and a pencil brush. These brushes are on the smaller side which makes them a fabulous choice for either your purse or to take with you during travel. They also work well with a variety of different beauty products. From concealers to eyeshadows and even gel liners! That being said, I do wish there was at least one larger eyeshadow brush. Something with more bristles that would really be able to pack on shadow. The two eyeshadow brushes are smaller and would take a fair amount of patience to achieve a finished eye look. Overall, I am happy with this set. It looks pretty and there are some useful brushes. The compact size also makes this a great choice for vacations. 

Tarte: Minutes to Mermaid (5 Piece Brush Set)

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love a good gimmick. Anything that is fun or has lots of personality is up my alley. If it's mermaid themed? All the better. In the past, I've tried other items from the Tarte mermaid line. That includes the Be a Mermaid and Make Waves eyeshadow palette (be sure to check out my #FOTD and review). Very clearly, these brushes are beyond adorable. The bristles are a light purple, there is a golden ferrule, and the handles themselves are designed to look like a mermaid fin. I absolutely love that the handles are textured to feel like scales and the fact that the colours change from green to purple to pink. 

There is no doubt about it: these brushes look awesome. Plus, they are also vegan and cruelty free according to the Tarte website, so that is a major plus as well. This five piece set includes a massive powder brush, a blush brush, a highlighting or stippling brush, a fluffy eyeshadow brush, and a pencil brush. I have to say, these aren't style over substance. These brushes perform. The bristles are so incredibly soft and I love the variety of brushes included. That powder brush is massive. It is fluffy and flexible while the blush brush has a little more structure and sturdiness. Each and every brush was designed to be user friendly, which is always a plus. Plus, that pencil brush is incredible for creating ultra defined makeup looks. There is a whole lot to love here! 

Sometimes, makeup tools and essentials don't get a lot of love. Every now and then? It is important to shine a light on the products that help bring seriously stunning looks to life. Not only do the brush sets from Juicy Couture and Tarte look good but they also work well. What could be better than that?

Have you tried these brush sets? What brushes are your favourites?


  1. So pretty brushes! :) I follow you, hope you will follow me back. <3

    The Fashion Spell

  2. Lovely review! I have to admit, I use cheap ELF brushes. But those mermaid ones are too cute!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. Sometimes, cheaper brushes are the best ones! I have plenty haha but these mermaid ones are super fun.

  3. Omg how cute are the mermaid brushes!? I want to buy them purely because they're adorable! haha

    Renee @ Maritime Mama

  4. The Tarte ones are so cute! I want this set too. <3

    1. It's such a fun set! I hope you're able to add it to your collection :)

  5. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!

  6. Hi Shannon! Beautiful brushes sets. The mermaid set is wonderful.
    Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, the mermaid set is really fun. Thank you so much for visiting!

  7. Hello,
    I confess that the details in these items is what less catches my attention, for me pincéns have to be functional and with the "hair" cute and soft.
    But I liked the post :)

    - Helena Primeira
    - Helena Primeira Youtube
    - Primeira Panos

    1. Of course! The appearance is the fun stuff but if they don't work well, the fun stuff doesn't amount to much. Thankfully, these have quality bristles to back up the cute designs!

  8. They're very beautiful, I especially love the mermaid brushes, so cute! I like the trend of mermaids ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  9. Replies
    1. They're definitely really pretty! Thanks so much for visiting :)

  10. beautiful make-up brushes, I dream about such a set :)
    kisses from Poland :*

    1. I hope you're able to find one for yourself! All the best!


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