Tuesday, January 29, 2019

jaclyn hill + morphe (bling boss palette: review + look)

Jaclyn Hill is a big name in the beauty community. With 5.7 million YouTube subscribers and over 6 million followers on Instagram....there is no denying her impressive stats. In addition to her regular content, Jaclyn also made a name for herself with successful makeup collaborations. There were several with Becca (in fact, I reviewed the Becca + Jaclyn Hill Face Palette on my YouTube channel a couple of years ago) and eventually, Morphe. The latter was extremely successful. The Jaclyn Hill palette has been reviewed, purchased, and duped a million times over. Eventually, that led to another set of palette releases between Jaclyn and Morphe. Though there were four palettes in total, it was Bling Boss that really stood out to me. Here is everything you need to know about the palette. 

Jaclyn Hill + Morphe: Bling Boss Eyeshadow Palette (Packaging)

If you are familiar with the original Jaclyn Hill palette (you can read my review of that here) then you know what to expect with the packaging of the palettes from the Vault Collection. It comes in a simple cardboard case. On the front, there is a really lovely silver design that makes it look far more luxurious than the cardboard implies. The palette also has a magnetic closure and a small mirror inside. Though the physical palette is just simple cardboard...I appreciate the fact that this palette added those little extras. Like a thoughtful front cover design, the magnetic closure, mirror, and the eyeshadow names printed inside. (The latter is rare when it comes to affordable makeup palettes!) While the packaging isn't anything to write home about, Morphe definitely did all they could to make this functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Shade Selection + Quality 

Now for the fun stuff...the colours! I am a total eyeshadow junkie and love testing out different shades. That is why this palette really spoke to me. It had a lovely blend of shimmer and matte. There was also a lovely variety of warm, wearable colours, as well as a bold and vibrant purple. In the first row, there is: Bling Bling (a lovely light shimmer), Hush Hush (a creamy and somewhat pigmented matte), Gem (a bright purple and easily the star of this palette), Pizzazz (a shimmery rust shade), and Mystic (a patchy maroon). Then on the bottom row is: Sparks (a colourful but patchy deep red), Glitz & Glam (a shimmery champagne shade), Rockstar (a mid-toned maroon), Ballsy (a rose gold shimmer), and Berry Treasure (a deep sparkly black).

As you can see from the swatches above, there are inconsistencies here. The matte shades can be built up but require a little more work. They are slightly patchy and do not appear vibrant or all that impressive. Clearly, the stars of the palette are those shimmers. They are pigmented, creamy, and have an impressive amount of intensity. Standout shades are Gem, that dynamic purple, and Berry Treasure (the deepest shade). It is pretty clear why that purple is a standout but why Berry Treasure? Not only does it work as a dark shade but it also has a ton of glitter. Usually when a deep shade has glitter in it, the glitter gets more or less hidden. Not here! It is absolutely beautiful.

Overall Thoughts + Finished Look

There are several shades in the Bling Boss palette that standout for all the right reasons. Unfortunately, there are also several so-so shades as well. That makes this palette pretty and fun to use....but also inconsistent. That being said, it is very possible to create a stunning makeup look. It will just take a little bit longer if you want to make full use of those matte colours. The picture below is just one look that I created using the Jaclyn Hill palette. If you want to see how I put it all together, check out my First Impressions video on YouTube. Be sure to let me know what you think of the finished look in the comment section below.

Rating: 3 / 5

The Jaclyn Hill palette certainly isn't perfect. However, there are some impressive shadows that should not be overlooked. Gem, that incredible purple colour, easily makes this set a worthwhile purchase.

Speaking of palettes....there is another one to consider. The Too Faced Razzle Dazzle palette (expect a full review here soon) is featured in my latest YouTube video. Take a peek, see some swatches, and find out if the berry scent is a hit or a miss.

Have you tried this palette? What did you think of it?


  1. Esa paleta es ideal! El maquillaje es precioso,estás muy guapa! Feliz día! 🤗🤗🤗

  2. Really nice eyeshadow palette dear.


  3. Ooooooo...that purple Gem does look pretty awesome. I love your finished look:) Thanks for the honest review as always, Shannon. TBH, I'm not a big fan of Jaclyn Hill. I'm more of a Patrick Starr/Manny MUA kinda gal, but her collabs with some brands do sound pretty good.

    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. And yesssss....I love Patrick as well. His videos are so good.

  4. WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW your makeup is wonderfoul *-*

  5. Hi dear
    Wow your makeup is amazing!
    And love the colors of the Bling Boss Eyeshadow Palette, so nice

    1. Thank you very much! And yes, the shades are really pretty. Such a lovely selection!

  6. Omg your make up is stunning love this post

    Thanks for Sharing


  7. Hi! That palette has wonderful shades. You created a beautiful look.
    Have a good day!


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