Tuesday, July 30, 2019

huda beauty neon obsessions palette (review)

Neon is always a good idea. Especially during the summer months, which are often filled with sunshine and whimsy. This is the time of year where it is acceptable to go bolder and brighter. While there are many ways to do that with fashion (find out how you can do that here and here)....makeup is another way to embrace colour. On that note! Huda Beauty launched their collection of neon inspired palettes this summer. Talk about perfect timing. At the last Sephora VIB Rouge Event, I picked up the Neon Obsessions palette in Neon Green. Curious about this new Huda Beauty palette? Keep reading to check out a full review, eyeshadow swatches, and a colourful makeup look.

Huda Beauty Neon Obsessions: Packaging and Shade Selection

The Neon Obsessions collection featured three different palettes. There was Neon Pink, Neon Orange, and Neon Green. As you can see from the picture above, the mini palette I took home with me was the Neon Green. I was very interested to swatch the others but they were all sold out. So, green it was! The idea of choosing a palette with very different shades (that top row in particular) was both thrilling and terrifying. So, before I jump right into my review of the quality...let's start with packaging. This is fairly simple but has a lot going for it. This is made up of a semi-transparent neon green plastic and it looks fabulous. It immediately stands out from anything else in my collection! The palette is small, compact, and wonderful for travel. There aren't shade names on the inside (and are actually only printed on the back as part of the ingredients list) but for a mini palette, this doesn't bother me as much. I personally really like the size and I love that bold green packaging. 

Now for the shade selection. There is a lot going on here. The top row has a pale green, a shimmery yellow, and a neon green. The second row features three holographic glitter shades and the third row has two more glitters and a matte coral. Right off the bat, if you are someone who isn't into glitter...you will hate this palette. There is a ton of shimmer and shine happening here! I enjoy the variety of colours, from lime green to coral and the fact that this set includes both matte and glitter. That being said, there is so much glitter that this palette can be a bit limiting. You may need to pull in another eyeshadow set to create an evening look. 

Swatches and Quality

The swatches above definitely tell a story! You can see that the matte shades perform well while the glitters are a little more of a mixed bag of pigmentation. That yellow-green shimmer on the top row is wonderful and has a nice amount of pigmentation. The others, however, work better as top coats rather than stand alone shadows. While they look fabulous layered on top of one of the matte shades in the palette (or another eyeshadow altogether) they do not stand out on their own. Each glitter shade is beautiful and fun and can really spice up a makeup look....but on their own, they don't pack a lot of punch. So definitely keep that in mind if you are looking for a palette that does it all. 

That being said, I am a fan of many shades here. The top row is a complete and total success. The middle shade in the second row is something I add onto makeup looks constantly. That matte coral shade is beautiful. Yes, there are some great eyeshadows here! I only wish there was more pigmentation on some of the glitters. Or that they were significantly different from one another. (When applied to the eyes, many of the glitters look similar or exactly the same.) All in all, this is a fun palette but certainly not something you need to run out and add to your collection. 

Makeup Look and Overall Impressions

The makeup look I created was all about making the most of those matte shades. I used the coral colour all over the lid and layered the glittery coral colour over top. Then I used the lime green on the inner corner and added a dash of that yellow glitter on for good measure. This was a very different look for me but it was a lot of fun to create! I was happy with the way it turned out. As for the palette? Overall, I like it. It isn't the most incredible or versatile palette in my collection but it is enjoyable to use. If you are a makeup lover...this might be worth trying. If you prefer to stick to the basics (or don't have a lot of additional products in your collection), this Neon Huda Beauty palette might be worth passing on. 

Rating: 3 / 5

Have you tried any of the Huda Beauty Neon palettes? What did you think of them?


  1. Loving all of the glittery shades!! Also, love the look you've created! I wish I were better at using makeup! haha

    Renee @ Maritime Mama

  2. Your pictures are so gorgeous!! I love the glittery shades!! So beautiful!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Oh, thank you so much! I really appreciate that! You can never go wrong with glitter!

  3. This palette is just damn beautiful! I fell in love <33

    MY NEW POST ♥♥♥

    1. Yes, it's definitely a really pretty palette. Thank you so much for visiting!

  4. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing. http://www.ludatischenko.com @luda.tischenko - instagram

  5. The packaging is very interesting
    New post:

  6. I always love the eye makeup on you, Shannon. And these really brings out the color of your eyes.


  7. love the shades! so pretty and vibrant, great for party options!

  8. I was thinking about buying this palette, but I decided that I skip this time. They should be a bit more pigmented:( Great review and makeup dear:***

    1. I agree with you on that. More pigmentation would have made such a huge difference. Thank you!


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