Monday, April 8, 2019

skin care favourite: life brand face masks

Who doesn't love a good face mask? This at-home skin care product is steadily gaining in popularity. In fact, according to an article on Allure, wearing a face mask is one of the biggest beauty trends in the last few years. From sheet masks to peel off masks and everything in between...there is no denying the power of this skin care trend. Not only is it fun to do (have you seen those adorable animal printed face masks?!) but treating yourself to a little mask time is a wonderful part of self care. Are you in need of a little TLC? Looking for new face masks to try? Here are my thoughts on a few masks from Life brand.

Review: Life Brand Face Masks

Over the years, I have tried quite a few different face masks. (You can check out a gold face mask review here and check out some masks from The Face Shop masks here.) Though several have impressed me - and several have let me down - more recently, masks from Life Brand have been my go-to's. They are the ones I reach for after a long day of work, writing, and crossing things of my endless to do list. Or if I feel like pampering myself and hosting my very own at home spa day. As you can see from the picture above, this brand has an awful lot of options. The ones I've used more recently include:

  • Deep Cleansing Facial Sheet Mask (Rose Oil + Cherry Blossom)
  • Purifying Peel-Off Face Mask (Pomegranate + Cucumber) 
  • Anti-Aging Face Mask (Synthetic Snake Venom)
  • Calming Face Mask (Aloe Vera + Mint)
  • Nourishing Face Mask (Strawberry + Yogurt)

Yes, there is quite a healthy variety available! This is in terms of the actual ingredients (from aloe to strawberry), uses (anti-aging, nourishing, and so on), and even the types of masks (sheet mask, peel off, rinse off). This especially exciting for me because I love variety. The mask I choose at any given time will depend entirely on specific skin concerns and quite frankly, what I'm in the mood for. For instance, if it has been a really long day and I am exhausted...a sheet mask is best. It is simple and relatively mess free. On the other hand, if I'm looking to feel ultra pampered, I prefer a rinse off mask. It really depends!

The masks themselves perform well. I always notice results instantly, which is a plus! Another benefit is the fact that these packets contain a decent amount of product. The rinse off masks tend to have enough for two applications. So, I like to put the package in a Ziploc bag after the first use. That way, it is fresh, contained, and ready to go the next time I want to use it. These Life brand masks are a wonderful way to feel pampered and take better care of my skin. Interested in checking them out for yourself? For all of my Canadian readers, these can be found at Shoppers Drugmart locations. Otherwise, you can take a peek at the website.

Have you tried Life brand face masks before? Which is your favourite?


  1. I love using masks but I never seem to have the time to do them!! These all sound awesome!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Oh gosh, I hear you on that! Some days, it is just too busy to make time. But when you're able always feels so good!

  2. they look great. thanks for sharing.kisses!

    1. They really are! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  3. Oh, I love such face masks and I always try new ones. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Aren't they great?! Thank you so much for visiting :)

  4. I'm such a mask junkie, I've never tired these!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  5. Thank you for this review, Shannon! I've always wondered how these masks perform every time I go to Shoppers:) Good to know they're good quality. I actually really like Life brand stuff. Someone told me Shoppers is pretty good with quality control when it comes to their house brand (like COSTCO).
    PS I did see that we might get snow again...huhuhu

    1. The next time you're at Shoppers...consider picking one up! They're well worth it. And I think whoever told you that is right. There are a ton of Life Brand products that are really stellar.

  6. I am obsessed with masks, I usually like calming ones so that one sounds lovely. /Madison

    1. Yes, that is my favourite as well. I love a nice calming and soothing mask.

  7. Genial tu post, me encanta! Gracias por visitar mi blog, espero verte pronto de nuevo por allí! Feliz día! ♥️♥️♥️

  8. It's interesting for me, thenks!

    Subscribed to you, waiting for reciprocity :*

  9. I have tried some face mask but these looks like something I want to try. They seems good.

    Bernie, xx
    The Style Fanatic

    1. They really are! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you very much! I hope you have a wonderful day as well.

  11. I love masks. my favorite kind of treatment. thanks for introducing the brand


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