Wednesday, August 7, 2019

current obsession: st ives skin care products

As much as I adore this time of year, there are a few drawbacks. Namely, mosquitoes. Or mosquito bites to be more specific. They have been making my summer memorable, that's for sure. I currently have over twenty bites...despite being fully clothed at all times. Thankfully, there is St Ives. Their Soothing + Smoothing products have really come in handy. Since I've been ultra itchy - and my skin has become irritated as a result - I've had to be extra cautious about the skin care products in my current routine. For now, the beautifully scented Leyland & Bodyworks body washes are out and it is all St Ives all the time. Their line of gentle soothing products is ideal for my mosquito bitten skin. If you've been dealing with bug bites or sensitive skin issues, keep reading. Here are three mini reviews of a few St Ives skin care products.

St Ives Oatmeal & Shea Butter Soothing Body Wash. The first item that I've been loving lately is the Oatmeal & Shea Butter body wash, pictured above. This is something that I tend to use on and off. I always have a bottle of it sitting in my shower and I'll alternate between that and a nicely scented Leyland & Bodyworks product. If you have itchy skin, dry skin, or are dealing with a flair up of sensitive skin....this works wonders. It really is gentle and soothing. There isn't a strong scent, it is nourishing, and feels wonderful on the skin. Plus, the bottle is huge, so it will last you quite a while.

St Ives Oatmeal & Shea Butter Soothing Body Lotion. Next up is the companion product. The body lotion also comes in a massive bottle and will again, last you for a very long time. It has a light texture but isn't runny and it absorbs into the skin fairly quickly. (Always a good thing.) The lotion has the same subtle scent as the body wash and adds plenty of hydration to the skin. Pairing these two products together will relieve any skin sensitivities quickly. Even itching caused by mosquito bites!

St Ives Oatmeal Gentle Smoothing Scrub & Mask. I love a good multi-use product. It is nice to feel like you're getting a little more bang for your buck! This product can be used two ways: as a face scrub or a mask. To use it as a scrub, massage over damp skin in circular motions and then rinse off. To use it as a mask, apply the product liberally and leave on for about five minutes, and then rinse off. Easy, right? This is a must have product for me, because I have dry skin but it can also be really sensitive. That means any scrub or mask needs to be hydrating, gentle, and non-irritating. This certainly checks off all the boxes. It works well but doesn't leave my skin red and raw.

All three of these St Ives products have come in handy this summer. (Though, I'd like to give a special shout out to my current favourite moisturizer, the St Ives Timeless Skin!) They are gentle, don't have a strong scent, and soothe itchy and irritated skin. Plus, they don't cost a fortune. There is a reason they are my current obsession.

Have you tried any of these St Ives products?


  1. Great post.Thank you for sharing! :)
    New post -

  2. Oh what a nice post! I love everything. I really like St. Ives products :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

    1. Oh gosh, they have so many good ones! And I will :)

  3. I haven't tried St.Ives brand but I'm tempted. <3 <3

  4. Oh yay! I love St. Ives. I used their body scrub twice a week and really works well for me. I haven't tried this one though, might look out for it :)

    1. Yes! I love their apricot scrub. It works really well and smells amazing!

  5. Interesting products :) I haven't known this brand before.

    1. It is certainly one to keep an eye out for! Thank you for visiting!

  6. Wonderful products, great review:)


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