Wednesday, April 4, 2018

review: makeup for ever star lit glitter palette

Glitter is my everything. Over the years, my obsession has increased....and loose glitters and glittery palettes have become staples of my (always expanding) makeup collection. There is just something about it! All of that shimmer and sparkle is fun, exciting, and adds an extra oomph to any and all makeup looks. Despite having a fair amount of glittering products already, the Makeup For Ever Star Lit Glitter palette immediately caught my eye. If you are a glitter addict like me, then keep reading. This is a full breakdown and review of this oh-so-glittery palette.


What can I say? I am a total sucker for cute packaging. It has a way of drawing you in and creating interest. That is exactly what happened with this palette in particular. It is sleek and simple but has tons of glitter all over the outer packaging and throughout the inside as well. That really ties together the glittery concept - and makes this extra fun. The palette has a magnetic closure and a mirror inside, which adds a nice dose of practicality to this otherwise whimsical set.

Colour and Texture

Once you become glitter obsessed, you quickly discover there are different types of glitter. Some are a little chunkier and courser while others are very finely milled. Though both have their advantages...the finer glitter is a little easier to use and can create a slightly softer finish. The shades inside this palette (Reflection, Prism, Spark, Flame, Flicker, and Beam) fall into the latter category. These are very soft and smooth - with very finely milled glitter scattered throughout. They add an intense amount of sparkle and shine but do not look chunky or too over the top. It is a beautiful balance! Each shade also has a nice amount of colour and pigmentation along with all of that glitter. These aren't intensely pigmented but have a nice wash of colour to go along with all of that sparkle.

Overall Impressions

This is a palette that I am really loving lately. The glitter is so refined that it can instantly add a little pop to any and all makeup looks. You can build it up to make it a little bolder or keep it simple and subtle. I really like the fact that these have a bit of colour to them as well....but I find that these work best layered over top of another eyeshadow. That really intensifies the colours and helps them stand out. To see what I'm talking about, below is a makeup look that I created recently. I used a soft purple eyeshadow (from my Sleek makeup palette) and layered the Beam, Prism, and Reflection over top. That created an ultra glittery and colourful finished look. 

Rating: 4/5

There is nothing a little glitter can't fix! This Makeup For Ever Star Lit palette is fun, super shimmery, and adds a gorgeous dash of shimmer to absolutely any look. The colours are beautiful and this set has definitely been adding vibrancy to my makeup life!

This is a high end product that has been making me happy lately. There are quite a few other high end items that have made their way into my makeup collection over the last several months, so I put them all together to film a little haul for my YouTube channel. Take a look....

Have you tried this palette yet? Are you a fan of glitter? 


  1. Fantastic palett, so nice and interesting! Love it!
    Enjoy in this day, darling! ♥


    1. Thank you! It is definitely a really pretty palette. I have been enjoying it lately. All the best!

  2. You do look really good in these shades.

  3. You are so beautiful

  4. First and foremost, the packaging looks absolutely stunning. As soon as I saw the packaging I instantly fell in love.😍 Also, I really like your eye makeup and the eyeshadow seems to have a really strong pigmentation. No, I'm not a massive fan of glitter eyeshadows as I don't like the fallout effect. However, the glittery shimmers in this palette are beautiful.Thanks for sharing such an awesome review.😊

    #sweetreats xx

    1. Oh my goodness, thank you for your comment! The packaging really is stellar. It's so sparkly and fun! I totally hear you on fallout....that is my biggest pet peeve with glitter shadows. Thankfully this one doesn't have much at all. Totally a plus!

  5. I love the glitter. The packaging is so beautiful and so is your eye makeup

    1. Thank you! I appreciate that. And seriously...glitter always looks gorgeous!

  6. Amazing make up Dear:) great palette:)

    1. Thank you so much! It really is a wonderful palette :)

  7. Fantastic post!

    Kisses ...

    Dilek .

  8. Adoro questa palette ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Hi! This palette is perfect for night makeup.
    Have a nice day!

    1. You are so right about that! A little glitter is always fun for a night out.

  10. Really cute palette! You nailed it with the makeup yet again

    1. Aww thank you so much for your sweet comment! You are too kind!

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a great weekend as well :)

  12. Theses glittercolours look great!
    Have a nice week <3!


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