Showing posts with label advent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advent. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

revisited review: too faced christmas bake shoppe makeup collection

It just wouldn't be Christmas without a little Too Faced holiday makeup. This year, I was gifted the new Let It Snow Globes Makeup Collection ahead of Christmas, and those mini palettes are currently being put to the test. (Expect a full review of that collection early in the new year. It will be one of my first posts after the holiday festivities.) Something else that has been in heavy rotation lately? The Too Faced holiday release from last year, the Christmas Bake Shoppe Makeup Collection. There were two posts dedicated to that set on Mansa Fashion. (See them here and here). At the time, those palettes made me very happy indeed. Do they still? It is time for a revisited review of the Christmas Bake Shoppe Makeup Collection. 

Friday, December 25, 2020

christmas advent - day twelve

Merry Christmas! Wishing you and your loved ones all the very best. This year hasn't been the easiest, but at least there was always plenty of love to go around. That is especially true today. Here is hoping that however you celebrate (and whoever you are able to celebrate with) that your day is filled with blessings and hope. On another note! Today is the last day in the Christmas advent that has been happening here on Mansa Fashion. recently. (In case you missed those posts, be sure to check out day one here.) This question is of course, about Christmas favourites.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

christmas advent - day eleven

Christmas Eve is here again. Though Christmas Day is always favourite day of the year is Christmas Eve. It is a time of togetherness and tradition. At this point, all of the decorations have been put out and the wrapping has been completed. That means one thing: baking. Christmas Eve is definitely a time of preparation. My mom and I usually spend the day baking and decorating cookies, making rice krispie squares, and decorating a gingerbread house. Then we watch some of our favourite Christmas movies, "Christmas with the Kranks," "Christmas Vacation," and "Just Friends." They have all become Christmas Eve traditions. Speaking of traditions, the latest question in the Christmas advent relates to a tradition that makes me smile. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

christmas advent - day ten

It's Christmas Eve-Eve! This is one of my favourite days of the year. Partly because it is so close to Christmas and partly because I love to spend this day doing special holiday things at home. Like baking cookies, movie marathons, and time spent with my husband. There is always so much magic in the air on this day. It's like the excitement and joy is practically bursting out of every room. There are twinkling lights, colourful decorations, and the smell of freshly baked cookies lingering in the air. Bliss! Are you ready for a little more holiday cheer? Here is day ten of the Christmas advent on Mansa Fashion. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

christmas advent - day nine

There is so much to be excited about. In just a few short days, Christmas will be here. That means it is time to pull out those ugly Christmas sweaters, toss on some reindeer slippers and play festive music as much as possible. Do whatever you need to do to feel festive this week! Speaking of feeling festive...the Christmas advent continues. This is day nine of twelve in this holiday blog series. The latest mini post on Mansa Fashion. is all about excitement and the holiday season. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

christmas advent - day eight

Fingers crossed all of your seasonal preparations are going well. And that you've been able to make time for special memories! There isn't much time left before the festivities are well underway. That makes the next few days extra important. It's time to watch those classic Christmas movies and bake those delicious seasonal cookies. Here on Mansa Fashion. the mini blog advent is continuing on. This is day eight of twelve and it is all about wrapping.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

christmas advent - day seven

It is the last weekend before Christmas. Hard to believe! Though most of the major things have been done already (like decorating and wrapping gifts) it feels like there is still a lot to check off the to do list. Like baking, holiday video calls with friends, and the last minute preparations. Even though the Christmas season tends to be hectic at is always worth it in the end. Here on Mansa Fashion. it is officially day seven of the Christmas advent. So far, there have been questions about traditions and places to celebrate. Today? It is all about music.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

christmas advent - day six

Normally, this is the time during the holiday season where I am madly dashing to the store to pick up any last-minute odds and ends. Things like chocolates and extra gift bags. This year? There is none of that. Thanks to the pandemic, the bulk of my shopping was done online a very long time ago. Those odds and ends have either been purchased already or will have to do without. Yes, it is certainly a little bit different this year. But there is still plenty of magic and wonder to experience. Ready for the latest advent question? Keep reading and be sure to share your answer in the comment section.

Friday, December 18, 2020

christmas advent - day five

One more week! There is just one week left until the big day arrives. This is both exciting and a little bit scary. As much as I love Christmas...I always want to hold onto it for as long as possible. If there were a way to slow down the last few weeks in December, that would be wonderful. I want more time to watch holiday movies and drink hot chocolate while that buzz of excitement and anticipation lingers in the air. It's a magical feeling. One that I would love to hold onto for just a little bit longer. On another note, this is day five of my Christmas advent here on Mansa Fashion. Today's mini blog post is all about shopping. (Something that is always near and dear to my heart.) Keep reading to find out the question and be sure to share your own answer in the comment section below.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

christmas advent - day four

It's hard to wrap my head around how quickly the holiday season is going by. Though Christmas Day makes me extremely happy....I always love the build up best. The holiday movies, the lights, and the special memories that happen along the way are always so special. Which is why Mansa Fashion. has turned all-Christmas-all-the-time lately. Are you ready for day four of the Christmas advent? Keep reading to find out the holiday themed question for today. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

christmas advent - day three

The Christmas advent is fully underway here on Mansa Fashion. In case you missed my last two posts, I will be doing mini blog posts to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas. It is a countdown of sorts and also an excuse for me to share some of my memories and favourites. Ready to find out what the question is for day three? Here goes...

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

christmas advent - day two

Are you ready? It is time for day two of the Christmas advent here on Mansa Fashion. In case you missed my post from yesterday (feel free to check it out here if you did), there will mini posts from now until Christmas Day. Each post will be answering a different Christmas themed question. The questions may have to do with seasonal traditions, current favourites, or even holiday music. Want to find out the question for today? Here is day two of my Christmas advent.

Monday, December 14, 2020

christmas advent - day one

The countdown is officially on. There are only 12 more days until Christmas! In honour of my favourite time of year....Mansa Fashion. will be transformed into an advent of sorts over the next little while. Every day, there will be a mini post that answers a Christmas themed question. It might have to do with movies, traditions, memories, or even holiday beauty. Ready to kick things off? Here is day one of my Christmas advent. 

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