Showing posts with label beauty challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty challenge. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2012

30 day beauty challenge: day 30

Today is the last day of the 30 day beauty challenge! This challenge pushed me to post about things I normally wouldn't, and hopefully helped you all get to know me a little better. I want to thank you all for sticking with me through this challenge. I really appreciate it!

With that said, the last challenge in the 30 day beauty challenge is: Favourite Nail Polish.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

30 day beauty challenge: day 29

Almost done the 30 day beauty challenge! What a crazy thought! Today's challenge is: Photo Of A Makeup Look You Would Love To Try Out.

I am cheating a little bit with this one.....I couldn't pick just one look! I am impressed that I cut it down to only three looks, actually!

The first is a sexy, doll-like look. Very dramatic and very beautiful, as you can see above.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

30 day beauty challenge: day 28

I hope 2012 is treating you well so far! I am still struggling with the changing year...I keep writing/typing 2011 all the time! By the time I get adjusted to it, it might well be 2013!

Today's beauty challenge is: Top Beauty Item You Can't Live Without.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

30 day beauty challenge: day 27

Today's challenge for the 30 day beauty challenge is: Favourite Skincare Product. I have chosen Ole Henriksen's Sheer Transformation.

Monday, January 2, 2012

30 day beauty challenge: day 26

Tiffany's is magic. Tiffany's is romance. Tiffany's is perfection.

Already onto day 26 of the 30 day beauty challenge! Today's challenge is: An Item From Your Wishlist.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

30 day beauty challenge: day 25

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!

It amazes me how quickly the year has gone by. I have been thinking lately, about the highs and lows of 2011. I am choosing to focus on the highs: I met some great people, went to a bunch of amazing concerts with great friends, met some celebrities I adore, traveled to Las Vegas and London, took part in an amazing internship, and started this blog!

For the first time in a long time, I feel focused and ready to take on the future. I feel optimistic and positive. 2011 was pretty good, but I think 2012 is going to be my year.

There aren't too many days left of the 30 day beauty challenge! As interesting as this challenge has been, I will be a bit relieved for it to be over! Until then, here is the challenge for day 25: Beauty Regime. When it comes to my beauty regime, I don't know that I do anything all that interesting.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 24

Well, it is New Years Eve! I hope you all have exciting things planned for tonight. As for me? I will be having a quiet night in, watching Ryan Seacrest on my TV. As much as I love this tradition, there is part of me that would really love to go out and party with the rest of the world. Whether you are going out or staying in, be safe and have fun!

Friday, December 30, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 23

The New Year is quickly approaching. Have you started working on your resolutions yet? I have been giving mine a great deal of thought this year. It is always nice to have goals to work towards. I haven't written out all of my resolutions yet, but I aim to do so tonight or tomorrow. After all, I always liked the idea of a fresh start.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 22

Already I am on day 22 of the 30 day beauty challenge. Nearly there! Today's challenge is: Beauty Tips For a Big Night Out. Personally, I always love getting ready for a night out. There is something thrilling about taking extra time and care with your hair and makeup, and getting yourself in the right frame of mind for whatever the evening may hold.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 21

Slowly but surely, I am beginning to get back to my regular routine. Today is unfortunately the last day of my mini-vacation. Back to work tomorrow....sigh! I am still trying to cling to the holidays as much as possible, though. On that note, here are some of my favourite holiday photos and a couple of the Christmas gifts I was given.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 20

Editing Note: Since Dior continues to support a court-certified wife beater, I no longer support the brand. Believe survivors. 

Happy holidays! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I look forward to reading all about them. My Christmas was wonderful. To summarize it: I ate far too much, was given more than I could ever deserve, and spent the day with my amazing family.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 19

Finally, it is Christmas Eve! I am so excited! Today, I will be baking with my mom, getting the last minute things finished and watching Christmas movies. It is very exciting. I am going to take a mini break from the 30 day beauty challenge and will resume as scheduled on the 27th.

Friday, December 23, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 18

There is a special kind of energy when you get together with your friends you haven't seen in a while. We all met up to get our picture taken with Santa, go to dinner, and hang out. It was a really fun day! We also decided it would be fun to get dressed up for the occasion. So, I wanted to share the picture that we got along with the makeup look I created for the occasion. It was all about simple glam.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 17

Only three days until Christmas! It is such an exciting time of year. Now for day 17 of the 30 day beauty challenge: Fashion Pieces on Your To-Buy List. Ready to take a peek at the items I've been lusting after? Here goes....

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 16

Well, finally got word on my computer. The new screen came in, but now my laptop won't boot up at all. Which means, I have to take it in somewhere and pay money I don't have to try and get it fixed. Sigh. So much for my Christmas miracle. In happier news, today I am meeting up with a group of my friends to catch up before the holidays. We are going to get our picture taken with Santa and go to dinner. Very exciting. Also exciting? The fact that my friend and I recently hosted a dinner party. I wanted to share a few pictures from the evening. So keep reading to check them out.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 15

Last night was the dinner party my friend and I hosted at my house. It was definitely an experience. I may not be the best hostess, but ultimately, I had a good night. And now onto today's beauty challenge: Your Favourite Piece of Jewellery. Now, I don't know if this is my favourite piece of jewellery, or just my favourite piece at the moment. All I know is that I am loving it! I picked this ring up at Forever 21 not long ago, and keep looking for excuses to wear it! Here it is pictured with my new glittery gold Material Girls purse.

Monday, December 19, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 14

Today is the Christmas dinner my friend and I are hosting. I am feeling kind of anxious about it. I have never been good at hosting things - I always feel so much pressure for things to go well. I will be sure to let you all know how things turn out though. Almost halfway's beauty challenge is: Photo of a Hairstyle/Haircut You'd Like to Have.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 13

I hope your weekend is going well. I am still crazy busy, but I keep trying to get everything done. While I try to do is today's beauty challenge: Photo of Your Fashion/Style Icon. To me, Audrey Hepburn is perfection. She embodies everything I strive to be, and so many qualities I admire. Not only was she jaw-droppingly beautiful, she possessed so much class, grace, and elegance.  There are so many reasons why Audrey has left a lasting impression: her style was classic and chic; her films were dynamic; she had a kind and giving heart.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 12

This weekend is going to be a very busy one for me. My friend and I are hosting a Christmas party on Monday night, so we will be busy planning, cooking, and getting everything ready. Phew! Here is today's beauty challenge: Favourite Colour of Clothing.

Friday, December 16, 2011

30 day beauty challenge: day 11

Happy Friday, everyone! It's hard to believe how quickly this week has gone by. I feel like there is so much to do still. Working, decorating the house, and planning a Christmas party....what a busy season. Today's beauty challenge is: Bag You Want to Have. 
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