Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2024

beauty bookshelf: clementine ford

It has been many years since the last beauty bookshelf post here on Mansa Fashion. At that time, this series was described as being focused on beauty-related reads. There were some posts on personal styling and hair style books. And then....I stopped writing beauty bookshelf posts. Truth be told, there was some uncertainty about what to write about as my view of beauty continued to broaden. Should I still focus on makeup, hair, and fashion related reads? Or was it okay to embrace some other aspects of beauty? After taking some time to think it over, a decision has been made, and all beauty related content will be included. Even if it doesn't quite fit into the traditional definition of beauty. To kick off the next generation of beauty bookshelf...this post is a spotlight on an incredible writer, Clementine Ford. She is an outspoken activist and feminist. 

Friday, March 1, 2024

recent non-beauty favourites (movies, books, television shows)

A new month is here...and that thrills me. January and February were both challenging. I had the January blues and that continued on to become the February blues. However, this is the first day of March and spring is right around the corner. There are also some exciting things ahead for me this month. So, I am focusing on all things good, which is why this post is dedicated to recent non-beauty favourites. These are some of the books, movies, and television shows that have brought me joy lately.

Friday, September 1, 2023

small town shopping haul (thrift store finds and more)

I love thrift stores. Absolutely adore them. For starters, everything inside is so much more affordable. Not to mention the fact that there are older items that are harder to find elsewhere. Since I love books, movies, and music from different decades, thrift stores are an absolute must when it comes to finding the entertainment I want and need. My family spent time at a cottage recently (which had far too many mosquitos and spiders for my liking) but my mom and I made time for a healthy amount of shopping in some of the small towns. This included lots of thrift stores, antique stores, and local shops. Ready to take a closer look at some of the items that came home with me? Here is a peek at my small town shopping haul...

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

finding little pockets of meaning.

The summer season always seems to be a little too busy. Isn't this supposed to be a time of rest and relaxation? A time to lounge on the patio with a cold beverage? Unwind in the sunshine? Apparently not! The to-do list is never-ending. For starters, there are responsibilities at work as well as creative projects and long neglected at-home tasks that are simply begging for attention. Then there are all of the social events and invitations out that seemed to have piled up. It really doesn't take much for the summer season to start to feel overwhelming. At least, that is the way it has felt for me the last several weeks. I mean, there is the usual stuff that always seems to keep my schedule full, but then there are all of these milestone moments and major events happening for my loved ones. That means gift shopping and nights out galore. Don't get me wrong...these are wonderful things...but an open schedule and a lighter load would be nice for a little while. Maybe in the fall! At any rate, life has seemed a little busier lately, so I have been holding on to small moments. Little pockets of meaning. It's amazing how even in the midst of feeling overwhelmed, something can appear, and instantly you remember how beautiful it is to be alive. Today, I wanted to share some of the songs, words, and other such things that have added colour to my life lately.

Monday, June 26, 2023

current favourites: music, television shows, perfume, and more

The last little while has been difficult. Everyone said that COVID was like a cold or a flu, but that has certainly not been my experience. It has been difficult and long lasting. Even still, I am not feeling back to normal. Thankfully, there have been little things making my life happier lately. When you aren't feeling well...those small comforts mean the most. Take a peek at some of my current favourites, including some music, television shows, books, perfume, clothes, and beauty products. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

recent reads + update on my reading goal for the year

If only there was more time to read. Lately, I have been longing for evenings curled up with a good book. Though I do my best to make it happen a few times a week, it is difficult to fit into the schedule most days. There is always so much that needs to be done! Work, cleaning, exercise, seeing loved ones, and a million other to dos on a never-ending list. Sometimes, reading gets put on the backburner, whether I like it or not. That being said, there are a few books that I have been able to finish over the last little while...which means it is time for a recent reads post and an update on my reading goals for the year. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

what i've been watching, reading, and listening to (winter edition)

The winter season is well underway. That means lots of time indoors while avoiding the massive piles of snow and strong winds outside. After a month or so of pretty decent weather...the winter returned in full force. That is why the last few weeks have been all about the home. There have been a lot of songs, streaming services, and books in my life lately. (Oh, and work, cleaning, and the normal day-to-day responsibilities as well.) So, it only made sense to share some of the things that I have been watching, reading, and listening to. Yes, this is a list of my latest entertainment highlights.

Friday, January 27, 2023

charmed aroma review and reveal (hogwarts snow globe candle)

Snow globes are nostalgic. Growing up, there were always lots and lots of seasonal snow globes around. My mom had a modest collection of snow globes with Christmas cottages and toy shops tucked away inside. I always loved shaking the globes and watching the snow fall over the wintery scene. Even though I am an adult now, snow globes still connect me to those childhood memories. Which is why it was so thrilling to receive a Hogwarts Snow Globe Candle from my parents this past Christmas. My love of Harry Potter is no secret, but it feels complicated these days. I want to make clear that I detest J. K. Rowling and her harmful views. (Not sure what the controversy is? Check out this article to better understand why her exclusionary language is so dangerous.) I love the world of Harry Potter, the characters, the magic, and the themes of love and connection. It is a shame that the author has tarnished something so special. Sometimes it is possible to separate the art from the artist and sometimes it is not. At this point, I have not been able to let go of my love for Harry Potter. It means too much. Please know that by sharing this Hogwarts themed snow globe, I am in no way endorsing or supporting the views expressed by J.K. Rowling. That is not who I am. On a much happier note, the snow globe itself makes me feel nostalgic in the best possible way. Here is a review and reveal of the Hogwarts Castle Necklace Collection Snow Globe Candle from Charmed Aroma.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

recent holiday themed reads.

What is better than reading? Not much. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to make time for this beloved pastime. In an ideal world, it would be possible for me to finish all of the books on my shelf and still have time to reread lifelong favourites. The reality is drastically different. Most of the time, I find myself squeezing in a few minutes of reading before bed or at lunch. I miss days spent curled up with a good book. Who knows...maybe there will be more of that in the new year. For now, I will have to settle for stolen moments of escapism. Over the last little while, I have been focused on holiday themed books. Some are mysteries and others are more romantic in nature. Here are some recent reads and mini reviews. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

review: harry potter love potion candle (charmed aroma)

Harry Potter has been a constant in my life. I have such wonderful memories of lining up for book releases and midnight screenings of the movies. Of staying up too late reading and re-reading the books. Of relaxing on a Sunday afternoon with my favourite Harry Potter film. Though the author is not someone I support any longer, I still love the Harry Potter world. (It is hard to believe that someone who wrote about love and understanding could be know.) The stories were about good versus evil, confronting your fears, and doing the right thing. They were about friendship, found family, and love. It makes sense that these stories have connected with so many readers and viewers around the world. Since Harry Potter is still an important part of my life, it was hard to resist the latest Charmed Aroma release: a Love Potion Candle. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

mini book haul + update on 20/20 reading goal

Too many books? There is no such thing. I believe that having a full bookshelf or two is good for the soul. Which certainly explains why my shelves are double stacked and overflowing with books, books, and more books. Reading has always been a passion of mine and it is something that I love more than anything else. Even if I am not always able to read as much as I would like! For the last couple of years, I have done the 20/20 reading challenge, which is essentially a goal that I set for myself at the start of each year. The challenge is to read at least 20 fiction books and 20 non-fiction books. This ensures that I am reading a lot of different types of books and also encourages me to make time to do what I love most. We are just over halfway through the year and I'm at 13 fiction books and 11 non-fiction books. Still a ways to go! Life has certainly been busy lately, but I do hope that soon enough there will be a little more downtime to focus on my reading list. As for today, I wanted to share some of the recent books that have been added to my shelf. That's right...this is a mini book haul. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

review and reveal: charmed aroma harry potter (hogwarts express)

There are many things in the world that bring me joy. Harry Potter is one example! I have so many wonderful memories of reading the books, watching the movies, collecting memorabilia, and attending themed events. Harry Potter has been a significant part of my life for a very long time. So, even though the Hogwarts Express Candle from Charmed Aroma was expensive at $60 was something that I could not resist. It was one of those love-at-first-sight moments. Not only would there be a Harry Potter themed necklace inside, but the Hogwarts Express train itself would look perfect on my Harry Potter shelf. (Yes, there is a shelf in my home office dedicated to Harry Potter items.) Without further ado, let's take a closer look at this Harry Potter themed candle and find out what was hidden away inside the Hogwarts Express train.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

recent reads: mysteries, biographies, and self help

There is nothing better than curling up with a good book...though it is not always easy to make the time. Or have the energy! These days, my plate has felt a little more full than usual. There are always times like that, it seems. Slower times are immediately followed by busier times. But somehow, everything always gets done, and there is even room for fun every now and again. Even though life has been busy lately, reading has been on the forefront of my mind. I've been trying to unwind at the end of the night with a chapter of a book instead of scrolling through Instagram or mindlessly watching something on TV. Not only does this help me to sleep better, but it also makes me feel more connected, grounded, and peaceful. Which is why this post is all about some of my recent reads. I thought that I would share some of the books that have been making my life better lately. Some are mystery novels, there is a celebrity biography, and there are even a couple of self help books. 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

holiday wrap up: harry potter advent calendar (review + reveal)

Any Harry Potter fans out there? I remember reading the first Harry Potter book when I was in elementary school. And then the second. They were compelling and immediately stood out from other books at the school library. The characters were interesting and there was this whole other world to imagine and explore. Several years later, the movies started to come out and the Harry Potter mania reached another level. Over the years, I have attended midnight movie screenings and book release parties. I have stayed up late reading page after page. I have purchased Harry Potter memorabilia, have attended Harry Potter themed events and theme parks....and that is only the tip of the iceberg. It really is such an important part of my life. I am always grateful for all of the magic and joy that the series has created. Which is why I was so thrilled when my husband surprised me with a 25 day Harry Potter Holiday Magic Official Advent Calendar. 

Sunday, December 19, 2022

seasonal book recommendations + holiday favourites video

Books are such an important part of my life. So is Christmas. Put the two together? I am in my glory. There is nothing that I love more at this time of year than a Christmas themed novel. I love reading about different holiday experiences and experiencing an extra dose of seasonal magic. Normally, I try to read (or re-read) at least a handful of Christmas themed books during the month of December. It just makes everything happier! There are some Christmas themed books that stand out more than others and some that I reach for time and time again. This year? I wanted to share some seasonal book recommendations. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2022

seasonal favourites for 2022 (movies, books, music, and more!)

Every year, it seems that there are certain favourites that stand out. Need an example? Last year, my holiday favourites included things like Sugar Rush Christmas (a seasonal baking show on Netflix), the Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes, and Marshmallow Fireside candles from Leyland & Body Works. Though all of those items on the list are still favourites for me…there are a few different standouts this season. Some are holiday specials, some are tasty treats, and others have been keeping me entertained this month. Each and every item on list has been making me feel extra happy and festive lately. Ready to see what has stood out in 2022? Here are my seasonal favourites for the year. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2022

recent reads: biographies and fall themed books

Reading is such an important part of my life. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to make time for one of my favourite activities. Between work and that endless to-do list...reading often gets put on the backburner. Which is why my New Years Resolution for the last few years has been to read twenty fiction and twenty non-fiction books (the 20/20 challenge) per year. That goal helps me prioritize reading whenever possible. Though I am a little behind where I would like to be (I still have 9 books to read by the end of the year), it seemed like a good time to look at some of my more recent reads. 

Monday, June 28, 2022

20/20 reading challenge update + mini book reviews

Ahh...New Year's Resolutions. Sometimes they seem impossible to achieve. That is why I have adopted a monthly check-in with my resolutions. It makes it easier to hold myself accountable when I can actively track my progress. One of my resolutions is carried forward from last year: the 20/20 reading challenge. (You can read more about that here.) Essentially, the goal is to read 20 fiction books and 20 non-fiction books by the end of the year. Last year, I was able to surpass this goal, which felt wonderful. This year? I haven't had quite as much time to read....though I am definitely doing my best to squeeze it in wherever possible. Since we are about halfway through 2022, it only made sense to share a mid-way update on this personal reading challenge. There will also be some mini book reviews to consider as well. Here goes...

Friday, December 11, 2020

holiday favourites 2020 (movies, books, and more!)

Every holiday season is a little bit different. Though there are some seasonal staples that never go out of style (like my favourite Christmas albums and classic Christmas movies)…there are also various favourites that change from year to year. Like a new decoration or a certain candle scent. Those little things define the holiday season just as much as those tried and true traditions. Though it's hard to believe, Christmas Day is just two weeks away. Time has certainly been flying lately! Looking for a little seasonal inspiration? Curious about my seasonal must-haves? Here are some of my holiday favourites for 2020. There are movies, books, and so much more.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

harry potter hufflepuff candle (charmed aroma: review + reveal)

Are you a Harry Potter fan? The books and movies have been a part of my life for years and years. I still vividly remember attending book release parties and midnight screenings. Oh, youth! Even though I am older (and possibly wiser)…Harry Potter is still a significant part of my life. I love to re-read the books every once and a while and the movies always make me smile. Plus, I have the Monster Book of Monsters and a replica wand on display in my home office. Needless to say, Harry Potter is something I never outgrew. Which explains my more recent purchase from Charmed Aroma. It is a Hufflepuff themed candle with a necklace inside. Now, this isn't my first time purchasing a Harry Potter themed item from the brand. Their cauldron candle revealed a sparkly potion bottle ring that I reviewed here. Want to find out what was inside the Hufflepuff candle? Keep reading for a Charmed Aroma review and reveal. 

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