Showing posts with label disney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disney. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2024

review: minnie mouse eyeshadow palette (taste beauty)

My love of all things Disney is no secret. I adore the movies, the music, the characters, the theme parks, and even Disney themed beauty products. As for the latter? The Minnie Mouse Eyeshadow Palette from Taste Beauty has been a bit of an obsession lately. Despite one of the other Taste Beauty eyeshadow palettes being a dud (check out that review here) this particular palette wowed. Here is everything you need to know about this affordable and adorable makeup product.

Friday, April 5, 2024

#FOTD: blue and brown look (feat. disney villains palette)

Some days, a makeup look is inspired by an excellent makeup palette. Other days, a makeup look is created to make the most of a disappointing makeup palette. The latter is what happened most recently. I found an adorably themed Disney Villains Eyeshadow Palette a little while ago and was excited to put it to use. Since coming back from my Walt Disney World vacation, my mind has been focused on all things Disney, so it only made sense to reach for this themed palette. Unfortunately, the quality was not there. In fact, this is one of the worst eyeshadow palettes that I have ever used. The colour story is wonderful. The theme? Perfection. The shadows? Downright terrible. At any rate, I did my best to create a semi-colourful #FOTD.

Friday, March 29, 2024

disney theme week: minnie mouse x revolution palette

I love makeup. I love Disney. Put them together? It is an unbeatable match. When the All Eyes on Minnie Palette from Revolution was at Winners (always Winners...what can I say...I love a good deal) for $9 CDN, it only made sense to add it to my cart. Though I didn't know what the palette would actually look like or what colours were, it was Minnie Mouse inspired, and that was enough. Curious about this face and eye palette? It is time to end this theme week here on Mansa Fashion. with a Disney inspired makeup review. Here is everything you need to know about the All Eyes on Minnie Palette. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

disney theme week: walt disney world souvenirs

No Walt Disney World trip would be complete without a little shopping. (Or a lot of shopping.) As someone who loves to shop in general and especially loves to shop for themed is difficult to reign myself in at Disney. From the World of Disney store to Main Street USA and everywhere in between, a decent amount of browsing and buying was done. Want to see what souvenirs came home with me? This theme week post is dedicated to all sorts of Walt Disney World memorabilia. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

disney theme week: walt disney world vacation highlights

Though my vacation to Walt Disney World ended a few weeks is only now that I have been able to sit down and write about the experience. (Trying to catch up on life after a vacation is no joke.) Walt Disney World is my happy place. Though I have visited Disneyland and Disneyland Paris in the past, Walt Disney World is my favourite place on earth. It has a special kind of magic. Maybe I just like being in the Disney bubble, hidden away from all of the hurts and fears in the world. Or maybe it has to do with the four theme parks there are to explore. Whatever the reason, it is clear that Walt Disney World brings me joy. There are Mickey Mouse shaped waffles for breakfast, Mickey Mouse shaped pretzels to snack on, and well, Mickey Mouse shaped everything! To start this Disney theme week off on the right foot, here are some vacation highlights from the getaway...

Sunday, October 22, 2023

disney villains eyeshadow palette (#fotd and review part three)

It is time for the third and final post related to the Disney Villain Swivel Shadow Palette from Townley. This themed eyeshadow palette is dedicated to different Disney characters (Maleficent, Ursula, and The Evil Queen) and features a wide variety of colours and finishes. Now? It is time to take a look at The Evil Queen section. Like most Disney Villains, she scared me as a child, especially on the Snow White ride that used to be at Walt Disney World. (A version of the ride is still in Disneyland, for the record.) Her intensity, her jealousy, and her desire to be first no matter what was more than a little terrifying. If nothing else, The Evil Queen taught me that being beautiful on the inside is more important than being beautiful on the outside. Ready to take a look at the final section of the Disney Villain Swivel Shadow Palette? Keep reading for swatches and a #FOTD....

Friday, October 20, 2023

disney villains eyeshadow palette (#fotd and review part two)

Another day, another Disney Villain. In case you missed my last blog post, it was dedicated to the Disney Villain Swivel Shadow Palette from Townley. This was an eyeshadow palette that I found for about $10 USD while on a day trip to the US and have finally been making the most of. After all, this month is all about darkness, spooky things, and even a bit of horror. I have certainly been doing what I can to make the most of the Halloween season and this swivel palette has been making that a whole lot easier. The last post was dedicated to the Maleficent portion of this eyeshadow palette. (Check that out here if you missed the previous post.) Now? It is time to take a look at what the Ursula section of this layered release has to offer.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

disney villains eyeshadow palette (#fotd and review part one)

I've always been a Disney Princess kind of girl. Growing up, it was Princesses good and Villains bad. Though I certainly would not consider myself a Disney Villain enthusiast (so many of them are downright evil and mean)...this is the ideal time of year to embrace a little darkness. After all, spooky season is well underway. This Disney Villain Swivel Shadow Palette from Townley has three different layers and each one is dedicated to a different villain. There are matte, shimmer, and glitter shades to choose from in each layer. This first post will include a mini review of the packaging and theme. It will also include a full review of the Maleficent layer and a #FOTD. Over the next few days, there will be reviews and makeup looks focused on the Ursula and The Evil Queen palettes included in this set. Ready for a bit of spooky fun? It is time to check out this unusual palette.

Friday, January 13, 2023

current obsession: high school musical makeup from colourpop

What team? Wildcats! Okay...there is something that you all need to know about me. I love High School Musical a lot. More than the average person. In fact, the lamp in my living room is a High School Musical lamp that I have had for over a decade. I own the movies, soundtracks, dolls, accessories, blankets, pillows, and an assortment of other nostalgic items. Honestly? It was love at first watch for me. I remember sitting in the den at my parents house the night of the High School Musical premiere. I could not wait. Zac Efron was already a celebrity crush of mine, thanks to his role as Cameron on Summerland. Plus, there had been tons of promo leading up to the release of the movie. From that night on, it was High School Musical, High School Musical, and more High School Musical. I loved the second and third movies just as much as the first. And even today, I love to watch High School Musical: The Musical: The Series on Disney+. Everything about HSM feels special.

Early in the month of December, my husband and I went out with one of my friends and her husband for a long overdue dinner. Since the pandemic, my social life has been limited, but I am trying to get back out there and see the people that I care about more often. Hence the dinner! Well, it was during that dinner that my friend gave me an early Christmas present. I could not believe what was inside that holiday themed bag: High School Musical makeup. High School Musical makeup! ColourPop launched their High School Musical collection in August 2022. Unfortunately, it was not in the budget at that time. Never in a million years did I expect that my friend would not only remember the conversation we had about the collection, but go out of her way to order items from said collection for me. It was overwhelming. I fought back tears at the restaurant and did my best not to blubber all over everything. Truthfully, her kindness and thoughtfulness still floors me to this day. Now that I have been using the High School Musical themed products from ColourPop for the last month or so, it seemed only right to review them.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

vacation highlights part two (disneyland)

Travel can feel stressful and overwhelming at times...but there are always lots of wonderful memories to look back on. Looking for a dose of magic and wonder? Disney is the perfect place for that. Though my absolute favourite place to be is Walt Disney World, my mom wanted to visit Disneyland after about five years away. So, my parents, my brother, my husband, and I all flew to California for our first international trip since the pandemic. It was a lot. There were way too many people and it was certainly an adjustment, but there were also some good moments. So, on that note, here are some vacation highlights.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

one/size + disney fantasia week: storybook face and eye palette

Here it is! The last post in the One/Size theme week here on Mansa Fashion. Over the past few days, there have been reviews dedicated to eyeliner, brushes, highlighter, and even some lip products. Today? It is all about the eyes and cheeks. Though there are lots of wonderful beauty products out there, eyeshadow palettes are always the standouts for me. I love a good palette! I especially love a palette with a cute theme. Right off the bat, the Storybook Mickey Face and Eye Palette checks off an awful lot of boxes. It is clear that a lot of thought went into the packaging and overall design. Ready to take a look inside? Here is everything you need to know about this Disney Fantasia inspired product from One/Size.

Friday, October 14, 2022

one/size + disney fantasia week: dazzling extras

Though it is nice to have everyday essentials, the unexpected beauty items tend to be far more fun and exciting. Case in point? The Bit of Magic Highlighter and Lip Snatcher Velvet Flex Cream and Cushion Gloss Lip Duo from One/Size. The previous post in this theme week was dedicated to essentials like brushes, complexion puffs, and eyeliner. Today? It is all about the glitz and glamour. Keep reading to find out how these Disney Fantasia themed products performed and to see them in action.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

one/size + disney fantasia week: everyday beauty essentials

One/Size theme week is officially underway here on Mansa Fashion. In case you missed the introduction post yesterday, this week is all about the Disney Fantasia collection from One/Size. Since I love Disney and love beauty products, this really is the ultimate collaboration. There are six items in total, but today will be focused on three of the more everyday essential items. This includes the Versatile Complexion Brush, Ultimate Mickey Mouse Puff, and the Point Made Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner Pen. Curious about how their performance? It is time to take a closer look at these themed products.

Monday, October 10, 2022

one/size + disney fantasia week: collection haul

This is easily the most thrilling makeup collection of the year. One/Size recently released a six item Disney Fantasia collection to serious fanfare. The packaging and the theme instantly caused a lot of stir online...and for good reason. Since my mom is totally obsessed with Disney (and passed that love down to me) she decided to purchase the entire collection for both of us. It was extremely unexpected but so very appreciated. Thanks to her generosity, the entire One/Size + Disney Fantasia collection will be reviewed here on Mansa Fashion. Yes, all posts this week will be dedicated to the collection. 

Saturday, July 30, 2022

disney beauty week: belle inspired everything

Belle was always my favourite princess. I remember watching Beauty and the Beast over and over and over again as a child. Well, that never really stopped. It is still a movie that I love to watch to this day. The music, the enchanted castle, the beautiful clothes, and the library. Oh, that library is one of dreams. I loved that Belle prioritized reading, cared deeply for her father, knew what she wanted from life, and had no interest in men like Gaston. (Though I confess that the Beast never much interested me either, in either beast or human form.) Belle was never afraid to be true to herself, speak her mind, and learn new things. Since this is the last Disney beauty theme week post, it only made sense to focus on the unforgettable Belle. Take a peek at a new Beauty and the Beast makeup bag that has been added to my collection and my Belle inspired makeup look. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

disney beauty week: mickey and friends truth be bold artistry palette

What is it about Morphe that is makes it so hard to resist? This brand has been around for quite some time, but wasn't always easily accessible in Canada. In more recent years, certain items have started to be sold in Sephora. Typically, there are oversized eyeshadow palettes with a particular theme. That theme might be related to a colour story, finish, or even brand. (For example, one of my all-time favourites, the Morphe x Coca Cola 1971 Unity Collection.) Since I adore themed items and eyeshadow shades...the brand seems to be a good fit for me. Not too long ago, the Mickey and Friends Truth Be Bold Artistry Palette from Morphe was found at Winners of all places for $25 CDN. Disney? Morphe? And a discounted price? It was too good to resist. Here is everything you need to know about this colourful release...

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

disney beauty week: mad beauty (sheet eye mask and mirror)

Beauty products often make me smile...especially when there is a little Disney thrown into the mix. As part of Disney Beauty Week here on Mansa Fashion. it is time to focus on a few items from Mad Beauty. Now, this is not a beauty brand that I am overly familiar with, but based on their website, Mad Beauty focuses on well-known characters and brands. For instance, there are Disney themed products, Looney Tunes items, Star Wars inspired bath essentials, and even Friends inspired things. How fun! I love anything themed, especially when it involves a TV show, movie, or beloved character. Which is why it kind of surprises me that this is my first time trying anything from Mad Beauty. However, I am ready to make up for lost time and Disney Beauty Week seems like the perfect opportunity. Yes, it is time to take a look at the Minnie Mouse themed Cucumber and Green Tea Sheet Eye Mask and the Mulan themed Beautiful Blooms Compact Mirror from Mad Beauty. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

disney beauty week: introduction and future plans.

It is time for another theme week here on Mansa Fashion. This time? It is all about Disney themed beauty products. This is partly because there are a lot of Disney items in my collection, but also because Disney has been on my mind a lot lately. I am absolutely a Disney person and grew up in a Disney household. The movies, the television shows, and the merchandise have always been part of my life. When I was little, I used to pretend that I was Ariel and sing along to my cassette tapes over and over again. I would hold my plastic mirror and pretend to be Belle. I would dream about visiting Disney World. Since then, Disney has continued to be an important part of my life. From family vacations to a Cinderella themed wedding, movie nights, shopping trips, and well, everything in between...Disney is always thrown into the mix in some way or another. That is why this week will be dedicated to some new and old Disney-related favourites. 

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