Showing posts with label event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label event. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

mocktails, makeup, and a movie event (2023)

It's that time of year again. For the last few years, the Mocktails, Makeup, and a Movie event hosted by Ontario Shores has been a virtual event because of the pandemic. This year? It was held in person again. Though I am not fully used to being around a lot of people, it is something that I am starting to get more used to as time passes. For those who are unaware, Ontario Shores provides assessment and treatment services for people dealing with mental illness. The Mocktails, Makeup, and a Movie event is a fundraising effort, in partnership with Shoppers Drug Mart. It is wonderful that so many dedicated individuals organized the event, donated items, and made the world a little bit brighter. Ready to hear about my experience at the event? See what was in the gift bag? Here is everything you need to know about the in person event. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

my experience at the world of barbie event.

Though it is still difficult for me to be out and about in the family continues to encourage me to leave the house every now and then. This time? It was the lure of Barbie that encouraged me to head outside. Not too far away, the World of Barbie exhibit was available for fans of all ages to live their Barbie fantasy. There was a full-sized model of the Barbie Dreamhouse and camper van as well as life size Barbie doll boxes, a Barbie space shuttle, and more. It was certainly a feast for the eyes! For as long as I can remember, this iconic doll has been a part of my life. (My first word was "Barbie.") I admired her incredible house, undeniable eye for fashion, and the fact that she could be literally anything. Given my history with the doll, it was hard to resist a Barbie themed event. Ready to find out how it was? Take a peek at all of the recreations? Keep reading...

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

virtual event: mocktails, makeup, and a movie (2022)

Special events are difficult these days. It is hard to know what the right move is. Should it be in person? Online? A mix of the two? Last year, the Mocktails, Makeup, and a Movie event was virtual and it remained virtual this year. Though it made sense to keep it online...I have to admit that I did miss the in person experience. Previously, there were makeup demonstrations, raffles, games, snacks, and a brand new movie to watch at the theatre. (You can read more about that here.) It was more of an experience. At home? You definitely have to put in a little extra work to make it feel like an event. That being said, there were some highlights and lots and lots of beauty items to test and try. Ready to hear more about the event? Keep reading...

Friday, April 9, 2022

mocktails, makeup and a movie (virtual event)

Life has certainly changed a lot in the last year or so. In February of was normal. I attended the Mocktails, Makeup and a Movie event for the second year in a row. And it was so much fun! There was a gift bag overloaded with sample beauty products, mocktails (of course), snacks, a silent auction, and a movie at the theatre. There were also different booths with beauty representatives, raffle tickets, and photo opportunities. It was a fabulous night that made people smile and benefited a wonderful cause. But a lot has changed since then. Now, it's hard to even imagine an event like that taking place. This year? It shifted to a virtual format. Certainly different and not nearly as glamorous, but it was exciting all the same. 

Friday, June 5, 2020

my experience: scenic safari drive thru zoo

If you needed proof that the world we live in is completely different, I have three words for you: drive thru zoo. Yes, you read that right. Drive thru zoo. Recently, the Toronto Zoo announced that they would be holding a Scenic Safari. That involves taking your car through staff-only roads and through the zoo itself, while listening to a Zookeeper guided audio tour. Since most places are still closed or have limited capacities, places like zoos have understandably been closed for the foreseeable future. Thankfully, the Toronto Zoo came up with a unique way for guests to stay safe and still have a good time. Though getting tickets for this limited event was a bit of a struggle (I waited in a virtual queue for nearly six hours before I was able to select a date and time to visit) was something that really excited me. For starters, my husband and I always go to the zoo at least once or twice a year. Always! Beyond that, the concept itself is really unique and this Scenic Safari gave us an opportunity to enjoy a special event without feeling unsafe or uncertain. Today, I wanted to share my experience as well as a few of the photographs I snapped along the way. Here goes....

Thursday, February 6, 2020

shoppers drug mart sample haul + movies and mocktails event

Samples have a way of making people smile. Of bringing forth feelings of excitement. Or at least that seemed to be the case at a recent movies and mocktails event I attended. (Sound familiar? I also attended the event last year and documented the experience here on Mansa Fashion. In case you missed that post - or want a refresher - my first movies and mocktails post can be found here.) In addition to a decked out candy table, lots of fruity mocktails, tables with beauty representatives, photo opportunities, and of course, a girly movie...each attendee also received a goodie bag of samples. Some of those samples were food items and a few were more practical items, like tissues and glasses wipes. However, easily the most exciting things were related to skin care, makeup, and beauty. Ready to see what was inside this fabulous sample bag? Here are some of the standouts.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

girls night out: isn't it romantic (makeup, mocktails, and a movie)

How do you make a night out extra special? With the three M's, of course: makeup, mocktails, and movies! Recently, I attended a fabulous girls night out event to support a wonderful cause. With friends, family, and even a little was the ultimate movie night. Here are some of the highlights from the evening and a brief movie review.

Monday, November 18, 2013

feels just like we're dancin' in the wind.

I've been a Hanson fan since I was ten years old. I can still remember sitting in my basement watching the MMMBop video for the first was never the same after. Over the years, I've seen Hanson in concert many, many times. In fact, I never miss a show. That's how I've been lucky enough to meet some seriously great Hanson fans. We all became friends after waiting in line - sometimes for 30+ hours! Even though we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like, it's always wonderful when we get the chance.

Last week, Hanson came to town. So, of course we spent a very very cold day waiting outside of a concert venue. The wait was long, but the company was good, so it all worked out! Before the show, Hanson did The Walk - which is where the band and their fans do a barefoot (okay, not all of us were's winter in Canada!) for 1 mile to raise money and awareness for HIV/AIDS in Africa. They've been doing this for a few years now and it is always my favourite part. It's inspiring and it's also pretty amazing to walk next to your favourite band.

Here are some of my pictures from The Walk with Hanson!

The concert itself was a lot of fun. Beforehand, I was feeling sick, tired, and dehydrated....but once the band came on, it somehow all went away! They played a good mixture of songs - some from the new album and some from past albums. Overall, the set list was high-energy. The crowd was singing along to every was an absolute blast. Plus, each member of the band did a solo song and Taylor sang one of my all-time favourites, Save Me.

For me, there's nothing better than a Hanson is my happy place. Here are a few pictures from the night:

There you have it: my mini-Hanson review. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait another year or two before they come back. I suppose I'll just have to learn to be patient!

What is the last concert you went to?

xo Shannon

Saturday, September 22, 2012

on the way to every story's happy ending.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a Scott MacIntyre fan. The multi-talented musician, author, and American Idol Season 8 top 10 finalist, recently taped an interview for 100 Huntley Street. Since I am such a massive fan of his, I had to be there.

Despite the short notice and the two hour drive to get there, I saw Scott MacIntyre. It was such a wonderful experience! I was able to watch him perform two original songs and film the interview segments. I also met his beautiful wife, Christina, for the first time - she was so lovely.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

september days are here with summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer.

How on earth is it September already?? I find myself wondering how summer went by so quickly. Is anyone else having this problem?

I had an amazing summer. I spent it with a lot of great people, having fun, experiencing new things, and enjoying the warm weather. I worked a lot this summer, but it has largely been rewarding and exciting.

I was lucky enough to end my summer with a concert from my favourite band - Hanson! Hanson concerts are my happy place. I was thrilled to say goodbye to summer in such a perfect way!

On an unrelated note, this is my 250th post - hard to believe, but super exciting!

I hope you all had amazing summers! What were your highlights?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

when I would see shows that changed my life.

Going to concerts has always been a part of my life.

I know some people would rather stay at home and listen to the CD, but for me, there is something about the electricity in the air. Concerts are a place to get lost in a moment; to get completely carried away by a feeling, a note, or person - they are magical.

Last week, I was lucky enough to have two concerts fall in the same week! I went to the American Idols Live Tour with my Mom, and to the Our Lady Peace concert with my boyfriend. Very different shows, but I had a lot of fun at both.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

to see the summer sky is poetry,

It is hard to believe how quickly summer is going by. Already it is the beginning of August, and there is only one month left of my favourite season.

Before this summer began, I made a promise to myself that this would be the best summer of my life. Why? I wanted to do things I always wanted to, but hadn't; I wanted to be social and really experience the fun aspects of summer.

With one month left, I have lots of fun things to do still, and so many that I have already done. These are a collection of photos that have represented the highlights of my summer thus far.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

a good model can advance fashion by ten years.

Sometimes you have to be bold.

Recently, I attended the America's Next Top Model: Live event. There were vendors from various jewellery, clothing, makeup, and hair companies, as well as a fashion show featuring some of the contestants from America's Next Top Model: All Stars. As a long-time fan of the show, I was instantly intrigued by the idea of a day devoted to beauty, as well as seeing some of my favourite models.

Monday, February 27, 2012

my life in pictures.

The last few weeks have been pretty busy! I've been lucky enough to go to a bunch of fantastic concerts as well as spend time with some really important people in my life.

Here is my life in pictures from the last little while...

Monday, January 23, 2012

beauty without grace is the hook without the bait.

Yesterday was the last day the Grace Kelly: From Movie Star to Princess exhibition was showcased in Toronto. In honour of this, I wanted to post about my experience. Unfortunately, photography was not allowed inside the exhibit itself, but I managed to take a couple of pictures outside of the exhibit.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

sugar, sugar.

In the midst of my busy, stressed out life, I made time for one important day. On Monday, I went to a book signing by Buddy Valastro (The Cake Boss!) and also took in his show that same evening. My mom had bought the tickets for the show months ago, so it was exciting for the day to finally arrive.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

it's always the badly dressed people who are the most interesting.

Yesterday, my mom and I traveled to Montreal to see "The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier: From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk" at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. It was a long day - five hours on the train each way - but definitely a great experience. The exhibit was truly beautiful. It was amazing to see Jean Paul Gaultier's couture designs up close and personal! Completely overwhelming! Here are some of my photos from the trip, and a few of my favourite designs from the exhibit. (My personal favourite is the second last photo, the dress with an animal pelt made up entirely of beading. Stunning!)

Any favourites? What do you think of Jean Paul Gaultier's work?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

they wanted me to be the dream.

In 2005, I saw Kelly Osbourne for the first time. She was a few feet away from me, and when I had my chance to say something to her, I froze. I sat silently, in complete awe of my idol. Six years later, I finally got my chance to meet Kelly for real. Today was a dream come true.
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