Showing posts with label inspiration board. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration board. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

fashion inspiration: end of summer style

How is it already the end of August? Somehow, time has been passing even faster than it usually does. It's hard to believe there are only a few weeks left until the official end of summer. In a different year, these last few weeks would be jam-packed with fun seasonal events. There would be concerts, trips to the CNE, and backyard barbecues with friends and family. Not this year. Everything in 2020 has either been paused or muted. Instead of allowing that to make me sad...I've decided to celebrate all things summer. While it may not include cotton candy and rollercoasters, it can include fashion. Lately, my focus has been on putting together lots of seasonally inspired ensembles. Both in real life and from the comfort of my computer. From warm golden makeup to dainty layered accessories and colourful sundresses, there are so many ways to embrace and enjoy the last days of summer. Here is one seasonal outfit to brighten your day.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

inspired by: chromatica + lady gaga inspired style for real life

When it comes to music...women are dominating. Especially in the pop genre. There have been recent releases from Katy Perry, Britney Spears, and even Lady Gaga. The latter is back in an undeniable way. Her first week sales were massive and the second single from the album (a duet with another woman of pop, Ariana Grande) debuted at number one. There is no denying it. This era of Lady Gaga is a smashing success. Not only this the music amazing but so is the style and overall concept. I love the 90s, space alien, drag queen inspired, over the top outfits, accessories, makeup, and hair. Everything makes a statement. Which totally sums up Lady Gaga's aesthetic. And is one of the many reasons that she is such an enduring star. Her image is always completely out there. You never quite know what you're going to get. One red carpet appearance might have her sporting something dramatic and alien-esque and the next might show her in a floppy hat and oversized blazer. She is always keeping fans on their toes. So, today this post is dedicated to all things Chromatica.

Friday, February 14, 2020

you can always gain by giving love.

Love is in the air. Or at least, it should be! After all, today is Valentine's Day. For some, it is a time of romance and laughter. For others, a time of dread. Often naysayers focus on the obligation aspect, the pressure of it all, or perhaps not having a partner. Personally? I love any excuse to celebrate and enjoy a holiday. Single, taken, or in between...Valentine's Day is a wonderful time to celebrate all things happy and joyful. It is a time to be with loved ones (whether that means family, friends, or a romantic partner) and make special memories. To show how much you care. Are you ready to celebrate? To enjoy this oh-so-fabulous holiday? Here is a little inspiration to kick-start your day....

Monday, January 2, 2017

january inspiration board.

I always liked the idea of an inspiration board. Half the books on my shelf have outlined the importance of them. Not to mention every issue of Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and Women's Health. Seriously. Inspiration boards, also known as mood boards, are a big deal. They boost creativity, increase focus, and can help you work towards a specific goal. They are also a great way to get inspired and find your happy place. Especially after a long day at work. Or a draining conversation with a friend, family member, or neighbour. Whenever you need a quick pick-me-up....simply look to your inspiration board.

Since January is just beginning, I wanted to create my own inspiration board for the month. Just little things that are making me smile. You can take a look at it below. Maybe it will give you that extra burst of inspiration today....or perhaps it will inspire you to create your very own board.

As you can see....I am very much feeling classic sophistication at the moment. That is definitely coming through in this board. From the cat-eye sunglasses to the gorgeous retro paintings, the designer perfume, brown lip colour, and black polish, this month is all about embracing my inner Audrey Hepburn. Oh, and feeling grateful, blessed, and open to opportunity. Not a bad way to kick-start the new year.

Another way that I am staying inspired is through my YouTube channel. So, please take a peek at my latest video if you get a chance!

Have you ever made an inspiration board? What did you include?

xo Shannon

Saturday, December 15, 2012

it was magical, this snow globe world.

As December soldiers on, I find myself wishing I had a holiday party to go to. I love getting dressed up, and the holidays are always the perfect excuse! Since I am without a glitzy gathering this year, I decided to create my perfect holiday look instead.

Monday, December 3, 2012

winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth.

I still can't believe that it is December already! I am constantly counting down the days until Christmas - my favourite time of year. To get myself in the Christmas spirit (not that I need any help with that!) I've come up with my Winter Wants list.
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