Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

thrift store entertainment haul (records, dvds, and cds)

There is a used entertainment store that I have loved for many years. Essentially, people bring in their old records, CDs, movies, and box sets for money or store credit. Then the store turns around and sells those items to people like me. There was one location in the city that I grew up in and thankfully there is another location in a city not too far from where I live now. Despite the fact that it isn't too far away from me...this is not a store that I am able to visit often. The reason? My loved ones do not trust me in there. This is because I am a physical media person. I love CDs, cassettes, DVDs, VHS tapes, records, all of it. Streaming is cool and all, but there is something to be said for actually owning the things you love. (I hate how often things leave streaming services. And the fact that many things I enjoy are not available at all.) Last weekend, my husband allowed me to spend 15 minutes inside the store. Though I didn't have a lot of time to browse, there were so many wonderful items that I was able to find in those 15 minutes. It was a real treasure trove. Ready to take a look? Here is a peek at my thrift store haul.

Friday, April 12, 2024

what i've been watching lately (movies and television shows)

There has been a lot of time spent in front of the TV lately. I like to have it on in the background while I work, write, and relax. I've never been all that keen on silence and prefer to fill the space with music or something similar. Silence seems to make my brain go and go and go and go....whereas chosen sounds allow me to focus. So I thought that I would share some of the things that I have been watching lately. There are a couple of movies that really wowed and a couple of nostalgic television shows.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

bunny kisses, easter wishes.

It's a beautiful Easter egg mornin' with a bright coloured Easter egg sky... Happy Easter to all who are celebrating today! This has always been one of my favourite holidays. I love the bunny decorations, the chocolate, the seasonal movies, and the time spent with loved ones. This particular holiday always seems to be so full of hope and optimism. Maybe it is because the sunshine has returned and the spring season is in full bloom. (Or maybe it has to do with the baskets full of jellybeans, chocolate eggs, and other assorted treats.) Whatever the reason, this holiday is always a highlight. Since seasonal movies and television specials are an obsession of mine, it only makes sense to share some of the best Easter movies and specials. 

Friday, March 1, 2024

recent non-beauty favourites (movies, books, television shows)

A new month is here...and that thrills me. January and February were both challenging. I had the January blues and that continued on to become the February blues. However, this is the first day of March and spring is right around the corner. There are also some exciting things ahead for me this month. So, I am focusing on all things good, which is why this post is dedicated to recent non-beauty favourites. These are some of the books, movies, and television shows that have brought me joy lately.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

#FOTD: mera inspired makeup + why i'm seeing the new aquaman

Am I a superhero kind of person? Not really. I've seen my fair share of superhero movies over the years, because my husband enjoys them and because some of them are decent. (I like the Guardians of the Galaxy movies and the occasional Spiderman film.) But despite that, I am not exactly a fan. So, it felt kind of strange to purchase movie tickets a month in advance for the opening night of Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. Truth be told, I only watched the first Aquaman movie very recently...and I only watched it because I am currently working my way through the filmography of Amber Heard. Despite not totally loving superhero movies, it was important to me to see the new Aquaman movie right away, to support a recognized survivor of domestic violence - a survivor who faced one of the most horrific smear campaigns in modern history. I will always stand with survivors, publicly, privately, and even when I head to the movie theatre. Though I have known about Amber for many years, thanks to my obsession with the 00s television show, Hidden Palms, I didn't become a fan until more recently. First, I supported her simply because it was the right thing to do. (Disagree? Read the Amber Heard Open Letter signed by literally hundreds of domestic violence experts and feminist organizations, read the UK judgement, where her ex husband was found to be a wife beater, or look at the mountain of evidence in her favour.) However, as time passed, I became a fan of her as a person thanks to her long history of charitable endeavors, her outspoken stance against injustice, and her dedication to standing with survivors. I also became a fan of a lot of her work on television and in movies. So, for me, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom was a movie I needed to see on opening night. It was only right. Going in, I knew that I wanted to create Mera inspired makeup.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

holiday obsession: perennial pictures cartoons

It was February 2020 and I was stuck in bed with a terrible cold. I remember that I had called in sick to work for a few days and was feeling especially miserable and restless. (I never could have predicted how much life would change just a few weeks later, when the COVID-19 lockdowns happened and toilet paper became the most sought after item in town.) While resting in bed, surrounded by tissues, I scrolled through different streaming platforms for Christmas cartoons in an effort to cheer myself up. Enter Perennial Pictures. On Amazon Prime, I found a cartoon called Up On The Housetop from 1993. It filled me with an indescribable sense of joy and safety. I felt better than I had in days. Next, there was a recommendation for another cartoon from the same company, then another, and another. Soon, I was looking up the Perennial Pictures website to make sure I didn't miss one single moment of animated bliss. I watched everything I could get my hands on...and then watched it all again.

Monday, December 11, 2023

seasonal favourites for 2023.

This is my favourite time of year. Even though there are endless lists of things to do (decorating, catching up with friends, mailing holiday cards, baking, cleaning, and more importantly, watching lots and lots of Christmas movies)...there is also a lot of joy. When I start to feel overwhelmed trying to balance it all, seasonal favourites to remind me how much this time of year means. They bring me back to a place of wonder and delight. Though there have been a lot of holiday-related items making me smile recently, from classic movies to songs on the are a few of the standout seasonal favourites for 2023.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

five favourite obscure christmas cartoons.

In previous years, there have been several posts dedicated to obscure Christmas movies, specials, and cartoons here on Mansa Fashion. The reason is simple. I love them...a lot. Though the more popular holiday movies and specials make me smile, there is something extra thrilling about discovering media that is lesser known. Something new-to-me. Something I might have missed before. I used to find all sorts of random Christmas movies at the dollar store and at different thrift stores. This year, I have managed to find some hidden gems on free streaming platforms. I absolutely love free streaming sites, because it is often possible to find lesser known media from the 80s, 90s, and 00s. How exciting! Today, I wanted to share five of my favourite obscure Christmas cartoons. Each one has been adding to the magic of the holiday season this year. 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

elf x i heart revolution collection (palette + highlight review)

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. I remember the first time my family watched the movie, Elf. It was love at first watch for me. (In fact, as I write this blog post, I am wearing a Buddy the Elf sweatshirt.) In the years since, it has become one of my main comfort movies. I watch it randomly throughout the year and even more often during the holiday season. So, when I found some items from the Elf x I Heart Revolution was a must. Since I have a serious weakness for eyeshadows and highlighters (they are some of my most used products) it only made sense to add a little Christmas cheer to my makeup routine with those items. Here is everything you need to know about these seasonal products. 

Monday, November 6, 2023

what i've been watching lately (television and movies)

Whenever life is busy or hectic or overwhelming....I turn to television and movies. I have always felt comforted by those moments of escape. By the different stories, characters, and worlds that are only a click away. The last several weeks have been a bit full thanks to different family events, a planned weekend trip, responsibilities at home (I have weighed down my schedule by attempting to deep clean the apartment ahead of holiday decoration time), work, writing goals, and a million other to do list items. My solution? Play different television shows and movies in the background. Even right now, as I am writing this blog post, there is a movie playing in the background to keep me company. (For the record, it is Christmas Vacation. Even though it is technically early November, it might as well be December 25th in my mind. I am in full blown Christmas mode.) So, I thought it made sense to do a little update and share some of the things that have been on my watch list lately. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023

taylor swift (the eras tour concert movie experience + outfit)

Time won't fly. It's like I'm paralyzed by it. I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it. Taylor Swift is more popular than ever, with millions of adoring fans around the world, a sold-out tour, and a new concert movie raking in more than $130 million dollars in the early weeks of its release. As a long time fan, it is exciting and somewhat strange to see her popularity continue to soar. Each time I think things can't get any bigger...they do. Recently, my oldest friend took me to see the Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour concert movie at our local theater to celebrate my birthday and our mutual love of Taylor Swift. We both decided to dress in different "eras" inspired outfits to make the most of the occasion since we were unable to snag tickets to her shows in Toronto. (We tried!) So, this post is all about the outfit, the makeup, and the overall movie experience. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

movie review: in the fire

What is evil? The new American-Italian independent film, "In The Fire," boldly poses that question to its audience. On the surface, the movie is about Martin Marquez, a young boy who appears to have inexplicable abilities. He has been blamed for every wrong thing that has happened in the area since his birth, from locusts to plagues to weather to deaths and even issues with crops. Though the people in town seem certain that Martin is possessed by the devil, an American Doctor, Grace Burnham, believes that Martin has a medical condition that can be understood and managed. It is here that the theme of science versus religion is introduced in the film. Grace sees Martin as a human being. Someone to be treated with respect and understanding. Someone to believe in. The townspeople see Martin as a source of evil and someone to be exterminated. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

what i've been watching this spooky season

It is hard to believe there are only a few weeks left of spooky season. Halloween is slowly creeping closer...which means right now is the perfect time to watch lots and lots of movies. Over the last month or so, there have been all sorts of Halloween and horror films playing in my home. Sometimes, the movies are on in the background while I work. Other times, they are a treat at the end of the day. (Nothing too scary before bed, though, otherwise, I will have nightmares about being terrorized by horror icons like Michael Myers and Chucky.) Want to know what I have been watching lately? Are you looking for a few seasonal movie recommendations to add to your watch list? Here are some of the movies that I've been watching this spooky season.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

theme week: 2000s (iconic 00s music, movies, and television shows)

There was a lot to love about the 2000s when it came to media. Looking back, there was some seriously incredible music that came out at that time, not to mention movies and television shows. No wonder many of my favourites seem to be from that era. For the last 2000s theme week post here on Mansa Fashion. it only seemed right to honour some of those releases. Keep reading for some of my personal favourites as well as some other iconic highlights from the decade. 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

barbie the movie jumbo eye pencil (nyx review)

Even though Barbie The Movie has been out for almost two months mind is still focused on all things Barbie. At this point, the movie has broken record after record. This movie is a big deal. And thank goodness for that! Not only is it colourful, vibrant, and nostalgic, it also speaks to gender roles and societal expectations. It is a beautiful film that is both fun and meaningful. I have seen the movie five times, but cannot wait to own it so I can watch it as often as I like. Until then, I am making the most of the movie collaborations and collections. Take the Barbie x NYX collection as an example. I've already reviewed the It's a Barbie Party Mini Palette and now it is time to take a look at the Jumbo Eye Pencil set. It included two different jumbo eye pencils inspired by some iconic Barbie characters. Keep reading for all of the details...

Friday, September 1, 2023

small town shopping haul (thrift store finds and more)

I love thrift stores. Absolutely adore them. For starters, everything inside is so much more affordable. Not to mention the fact that there are older items that are harder to find elsewhere. Since I love books, movies, and music from different decades, thrift stores are an absolute must when it comes to finding the entertainment I want and need. My family spent time at a cottage recently (which had far too many mosquitos and spiders for my liking) but my mom and I made time for a healthy amount of shopping in some of the small towns. This included lots of thrift stores, antique stores, and local shops. Ready to take a closer look at some of the items that came home with me? Here is a peek at my small town shopping haul...

Friday, August 4, 2023

ultimate to-go product: NYX it's a barbie party mini palette

Barbie is always on my mind these days. I have seen The Barbie Movie several times at this point (and would love to see it again but it is probably best that I wait for the eventual DVD release) and am continuing to enjoy all of the various Barbie themed collaborations. Take the NYX x Barbie collection that was released recently. To be honest, every single item in the collection looks fabulous. All of the products are so fun, colourful, and well themed. Though it would be amazing to have it all, ultimately, it was the It's a Barbie Party Mini Palette that was added to my makeup collection. There is so much to love about this teeny tiny travel friendly release. Ready to find out all the details? Here is everything you need to know...

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

finding little pockets of meaning.

The summer season always seems to be a little too busy. Isn't this supposed to be a time of rest and relaxation? A time to lounge on the patio with a cold beverage? Unwind in the sunshine? Apparently not! The to-do list is never-ending. For starters, there are responsibilities at work as well as creative projects and long neglected at-home tasks that are simply begging for attention. Then there are all of the social events and invitations out that seemed to have piled up. It really doesn't take much for the summer season to start to feel overwhelming. At least, that is the way it has felt for me the last several weeks. I mean, there is the usual stuff that always seems to keep my schedule full, but then there are all of these milestone moments and major events happening for my loved ones. That means gift shopping and nights out galore. Don't get me wrong...these are wonderful things...but an open schedule and a lighter load would be nice for a little while. Maybe in the fall! At any rate, life has seemed a little busier lately, so I have been holding on to small moments. Little pockets of meaning. It's amazing how even in the midst of feeling overwhelmed, something can appear, and instantly you remember how beautiful it is to be alive. Today, I wanted to share some of the songs, words, and other such things that have added colour to my life lately.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

because barbie can be anything, women can be anything.

I can sum up my life lately in one word: Barbie. There have been an awful lot of Barbie related events and experiences taking place over the last few weeks. It all started with a Barbie themed party followed by multiple screenings of the new Barbie movie, which stars Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, and a ton of other notable actors. Truthfully? I wouldn't have it any other way. My mom has always loved Barbie and collected the dolls then and now. No wonder my first word ever spoken was "Barbie." This iconic figure has been an important part of my life. I literally can't remember a time without Barbie! Growing up, I loved playing with my dolls and dressing them in all sorts of different outfits. I loved making my Barbie organize picnics and hold fashion shows. Most of all, I loved believing in her world. After all, in Barbieland, Barbie could be anything, do anything, and make anything happen. She could have a hundred different careers, own her own home, have an assortment of vehicles, and make her own decisions. Barbie always represented what could be....and I loved her so much for that. 

Friday, July 14, 2023

what i've been watching lately (television shows and movies)

I have always loved television shows and movies. Like books, they were my escape from the world. I didn't have a lot friends growing up and was picked on a lot in school, so at the end of the day, there was something extra special about plopping down in front of the television set. I was free. Even now, all those years later, I feel the same way. Sitting in front of the television set to watch a show or a movie makes me feel safe. It is also my reward at the end of the day. There are a few different things that I have been watching lately. Want to know what they are? Here are some standout shows and movies...

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