Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

buffalo shopping haul

Ahead of Mother's Day weekend, my mom told me she wanted to take a shopping trip to Buffalo, NY. So, my dad drove us across the border for a couple days. We went to an absolutely massive mall as well as Target, Walmart, and a handful of other stores. There were all sorts of exciting items to look at...and take home. Keep reading for a peek at my Buffalo shopping haul.

Monday, May 13, 2024

comedy show review: kathy griffin (my life on the ptsd-list)

Kathy Griffin is someone that I really admire. She is an outspoken advocate who regularly stands on the right side of history. She is an ally to marginalized groups of people, loudly stands with survivors, and even tried to have her brother arrested for his various abuses. (Read more about the latter here.) I am so impressed with her perspectives and the way she handles adversity. Recently, she came to a city near me on her My Life On The PTSD-List and shared all sorts of stories about wild celebrity encounters and her own challenges in more recent years. Kathy Griffin is a strong and powerful woman who has held onto her voice, despite those who tried in vain to take it from her. It was such a delight to see her perform live again. She is charisma personified. Since I had such a wonderful time, it only made sense to share some of my thoughts on the sold out show.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

why i stopped being 'nice'

I used to describe myself as nice. I try so hard to be nice. It's important that I be nice. I don't do that anymore, largely because I am not interested in being nice. To be 'nice' in our society means not speaking out, not ruffling feathers, not pushing back on the status quo. It means cramming yourself into a box to make others comfortable. It means losing part of who you are. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

disney theme week: walt disney world vacation highlights

Though my vacation to Walt Disney World ended a few weeks is only now that I have been able to sit down and write about the experience. (Trying to catch up on life after a vacation is no joke.) Walt Disney World is my happy place. Though I have visited Disneyland and Disneyland Paris in the past, Walt Disney World is my favourite place on earth. It has a special kind of magic. Maybe I just like being in the Disney bubble, hidden away from all of the hurts and fears in the world. Or maybe it has to do with the four theme parks there are to explore. Whatever the reason, it is clear that Walt Disney World brings me joy. There are Mickey Mouse shaped waffles for breakfast, Mickey Mouse shaped pretzels to snack on, and well, Mickey Mouse shaped everything! To start this Disney theme week off on the right foot, here are some vacation highlights from the getaway...

Friday, March 22, 2024

changing my hair: before and after

A few months back, there was a post here on Mansa Fashion. about my hair turning grey. I've sort of been mourning the slow loss of my natural hair colour over the last little while. Despite not wanting to make a change, it was time, because the greys had started to overpower all the rest. Today, I wanted to share a before and after (though there was a bit of a sneak peak in my St. Patrick's Day post) and talk about my experience before, during, and after the salon visit. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

westlife concert experience + happy st. patrick's day

I have loved a lot of bands over the years. Westlife is one of them. As a boyband fan who always looked forward to Brit List (in my adolescence, YTV had a music countdown show called the Hit List, and the Brit List episodes were focused on music videos from popular artists in the UK)...Bryan, Shane, Mark, Kian, and Nicky were an important part of my life. I had posters from imported Top of the Pops magazines that I bought at Chapters. I had every album. I listened to every song over and over again. Though years have passed, their music, old and new, has continued to be a meaningful part of my life. I've spoken here on Mansa Fashion. in the past about being bullied and feeling like an outsider in my younger years. Back then, music was my safe escape. I suppose it still is. Which is why it was so exciting that Westlife recently embarked on a small North American tour for the first time. It was promoted as a St Patrick's Day Special. Ready to find out how it was? Keep reading...

Monday, March 4, 2024

laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.

We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us. By the time this post is live, my adventure is already well underway. So, this is just a brief post to let you know that there will be a mini blog break here on Mansa Fashion. You can expect to see new posts here next week. Currently, I am on a family vacation in Walt Disney World. This is the first time the whole family has visited there in several years. I am excited, because I love all things Disney, but nervous, because leaving the comfort of my home has become a stressful experience since the pandemic. Fingers crossed the trip will be fabulous and I will return home with lots of fun photos and stories to share. Until then, here is hoping you all have a wonderful week. 

Monday, February 26, 2024

if only i could stop the world, i'd make this last.

There's a place waiting just for you. It's a special place where your dreams all come true. Many S Club 7 songs impacted my life as a teenager for one reason or another, but "Reach" was a song I turned to when I felt especially misunderstood. High school was rough for me and though I had friends, I was also bullied, mocked, made fun of, and felt deeply uncomfortable in my own skin. The more I was bullied, the less I thought of myself, and the more I longed for escape. S Club 7 was that escape for me. Watching the television shows, the specials, the movies, and listening to the music made me feel like I was part of I had this giant group of friends who would protect and stand up for me. I often imagined S Club 7 walking the halls with me and putting those bullies in their place. I imagined being part of the "club" and feeling confident and happy. Though the band obviously never saved me from the cruelty of the world, their music made me feel much less alone in the midst of it. When the world leaves you feeling blue, you can count on me. I will be there for you. Needless to say, hearing S Club 7 perform "Reach" live (along with many other favourites) was a dream come true. Five members of the band reunited and brought their "Good Times" tour to Meridian Hall in Toronto recently...and the night was everything I hoped it would be. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

january in review (resolutions, goals, and life updates)

The last day of January is here. Truthfully, this makes me a little relieved, because I have been dealing with the January Blues for much of the month. There isn't a particular reason that I have been so down, but for the last few weeks, I have felt unfocused, unsteady, and unsure. Despite that, there were some good moments...and some events to look forward to now that January is coming to a close. This post is a look back at the month that has passed and a look ahead at some resolutions. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

the book is called opportunity and its first chapter is new years day.

Welcome 2024! Somehow, a new year has arrived, but today, I am taking a moment to look back at the year that has ended. What a year it was. To be honest, I can't say that 2023 was my favourite year ever, though there were certainly some highlights. Generally was a mixture of good and not so good. The good? Seeing Clay Aiken in Niagara Falls, a vacation to Montreal, a special getaway with my husband in the fall (there were Halloween events and even a spaceship themed hotel room), and getting a new pet fish. The bad? Getting COVID in the summer (I was down for the count for about a month), the end of a longtime friendship, lots of anxiety, losing even more faith in humanity, and many of my loved ones getting COVID riiiiight before Christmas. Yeah, 2023 was a lot. Needless to say, I am looking forward to 2024. I am hoping for a better year.

Monday, December 25, 2023

look to the skies, listen for sleigh bells...

Merry Christmas! It is difficult to believe that the day has arrived already. Though the holiday season is always busy, this year, things have been especially hectic since my loved ones have been under the weather recently. It delayed all of the decorating, wrapping, and baking that normally takes place at my parents house throughout the month of December. Ultimately, everything became rushed and last minute...which took a bit of the fun out of the season. Despite all of that, I did my best to make Christmas as special and magical as possible. (There have been lots of movies and Christmas carols.) I hope that your holiday season has been wonderful and exciting. And I hope your Christmas Day is everything you imagined it would be. 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

#FOTD: mera inspired makeup + why i'm seeing the new aquaman

Am I a superhero kind of person? Not really. I've seen my fair share of superhero movies over the years, because my husband enjoys them and because some of them are decent. (I like the Guardians of the Galaxy movies and the occasional Spiderman film.) But despite that, I am not exactly a fan. So, it felt kind of strange to purchase movie tickets a month in advance for the opening night of Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. Truth be told, I only watched the first Aquaman movie very recently...and I only watched it because I am currently working my way through the filmography of Amber Heard. Despite not totally loving superhero movies, it was important to me to see the new Aquaman movie right away, to support a recognized survivor of domestic violence - a survivor who faced one of the most horrific smear campaigns in modern history. I will always stand with survivors, publicly, privately, and even when I head to the movie theatre. Though I have known about Amber for many years, thanks to my obsession with the 00s television show, Hidden Palms, I didn't become a fan until more recently. First, I supported her simply because it was the right thing to do. (Disagree? Read the Amber Heard Open Letter signed by literally hundreds of domestic violence experts and feminist organizations, read the UK judgement, where her ex husband was found to be a wife beater, or look at the mountain of evidence in her favour.) However, as time passed, I became a fan of her as a person thanks to her long history of charitable endeavors, her outspoken stance against injustice, and her dedication to standing with survivors. I also became a fan of a lot of her work on television and in movies. So, for me, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom was a movie I needed to see on opening night. It was only right. Going in, I knew that I wanted to create Mera inspired makeup.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

a little grey hair is a small price to pay for wisdom.

I remember the first time I noticed a grey hair. That shining piece of silver stood out against a sea of brown. At the time, I was more confused than anything else. It couldn't be...could it? I was in my early 20s back then and grey hair had not occurred to me. After all, I was busy trying to figure out who I was, what I wanted, and how I envisioned my life. It was too soon for grey! Only it wasn't. Since then, the grey hairs have multiplied. I am now watching them take over. One day, in the not-so-distant future, I will make the decision to start dying my hair. To cover the greys. To hold onto the brown in some way. However, I haven't been able to take that leap yet. I am trying to hold onto my natural colour for as long as I can. For as long as I have it. 

Monday, November 20, 2023

shopping trip highlights + lauren conrad mini haul

It has been a while. There were several years back to back to back when my mom and I took a shopping trip to Erie, Pennsylvania. It was a tradition of sorts for a little while. Then the pandemic happened. Well, this year, we decided to venture back out and see how the shopping was in Erie once more. We took a bus shopping tour recently to check some items off of our holiday shopping list. It included some stops off at a mall, outlets, and lots of other stores. Keep reading to find out how the mini getaway was and to take a peek at a small Lauren Conrad collection items that I purchased at Kohls. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

letting go of my favourite band: why i no longer support hanson.

Many years of my life were defined by one band: Hanson. In elementary school and high school, my peers bullied me relentlessly for wearing Hanson t-shirts to class. Despite their continued cruelty…I refused to stop wearing those t-shirts. After all, wearing my Hanson shirts made me feel better about myself. I felt safer. More confident. More like me. In the decades that followed, the band continued to be an important part of my life. I made friends while waiting in line for general admission concerts. I skipped school to wait outside radio stations. I went to television tapings, autograph signings, and lots and lots of live shows. I bought every piece of merchandise that I could get my hands on (or afford at the time) and I was a member of their official fan club for years. When I was selected to be the fan club reporter for their String Theory show, it was a dream come true. Being able to meet my favourite band, talk to them, and have a photo taken, was the number one item on my bucket list. To this day, that experience is one of my personal highlights. Unfortunately, that experience is also bittersweet. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023

taylor swift (the eras tour concert movie experience + outfit)

Time won't fly. It's like I'm paralyzed by it. I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it. Taylor Swift is more popular than ever, with millions of adoring fans around the world, a sold-out tour, and a new concert movie raking in more than $130 million dollars in the early weeks of its release. As a long time fan, it is exciting and somewhat strange to see her popularity continue to soar. Each time I think things can't get any bigger...they do. Recently, my oldest friend took me to see the Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour concert movie at our local theater to celebrate my birthday and our mutual love of Taylor Swift. We both decided to dress in different "eras" inspired outfits to make the most of the occasion since we were unable to snag tickets to her shows in Toronto. (We tried!) So, this post is all about the outfit, the makeup, and the overall movie experience. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

it is a little planet, but how beautiful it is.

Though nature may not be my sure does looks nice.  As you may recall from a recent blog post here on Mansa Fashion. my family spent a week at a cottage a couple of weeks ago. This has become a bit of a tradition in the last couple of years. Originally, it was the result of the pandemic and not wanting to travel too far away from home. Now? My family just seems to enjoy the experience. I am not exactly Team Cottage (bug bites, spiders, no computer...oh my!) but I always try my best to make the most of the time away. There were some low moments, like several mosquito bites on my chin and face, and some high moments, like doing some local shopping and seeing a movie at an interesting theatre. In this post, I will be sharing some of the highlights from the cottage vacation as well as a few photographs from the trip as well. Here goes...

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

sometimes all you need is a break from life.

It is time for a short blog break here on Mansa Fashion. By the time this post goes live, I will be at a cottage with my family for a week or so. It has become a tradition of sorts over the last several years. When the pandemic hit, it put travel plans on pause, so my parents rented a cottage where it would be possible for immediate family to come together safely...but still social distance from others. We have been renting different cottages each summer since. To be honest, it is not exactly my idea of a good time, because I do not love being in nature. Or being away from my computer. Or not having time to myself. That being said, I am very lucky to be able to spend time with my loved ones. I just wish it could be done without all of the mosquitos! At any rate, I will be busy making the most of cottage life for the next several days. (And applying lots of bug spray and sunscreen along the way. Sigh!) I look forward to catching up with you all once I am back home again. Until then...

Will you take any vacations this month? How are you spending the last days of summer?

Saturday, July 29, 2023

because barbie can be anything, women can be anything.

I can sum up my life lately in one word: Barbie. There have been an awful lot of Barbie related events and experiences taking place over the last few weeks. It all started with a Barbie themed party followed by multiple screenings of the new Barbie movie, which stars Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, and a ton of other notable actors. Truthfully? I wouldn't have it any other way. My mom has always loved Barbie and collected the dolls then and now. No wonder my first word ever spoken was "Barbie." This iconic figure has been an important part of my life. I literally can't remember a time without Barbie! Growing up, I loved playing with my dolls and dressing them in all sorts of different outfits. I loved making my Barbie organize picnics and hold fashion shows. Most of all, I loved believing in her world. After all, in Barbieland, Barbie could be anything, do anything, and make anything happen. She could have a hundred different careers, own her own home, have an assortment of vehicles, and make her own decisions. Barbie always represented what could be....and I loved her so much for that. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

vacation highlights: montreal and ottawa

Ahh, travel. It is something that means a lot to me but is also something that is difficult for me. I am not very good with change...even if it is temporary change. At the same time, I love seeing interesting places and making memories with people that I love. That means that travel is part of my life despite my discomfort. (And all of the added discomfort caused by the pandemic.) Recently, an anniversary tag was shared here on Mansa Fashion. and I mentioned that we would be taking an anniversary trip to Montreal and Ottawa. Want to know how it went? Here are some of the vacation highlights.

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