Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

when will it stop being cool to be quietly misunderstood?

There are far too many pictures saved on my computer. Some are fashion editorials that I like, some are of people that I admire, and some are just random inspiration photos. Whenever I am feeling need of a little reminder that there is beauty in the world...I like to look at those photos. It is a nice way to remember that beauty can exist even in a society that often feels dark, cruel, and hateful. In case anyone out there is feeling a little out of sorts today or is struggling to see the good, here are are some inspiration photos. I hope they lift your spirits or at least act as a reminder that you are not alone. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

colour is descriptive. black and white is interpretive.

Black and white photographs always seems to say more. They express longing, despair, and the complexity of human emotions in a way that colour photos cannot. Lately, I have been really inspired by black and white everything. Photography, movies, television shows...all of it. Perhaps this is because there is something achingly beautiful about black and white images of all kinds. They somehow peel back the layers and get to the heart of the matter. They say the things that we are too afraid to say. They tell our secrets. Since my world has been a little black and white recently, it only made sense to share a bit of that inspiration here on Mansa Fashion. Here are some inspiration photos to add a little extra something to your day. Some of the images are moody and others are powerful, but all are meaningful, special, and important. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

anniversary road trip (owen sound and tobermory)

It is no secret that travel is difficult for me these days. (I wrote about in a recent blog post, which you can check out here.) Despite being something that I used to brings me a lot of anxiety now. Where I live, the cases of COVID-19 are increasing again. Since it seems no one is wearing a mask anymore or taking any safety precautions whatsoever, this is certainly concerning. It also means that a lot of my favourite summer activities, like theme parks, concerts, and the CNE, will have to wait. Crowds are not my thing anymore! Well, my husband and I celebrated seven years of marriage recently and he wanted to do something special. We haven't traveled, just the two of us, since before the pandemic....but my fear of people made it difficult to really plan something. Ultimately, we ended up taking a little road trip to Owen Sound and Tobermory. The reason? All of the activities were outdoors and the crowds were low. Here are some road trip highlights from this getaway. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

forgiveness is the smell that lavender gives out when you tread on it.

Inspiration is always beautiful. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere and other times, it is a constant source of motivation and enchantment. Lately, my inspiration has been coming from lavender. The colour is so soothing and beautiful to look at - and the scent fills me with joy. This particular inspiration is strange because I have never been all that interested in lavender. Sure, I love the colour, but the actual scent? Not so much. This is likely because my mom is allergic to the smell of lavender. For whatever reason, it always seems to cause her to react. So I never had anything with lavender in it. Until now. I found a lavender scented pillow spray and fell in love with the fragrance. Since then, it has been all lavender all the time. Which is why today's post is a good old-fashioned inspiration post.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

one belongs to new york instantly.

It has been a while since my last visit to New York City. Many years ago, I would travel there at the start of every summer, and I loved it. Why? There is this magical sort of energy lurking around every corner. Everywhere you turn, there are lights, massive buildings, unique shops, and people from every imaginable walk of life. New York truly is an incredible place! Recently, I was able to visit there again, though only for a couple of days. Despite the brief trip, it was wonderful to step back into the wonder of this unforgettable city. Here are some of the highlights from my latest vacation.....

Thursday, April 19, 2018

four ways to improve the quality of your photos (inspired by: shopbackdrop)

Photography has always been a source of inspiration to me. Whether I am trying to snap the perfect photo or am enjoying the work of others....a single image has the ability to inspire, tell a story, and bring up deeply rooted emotions. Have you been wanting to up your game lately? Maybe you are trying to improve the quality of your blog pictures. Or you want to take an unforgettable family photo. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of ways to take your next photographs to the next level.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

i've seen it raining fire in the sky.

It's strange. Nature has never been my favourite thing. I am more of an indoor person....choosing the peace and comfort that controlled heating provides. Any opportunity to stay inside is an opportunity I will take. The truth? Earlier this month I had three days off of work in a row. While I accomplished a lot - from cleaning to writing and a million tasks on my to do list - I never left my house. For three days. Yes, I am definitely an indoor person. Which is why it is puzzling that I have been so inspired by nature lately. By striking images, cool wind on my face, and the way sunshine makes fallen snow sparkle. There is so much beauty in the world. And I want to experience all of it.

Nature has become a real source of inspiration to me. For much of the month, I have felt very connected to the earth and all it has to offer. Which is why I have found myself saving photo after photo of nature-themed fashion editorials. There is something striking about high-end clothes, dramatic hair, and bold makeup.....clashing against a postcard worthy backdrop. It has been a very long time since I did an old fashioned inspiration post. So, that is what this blog post is all about. Inspiration, beauty, and of course, nature.

And the Colorado Rocky Mountain high, 
I've seen it raining fire in the sky.
The shadows from the starlight are softer than a lullaby.
Rocky Mountain high, Colorado. Rocky Mountain high.

My life has been full of inspiration lately. And that has been a truly wonderful feeling. I hope these photos have inspired you - or brought a little light to your day.

What inspires you? Do you like these pictures?

xo Shannon

Sunday, November 15, 2015

believe in the magic of the season.

It's the greatest time of year. Well....almost. The holiday season is one that fills me with such immense joy. I think the weeks (and months) leading up to Christmas are even better than the actual day itself. Why? It gives me the chance to partake in all of the annual traditions. Decorating, wrapping gifts, listening to music, watching movies, and spending time with family. I love those moments more than I could ever describe. They give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside. Which is probably why I am in full blown Christmas mode. Even though it is only mid-way through November. There is something so special about the holiday season. I want to hold onto it for as long as possible.

What have I been doing to enjoy the holiday so far? My shopping list is quickly being whittled down, I have wrapped gifts I have already bought, enjoyed a candy cane (or two), watched seasonal cartoons, and today? Today my friend and I are going to see the Santa Claus Parade. This is something I am crazy excited about. I have always wanted to go.....and finally I will be able to cross that off of my holiday bucket list. It is sure to be an incredible day. I will definitely keep you all posted.

Since I am getting super into the holiday spirit, I wanted to share a few stunning seasonal photos. Looking through them makes me giddy. I love the warmth and the beauty they provide. Hopefully they make you feel the same way. Take a look!

Yes, the holiday season is on my mind. I love everything about it. Which is why I was really excited to receive a pair of snowflake earrings from INALIS to review on my YouTube channel. Take a look at this gorgeous winter accessory - along with the other items I have added to my jewellery box.

The holiday season is coming up fast. This year? I want to avoid the rush and enjoy every little moment there is. Why? I love Christmas and I love the magic of the holidays. That magic starts now.

Are you getting excited for the holidays?

xo Shannon

Sunday, June 9, 2013


I have Instagram. Sort of.

Let me preface this by saying that my cell phone is totally ancient. I'm talking no internet and a flip out keyboard. Why? I simply can't justify spending a ton of money on something I drop a hundred times a day!

Since my cell phone is so basic, I haven't been able to use Instagram. Recently though, I signed up using my boyfriends cell phone. And I downloaded something that lets me use it from my computer. That means that I won't be able to take a ton of photos, but I can check out other peoples!

Which brings me to the purpose behind this post. I'd love to check out all of your photos - so feel free to add me to Instagram: TCOBeautyIsArt

What do you love about Instagram?

xo Shannon

Monday, May 20, 2013

life is like a new hat. you don't know if it suits you if you keep trying it on in front of your own mirror.

For everyone celebrating Victoria Day today - I hope that you are enjoying what is left of the long weekend! I've had a great time so far. I'll be sure to update you on my long weekend soon! Until then....

Shopping trips with my mom can be awesome. They can also cause me to spend far more money than I planned to! My mom is a seasoned shopaholic and she has passed her wisdom onto me throughout the years. On our most most recent trip out, I picked up some new things....including a giant floppy sun hat and a pair of leopard print sunglasses. Necessities, clearly!

When I got home that day, I quickly snapped a shot of me in my new hat and sunglasses. Instantly, I was transformed into someone who looked sophisticated and classic (In my mind, at least!) So, I thought this would be a fun way to show you a couple of my new purchases.

Hat: Joe Fresh      Sunglasses: Betsey Johnson

Have you been shopping lately? What have you added to your wardrobe?

xo Shannon

Thursday, May 2, 2013

decide what you are and what you want to express, by the way you dress and the way you live.

It is so easy to get caught up by life and forget to actually appreciate the beauty in it...this is something I find myself struggling with lately. Sometimes it feels like I am just keeping my head down and trying to get through it all.

When I first started Mansa Fashion. I said that I wanted to dedicate myself "to the beautiful things that keep me dreaming." That is the idea behind today's post. I want to get back to back to a place where I can truly appreciate the beauty in the world around me. With that said, here are some of the pictures that I'm finding inspiration in - images that keep me dreaming.

What is inspiring you lately?

xo Shannon

Friday, February 15, 2013

anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly.

How did you celebrate Valentine's Day this year?

My Valentine's was nice and low-key. Since my boyfriend isn't big on the holiday in general, it was up to me to take the reins. All I wanted was to spend the night with him and show him how much he means to me. So, I cooked him dinner - a heart shaped pizza! I spoiled him with food (even though I am not the world's best cook). Everything actually turned out pretty well. It was all the romance I needed! 

As for the picture posted above: It has been saved on my computer for ages, and given the time of year, I simply had to post it! I love that fairy tale moment, her big poufy dress, and of course, that perfect kiss. What scene could be more romantic?

And, since I am in an especially romantic mood at the moment, I leave you with a quote from my favourite poet.

"Familiar acts are beautiful through love."
- Percy Bysshe Shelley

What are your plans for the weekend?

xo Shannon

Sunday, December 9, 2012

a picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know.

I'll admit - I still do not like Miley Cyrus' new haircut. For some reason, it just doesn't work for me. However, I recently came across this older picture of her that I totally fell in love with!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

the heart and mind are the true lens of the camera.

Lucky me, I have a new camera!

My wonderful boyfriend gave me the camera before I went away to England - an early birthday present! My old camera didn't focus well and the buttons stuck, but it was doing the job. I wanted to save up for a better one....but my boyfriend beat me to it. It is a Sony Cyber-Shot - and it's red! It is so so cute.

I am absolutely loving my new camera. The flash is better, it focuses so well and the colours are more vibrant. Every time I use it, I feel very spoiled indeed.

What do you have planned this weekend?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

london, thou art the flower of cities all!

As you all know, I recently got back from visiting London, England. It is my favourite place in the world. While I was there, I did far too much shopping, went to the Making of Harry Potter Studio Tour, Kensington Palace, had tea at Fortnum and Mason, and went on the Jack the Ripper walk. It was a nice week away from work, though I missed my boyfriend terribly! Here are some of my pictures from the trip....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

and falling's just another way to fly.

I love traveling and taking vacations. It seems I am always saving up to take one or am dreaming of some place to go! Recently, my boyfriend and I took a weekend trip up to Niagara Falls. It felt way too short, but it was a ton of fun. While we were in Niagara Falls, we kept ourselves busy by checking out the falls and going through the novelty museums on Clifton Hill. It was the perfect getaway from everything. Since I can't resist a good novelty photo, we took a ton of pictures during our time there. Here are a few of them!

Friday, August 31, 2012

the only failure is not knowing how to be happy.

When music, fashion, and photography come together, it is a beautiful thing. This is exactly what happened in Celine Dion's latest magazine spread! After seeing Celine Dion's photos for V magazine, I was so inspired. What I love most about this set of photos is how dramatic they are. Celine looks sultry, strong, and exudes sex appeal. At the same time, she still manages to look sweet and flirty. I also am a big fan of black and white photography, so this photoshoot was a hit for me.

What do you think of these photos of Celine Dion?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

all the windows of my heart I open to the day.

First off, I just created a Twitter account for this blog! It would mean a lot to me if you could follow: @TCOBeautyIsArt Be sure to link me to your Twitter account in the comments, so I can follow all of you!

A little while back, I was tagged by Zia Blue at Song Sung Blue to take part in a photo challenge. The challenge? "Window With a View." Since my neighbourhood is all houses, finding a decent view really was a challenge! Ultimately, I took a photo of the view from the front room.

For this challenge, I tag anyone with an interest in photography, or with a really spectacular view to share!

What are your plans for this weekend?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

to see the summer sky is poetry,

It is hard to believe how quickly summer is going by. Already it is the beginning of August, and there is only one month left of my favourite season.

Before this summer began, I made a promise to myself that this would be the best summer of my life. Why? I wanted to do things I always wanted to, but hadn't; I wanted to be social and really experience the fun aspects of summer.

With one month left, I have lots of fun things to do still, and so many that I have already done. These are a collection of photos that have represented the highlights of my summer thus far.

Monday, July 30, 2012

you don’t take a photograph, you make it.

I have an obsession with photography. Not skilled in it myself, I admire those who are. When a photograph catches my eye, I tend to become completely enamored by it. That happened recently when I came across the following photograph.

I'm sure it is entirely obvious why I found this photograph so striking. The delicate femininity is beautiful. I love the softness of her expression and the light in her eyes. The eyes are completely mesmerizing. I love the whimsical kind of romance this photograph exudes. The makeup is wonderful, with sculpted cheekbones, simple white highlight around the eyes, and a muted lip. Everything about this photograph exudes beauty!

What do you think of this photograph? What photos have been inspiring you lately?

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