Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts

Friday, December 15, 2023

what i've been reading (christmas edition)

There has been a lot of seasonal reading taking place lately. Truth be told, I always have a stack of books waiting to be read, but a few books were set aside specifically for this time of year. Some of the books in the pile were thrifted and some were brand new...but all were ready to make the holiday season feel a little more magical. Ready to find out more about the Christmas themed books that I have been reading lately? Here is everything you need to know about these seasonal stories. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

recent reads + update on my reading goal for the year

If only there was more time to read. Lately, I have been longing for evenings curled up with a good book. Though I do my best to make it happen a few times a week, it is difficult to fit into the schedule most days. There is always so much that needs to be done! Work, cleaning, exercise, seeing loved ones, and a million other to dos on a never-ending list. Sometimes, reading gets put on the backburner, whether I like it or not. That being said, there are a few books that I have been able to finish over the last little while...which means it is time for a recent reads post and an update on my reading goals for the year. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

recent holiday themed reads.

What is better than reading? Not much. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to make time for this beloved pastime. In an ideal world, it would be possible for me to finish all of the books on my shelf and still have time to reread lifelong favourites. The reality is drastically different. Most of the time, I find myself squeezing in a few minutes of reading before bed or at lunch. I miss days spent curled up with a good book. Who knows...maybe there will be more of that in the new year. For now, I will have to settle for stolen moments of escapism. Over the last little while, I have been focused on holiday themed books. Some are mysteries and others are more romantic in nature. Here are some recent reads and mini reviews. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

mini book haul + update on 20/20 reading goal

Too many books? There is no such thing. I believe that having a full bookshelf or two is good for the soul. Which certainly explains why my shelves are double stacked and overflowing with books, books, and more books. Reading has always been a passion of mine and it is something that I love more than anything else. Even if I am not always able to read as much as I would like! For the last couple of years, I have done the 20/20 reading challenge, which is essentially a goal that I set for myself at the start of each year. The challenge is to read at least 20 fiction books and 20 non-fiction books. This ensures that I am reading a lot of different types of books and also encourages me to make time to do what I love most. We are just over halfway through the year and I'm at 13 fiction books and 11 non-fiction books. Still a ways to go! Life has certainly been busy lately, but I do hope that soon enough there will be a little more downtime to focus on my reading list. As for today, I wanted to share some of the recent books that have been added to my shelf. That's right...this is a mini book haul. 

Saturday, February 19, 2022

recent reads: mysteries, biographies, and self help

There is nothing better than curling up with a good book...though it is not always easy to make the time. Or have the energy! These days, my plate has felt a little more full than usual. There are always times like that, it seems. Slower times are immediately followed by busier times. But somehow, everything always gets done, and there is even room for fun every now and again. Even though life has been busy lately, reading has been on the forefront of my mind. I've been trying to unwind at the end of the night with a chapter of a book instead of scrolling through Instagram or mindlessly watching something on TV. Not only does this help me to sleep better, but it also makes me feel more connected, grounded, and peaceful. Which is why this post is all about some of my recent reads. I thought that I would share some of the books that have been making my life better lately. Some are mystery novels, there is a celebrity biography, and there are even a couple of self help books. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2022

nostalgic moments: reading magazines and atoosa rubenstein

Do you remember the feeling of flipping through a magazine? Of pouring over glossy page after glossy page? Reading magazines is such a nostalgic experience for me. When I was younger, there was no greater delight than my parents coming home from buying groceries....because I knew there would be at least one magazine tucked away for me. Sometimes, it was Seventeen. Other times, it was YM. It might have been Teen, Teen People, Bop, Tiger Beat, Popstar or Teen Vogue. A lot of times, it depended who was on the cover, but it was always a thrill to be presented with that magazine. It was something that was all my own. (Well, sometimes it was also my sister's. But usually, the magazine ended up in my possession.) I remember that I would eagerly help to put away groceries and then spend the next several hours reading every single word and looking at every single image in that oh-so-special magazine. It made me feel so special. 

Monday, June 28, 2022

20/20 reading challenge update + mini book reviews

Ahh...New Year's Resolutions. Sometimes they seem impossible to achieve. That is why I have adopted a monthly check-in with my resolutions. It makes it easier to hold myself accountable when I can actively track my progress. One of my resolutions is carried forward from last year: the 20/20 reading challenge. (You can read more about that here.) Essentially, the goal is to read 20 fiction books and 20 non-fiction books by the end of the year. Last year, I was able to surpass this goal, which felt wonderful. This year? I haven't had quite as much time to read....though I am definitely doing my best to squeeze it in wherever possible. Since we are about halfway through 2022, it only made sense to share a mid-way update on this personal reading challenge. There will also be some mini book reviews to consider as well. Here goes...

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

the bookshelf tag + recent reads video

Books. Books have long filled my heart with every conceivable emotion. Those pages have the power to take you to far off lands, to let you into someone else's world, to transform your perspective, and teach you things you never knew you needed to learn. Books are important. They are the very reason that I have always wanted to be a writer. They are the reason that I continue to write today. For as long as I can remember, books have been an essential part of my life. From being read to as a small child to pouring through Sweet Valley High books in my adolescence to my yearly reading goals...there is something to be said for the written word. During the quarantine, an exhausting day was spent attempting to organize my bookshelf. Before that organizational day, my shelves were overloaded and extra books were left in stacks on the floor. Somehow, I managed to squeeze all of my books onto the two full-sized shelves (it involved double stacking and a splash of creativity) but it was a process! That is what inspired me to do another book post. So without further ado, here is The Bookshelf Tag as well as a Recent Reads video on my YouTube channel.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

20/20 reading challenge + recent reads

Reading is one of my favourite things to do. It has been for as long as I can remember. Despite this, it can be difficult to find space for this beloved pastime. You know the drill. Life gets busy (thanks to work, responsibilities at home, and all the other necessities of everyday life) and the things you love most seem to fall by the wayside. That is why one of my New Year's Resolutions last year was to read more. A lot more. So, I created the 20/20 Reading Challenge. What is it? Did I succeed? And what did I read? Here is everything you need to know.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

eastern canada vacation (pictures + trip highlights)

Vacations are good for the soul. Perhaps that is why travel is such an important part of my life. It excites, thrills, and renews. Recently, my husband and I checked an item off of our travel bucket lists: explore Eastern Canada. Ever since I was a little girl, I have dreamed of visiting Prince Edward Island. (I've been a fan of Anne of Green Gables for as long as I can remember.) So when my husband suggested a vacation within our own country rather than jetting off elsewhere, PEI was at the top of my list. Luckily, we were able to spend time in PEI, Moncton, Fredericton, and Nova Scotia. Here are some photos and travel highlights from our latest adventure.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

beauty bookshelf: 10-minute hairstyles by andre martens

Here it is...the second edition of Beauty Bookshelf. This is a series dedicated to beauty-related reads. The books featured in this series can be about makeup, hair, lifestyle, photography, or anything else tied to beauty. The last time I did a post like this, I included a style book. This time, it is all about hair. Though many beauty lovers are wonderfully talented and creative when it comes to hair, I am not. Makeup is definitely my strong suit. Not hair! Typically I wear it straight, half-up-half-down, or in a ponytail. Which is why whenever a special occasion arises (or I want to try something different), I reach for the book, 10-Minute Hairstyles: 50 step-by-step looks by Andre Martens.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

reading habits tag + six books on my to-read list

Reading is one of my oldest loves. Many of my most cherished childhood memories involve a book of some sort. In my teenage years, books became my safe place. To this day, reading is a huge part of who I am. Books help me learn, explore, and imagine. After seeing a reading habits post from the wonderful Amanda Mercuri (which you can read here), I knew immediately it was time to do a book related post here on Mansa Fashion. For today's post, it is books, books, and more books. That's right. I'll be answering questions from the reading habits tag as well as showing you a few of the books on my to-read list.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

i've been in love three hundred times in my life, and all but five were with books.

My first love was a book.

It was a story of adventure and family, of fear and adversity - the Canadian children's book, The Secret World of OG. I still have my battered up copy, with masking tape keeping the cover intact, the rough pages worn and creased. As a child, my dad and I would read it together - one chapter a night. I think it was my favourite book, simply because of those shared moments.

Books are still my greatest love. Reading them, writing them, and dreaming about becoming a novelist...books fuel my passion.

To anyone whose ideal day is curling up with a good book -
who spends more money in a bookstore than anywhere else -
and who watched Beauty and the Beast as a child, and fantasized about that library...
This post is for you.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

tribute: mary-kate and ashley magazine

In 2001, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen started mary-kate and ashley magazine. It was released bi-monthly and lasted three issues. Some may scoff and say the venture was a failure, but this magazine had a huge impact on my life.Whether it was my desperate hope that I may one day look like Mary-Kate or Ashley, this magazine began my interest in fashion. I devoured each page and picture, wondering if I could ever be that girl.

Friday, September 2, 2011

books belong to the eyes that see them.

Bookstores are my weakness. I made a promise to myself not to buy any new books until I finished the ones I have....this plan backfired. Chapter's had this great sale - buy three books, get the fourth free. I planned on buying four books, but left with eight. Oops?

Friday, August 12, 2011

a house without books is like a room without windows.

There is no beauty in being a book snob.

A few days ago, I began reading a book titled, "So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year Of Passionate Reading" by Jessica Blanton Nelson. The premise was promising - chronicling the authors' goal of reading a book a week for one year. Unfortunately, it has been a challenging read...I can't get past my resentment, caused by the third chapter.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

true power is held by the person who possesses the largest bookshelf.

Opening a book for the first time is special. It is accompanied by a magical, almost secret kind of joy. Feeling the weight of the book in your hands, your fingers running over the smooth cover before tentatively pulling it back, the rough pages underneath your fingertips, and the anticipation of that opening line....

I am behind the times.
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