Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

buffalo shopping haul

Ahead of Mother's Day weekend, my mom told me she wanted to take a shopping trip to Buffalo, NY. So, my dad drove us across the border for a couple days. We went to an absolutely massive mall as well as Target, Walmart, and a handful of other stores. There were all sorts of exciting items to look at...and take home. Keep reading for a peek at my Buffalo shopping haul.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

disney theme week: walt disney world souvenirs

No Walt Disney World trip would be complete without a little shopping. (Or a lot of shopping.) As someone who loves to shop in general and especially loves to shop for themed is difficult to reign myself in at Disney. From the World of Disney store to Main Street USA and everywhere in between, a decent amount of browsing and buying was done. Want to see what souvenirs came home with me? This theme week post is dedicated to all sorts of Walt Disney World memorabilia. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

thrift store haul: lots and lots of records

Life is more beautiful with music. Quite frankly, life feels especially beautiful with a stack of new-to-me records sitting underneath the record player. Shortly before Christmas, my husband and I went to a local thrift store to poke around. It isn't something that I do too often (because I always seem to come home with at least a few special somethings) but every now and then, it is a nice treat. Well, this time, it was fantastic. I hit the absolute jackpot in the record section. Most of the time, there isn't much there that interests me, but according to someone at the store, records that hadn't sold at a church sale had been donated. I guess my musical taste can now be described as: records that do not sell at church sales.  At any rate, I was thrilled to bring seventeen different records home, including the one album that I have been desperate to get my hands on for years. Ready to take a peek at these new-to-me records? See what was added to my collection? Here is my latest thrift store haul.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

mini fall winners haul (accessories and makeup)

On September 1st...I was itching for fall. Though technically, the fall season doesn't start until September 23rd, in my mind, once September arrived, all bets were off. That day, I pulled out the decorations from the storage closet and planned to put out a few autumn decor pieces. Well, by the end of it, the living room was decorated for both the fall season and Halloween. Oops! To be honest, I was in my glory that day. There was a Vanilla Pumpkin candle from Leyland & Body Works lit, Phantom of the Megaplex was on in the background, and decorations were scattered everywhere. The only problem? I was missing a seasonal tablecloth. My old one had fallen apart and needed to be replaced, so I asked my husband if we could pop over to Winners and take a peek at what was there. We ended up finding a beautiful fall tablecloth (which is used as the backdrop in the photos for this particular blog post)...but I also found a few additional items. On that note, here is a mini fall Winners haul. 

Friday, September 1, 2023

small town shopping haul (thrift store finds and more)

I love thrift stores. Absolutely adore them. For starters, everything inside is so much more affordable. Not to mention the fact that there are older items that are harder to find elsewhere. Since I love books, movies, and music from different decades, thrift stores are an absolute must when it comes to finding the entertainment I want and need. My family spent time at a cottage recently (which had far too many mosquitos and spiders for my liking) but my mom and I made time for a healthy amount of shopping in some of the small towns. This included lots of thrift stores, antique stores, and local shops. Ready to take a closer look at some of the items that came home with me? Here is a peek at my small town shopping haul...

Saturday, April 29, 2023

niagara falls outlet shopping haul.

Outlet shopping is always a good idea. Especially when the deals are outstanding. As mentioned in my last blog post, I recently visited Niagara Falls to see Clay Aiken perform for a few days. On the first day there, my mom and I went to do a little outlet shopping at an outdoor mall. Though there weren't a lot of impressive stores, there were two that were out-of-this-world fantastic. One was an Urban Planet outlet store (that had clothes and accessories from a variety of similar stores, like Urban Planet, Wet Seal, Forever 21) and the other was an American Eagle outlet. The Canada One Outlet Mall had other options as well, but my purchases came from those places. Here is a closer look at all of the discounted finds that came home with me.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

the return of zellers + my first time visiting the new store

Zellers. For Canadian shoppers, that word has a lot of memories attached to it. Growing up, Zellers was a staple. Every town had at least one. With the bright red colour out front, it was hard to miss, even if you didn't happen to shop there. I remember buying too many CDs in the electronics department, purchasing some of my earliest drugstore makeup in the beauty section, and eating cake at the Zellers Restaurant. Ahh, how simple life seemed back then. When Zellers closed in 2012 to make way for Target (RIP Target in Canada), it seemed that the brand was gone for good. Surprise! Zellers is back. Well, sort of. There are now Zellers locations inside of various Hudson's Bay stores. Recently, I was able to check out one of those locations for myself. 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

current obsession: kate spade earrings (light amethyst studs)

Several months back now, there was a short trip taken to the Frankenmuth area. During that little getaway (which you can read about here) there was a stop off at an outlet mall. Though I was not shopping for anything in particular, a pair of Kate Spade earrings caught my eye at the outlet. There was just something about them. The sparkle! The shine! The colour! It really was love at first sight. To be fair, there were quite a few items at the Kate Spade outlet store that I fell in love with...but the earrings were within my budget. They cost about $20 CDN and offered a little taste of luxury for less. These are definitely an obsession.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

my first time visiting the retro festive store.

Is it Christmas yet? Okay, maybe not, but my mind is already focused on all things festive. This is without a doubt, my favourite time of year. Admittedly, I am a bit of a Christmas addict. I watch holiday movies all year round, listen to instrumental Christmas music while I write, and find myself browsing the holiday subreddit in the middle of summer. There is something so special about all things seasonal. From the decorations to the movies, food, and traditions...I love it all. Perhaps this is why my favourite online store is Retro Festive. This is a Canadian run business that focuses on holiday, retro, and popular culture items. Not only does this store have all the things that I love most, but it is also located within Canada. Since things normally cost a fortune to ship here (and take forever to arrive) it is an absolute delight to have something nearby. Items usually arrive within a day or two and the prices are all in Canadian dollars. Hooray! Needless to say, I place several orders there each year. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2022

bath & body works: fall scented hand soaps

Leyland & Body Works has been out of my reach for a very long time. Due to the pandemic, lockdowns, and then trying not to leave the house just wasn't possible. But recently, my mom and I visited the nearby shopping mall for the first time since some of the restrictions lifted. The last time we visited the mall was about a month and a half earlier, and there were tight restrictions on the number of people who could be in a store at a time. Leyland & Body Works had an absolutely massive line and I did not want to wait for hours to buy soap. So, we skipped it. This time, we were able to walk right into the store. That in itself was special. This pandemic has really made me appreciate those little experiences! While at Leyland & Body Works, there was a sale on hand soap. Though I also wanted to take home all the candles....I tried to focus on what I actually needed. And what I needed was the amazing Leyland & Body Works foaming hand soap that I have missed so much over the last year or so.

Monday, August 23, 2022

mini drugstore haul (reviews and video)

Sometimes, those unexpected stops off at the drugstore manage to be a little more expensive than planned. Especially when a leisurely stroll through the beauty aisle is involved. You know how it is....pop in for some essentials and walk out with a whole lot of non-essential (but fun) items. That is how this mini drugstore haul came to be. It includes some new nail polish as well as some makeup items, perfume, and there are even some samples thrown into the mix. Ready to take a peek at everything? Here is a video haul as well as some drugstore product reviews. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

why i reordered the emily edit (the needs) palette

There are some makeup items in my collection that get used more than others. My most used? The Needs palette from The Emily Edit collection. For those of you who missed the initial launch, Emily Eddington aka Emily Noel on YouTube teamed up with Revolution at the end of 2018. There were two items in the collaboration: The Needs palette and The Wants palette. The Needs was all about those everyday essentials where The Wants palette was loaded with lots of colourful eyeshadows. (Take a peek at that palette and a full review here.) All in all, it was a fabulous selection of products. Ones that I continue to go back to time and time again. Though I have not been buying new makeup products lately and been dedicated to using more of what is in my was time for a re-stock. As I mentioned, my original The Needs palette has been around since 2018 and I have used it almost every single day. So, I went on the Revolution Makeup website and ordered two more palettes. They were super affordable and on sale as well, so with shipping, both palettes cost a mere $25 CDN.

Friday, December 13, 2019

boxing day: saving money and surviving the post-holiday rush

Boxing Day. Those words can bring immense joy (if you plan to partake in the tradition) or immense fear (if you work in retail). This holiday has brought in waves of shoppers to stores all across the city. Every December 26th, discounted holiday merchandise and seasonal items go on sale across Canada. That means savvy shoppers can save money if they shop smart. Are you planning to score some Boxing Day deals this year? Find out how to save money – and survive the post-holiday rush by prepping and planning ahead of time. 

Friday, June 21, 2019

budget shopping tips for a new summer wardrobe

One thing I love about summer? New clothes. Step foot in any store and the racks are full of cute shorts, tank tops, maxi dresses, and other seasonal must haves. New clothes can be pretty tempting for a fashion lover. Just think of all the summer favourites, trendy pieces, and fun extras. Are you on a budget this season? Me too...and there is nothing wrong with that. You can still score cute summer pieces without spending a ton of cash. All you need to do is keep these budget shopping tips in mind the next time you head out.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

hello december + christmas gift guide (the perfect present made easy)

It is my favourite time of year. Finally, December has arrived! For all of those Grinch-esque people who hate to see anything Christmas-related before the first of the more complaining. The countdown is officially on. Quite frankly, I am loving every minute of it. This is the time to enjoy seeing all of the lights, decorating, wrapping, watching holiday specials, and so much more. I love all of the traditions and spending time with loved ones. This month,  you can expect lots and lots of themed posts to celebrate the spirit of the season. Starting with today! Here are is a Christmas gift guide to help you find the perfect presents, quickly and easily.

Monday, April 30, 2018

mall haul: sephora, hot topic, and payless

Nothing like last minute plans! My weekend was meant to be relaxing, with absolutely nothing planned or on the to do list. This is a rare occurrence. Then, out of nowhere, I got an invite for a movie and a bit of shopping. Though part of me was disappointed that my blissful weekend of lounging was gone....there was another part of me that was excited to go out and be social. (For the record, the movie we ended up seeing was "I Feel Pretty" by Amy Schumer and there will be a review of sorts posted here in the next couple of days!) The shopping itself was really fun and we checked out an awful lot of places. So, on that note, here is my latest mall haul.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

live like it's spring.

Can you tell? I am completely and utterly obsessed with all things spring. Not only am I in the process of doing some heavy-duty spring cleaning, but the windows are open, the sun is shining, and I am dedicated to colour and carefree days. There is something so wonderful about this time of year. It is all about renewal and starting fresh. About possibilities and purpose. Honestly, the spring season has left me inspired by just about everything. So today, I wanted to share a few of my current spring favourites.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

shopping haul (sephora, hot topic, indigo, and more)

Shopping used to be a regular occurrence in my life. I would hit the mall as often as possible, coming home with an armful of bags, each one loaded with new and exciting purchases. Over the last several years, that has slowed. And more recently? I haven't done any shopping at all. I have been focused on saving money, thinking before I spend, and being mindful of what I already own. Despite this shift, I wound up doing a bit of shopping...two days in a row.

Monday, November 13, 2017

if you can't stop thinking about it.

Shopping and travel are two of my favourite pastimes. Every once and a while? Those loves are combined. That happened recently when my mom and I took a shopping bus tour to Eerie, Pennsylvania. We actually took this same trip last year and had such a great time that we decided to go again! Essentially, it is a three-day trip, full of shopping, shopping, and more shopping. Since the holiday season is quickly approaching (can you believe it?!) this seemed like the perfect time to share a little bit of my experience with you all. And hopefully inspire you with your own seasonal shopping. Here goes....

Monday, October 16, 2017

new in: zara, hot topic, and bluenotes.

Oh, shopping. How I have missed you. As you may know if you have been reading my blog for any period of has been one of my resolutions to do less shopping. And I have. Though, I do still indulge every once and a while! And boy, did I need to. It had been a strange few days and I was feeling pretty emotional. Everything was off balance and my mind was not in the best place. Thankfully, my mom and I had a mini shopping trip planned. We went to the mall to find a birthday gift for my dad and check out some of the stores. It was such a fun day and it managed to get my mind off of things. If that wasn't enough, my husband and I did some discount shopping the day before. It was definitely a weekend of worthy of a shopaholic.

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