Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

why i stopped being 'nice'

I used to describe myself as nice. I try so hard to be nice. It's important that I be nice. I don't do that anymore, largely because I am not interested in being nice. To be 'nice' in our society means not speaking out, not ruffling feathers, not pushing back on the status quo. It means cramming yourself into a box to make others comfortable. It means losing part of who you are. 

Saturday, May 27, 2023

the women i admire...and how that has changed.

Last night, a friend and I went to see the movie, "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret." Instantly, I was transported back to my youth. I remember reading that Judy Blume book over and over again. I read it so many times that the cover was cracked and worn. I felt like it understood me in ways that the people in my real life didn't. I felt seen, heard, and understood. Watching the film version took me right back to that time in my life, so full of insecurity and longing. As nostalgia took over, I started to think about the women that I admired when I was younger and how drastically that has changed. 

Monday, May 15, 2023

do we just give up? or make a change?

There is a lot to love about Dolly Parton. For example, her talent, kindness, and the fact that she always tries to make the world a better place. I admire a lot about her. Recently, I've realized that what I admire most about Dolly is the fact that she is accepted for who she is. Truth be told, I am a little jealous of that, because it has never been the case for me. In elementary school, my friends dumped me (in a rather dramatic fashion) because I was "holding them back from popularity." In high school, I was bullied mercilessly for wearing band t-shirts and being shy. In adulthood, I was overlooked at work and told that I didn't have the right personality to be promoted. All of those experiences left scars. All of those experiences reminded me that I was not acceptable. For many years, I tried to toe the line. I tried to dress to fit in, follow the trends, do what other people did, and squash down various bits and pieces of my personality. I was still me, but I was never the full me. I wanted to be like everyone else, because I desperately wanted be accepted and acceptable. Not anymore. Not. Anymore. 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

journal prompts and affirmations for the fall season.

Ahh...the crisp fall air. There is truly nothing like it. What could be better than a morning walk with a warm sweater while the leaves change colour? Autumn is special. No doubt about it! Since this is such a wonderful time of year, it is important to take a moment to appreciate it all. Something that I like to do as one season shifts to another is journal and recite targeted affirmations. This can really put things in perspective, make it easier to set goals, and ensure that your mindset is positive. Here are a few journal prompts and fall-themed affirmations to make sure this season is fabulous from beginning to end.

Friday, August 21, 2020

five journal tips to help you get started

There are many benefits to keeping a journal. Whether it is a traditional spiral notebook, a bullet journal, or a journal with lists or daily can be good for the soul. Some of the most noteworthy journaling benefits include: organizing your thoughts, working through difficult emotions, reducing stress and anxiety, feeling more in touch with yourself, and boosting creativity. Do you journal? Or have you wanted to get started? It can feel a little overwhelming to commit to something that requires regular participation. However, it doesn't have to feel like a burden or obligation. There are many ways to get started and pursue the art of journaling. Here are five tips and tricks that will help you every step of the way.

Monday, April 22, 2019

accepting who i'm not (inspired by but first, coffee)

I am not a blogger with a perfectly curated Instagram feed. I am not someone who takes incredible photos or attends fancy beauty events. I am not the kind of makeup addict who creates looks so inspiring - everyone is desperate to re-create them. I am not a full-time blogger. I am not a beauty expert. (Even if I want to be.) There are so many things that I am not. Things that for a long time, made me feel small. Things that made me feel lacking or less than. It wasn't until I read a recent post from But First, Coffee called, "Accepting Who I'm NOT," that I started to feel okay about these things.

Friday, February 16, 2018

four blog tips to help you grow your little piece of the internet.

Every blog has its ups and downs. Some people are able to find a niche market and build an audience quickly, while others toil away for years and years with little success. When it comes to being a can be a roller coaster ride. You never know quite what to expect. Though there are many different types of bloggers out there (the ones who strive to earn their income from blogging vs ones who do it purely for the enjoyment factor), it is always possible to grow.

Let me just say this: Mansa Fashion. is not a crazy popular blog. However, it is something I am extremely proud of. I have worked very hard to establish it, expand it, and maintain an audience. This is no easy feat! So, today I wanted to share a few blogger tips with you all. Here are four ways to grow your own little piece of the Internet.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

inspiration post: makeup, books, quotes, and more.

Inspiration can come from many places. Despite that, I have been feel a little well, uninspired lately. This might have to do with the fact that January is tough....or because I've been under the weather. Whatever the reason, there are days when creativity pours out of me and days where I am tired, grumpy, and unmotivated. Since my inspiration and creativity has been a bit all over the place as of late, I wanted to share a few images, quotes, books, and exercises with you.They have been helping me shift my mindset on those off days. Here are some quick and easy ways to get inspired....

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

why I'm making time to read in 2018.

Though I meticulously wrote down my goals for the year at the end of last month....I have only just begun to tackle my resolutions. I suppose this is only natural. The start of January is always bogged down with post-holiday sadness, undecorating, and a massive list of tasks that went ignored all December long. Now that February is just about here, I feel a renewed sense of optimism and focus. Which is why I have started to work through my list of New Years Resolutions.

There are many (some related to my career, others to fitness, and some to my blog and YouTube channel), but one of my personal goals has to do with reading. Specifically, to read more this year. This is something I have missed over the years, as my life has gotten fuller and my list of responsibilities longer. Sound familiar? Here are some of the reasons I plan to read more in 2018.

Friday, February 10, 2017

every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.

I won't lie to you. Things have been challenging lately. Every time I open a newspaper or go online, I am bombarded with negativity and hate. Day after day, it is the same. Rights are being taken away, families are being ripped apart, and terror has gripped the hearts of many. (Thankfully, there are also stories of strong individuals fighting against evil. That gives me hope. That keeps me going.) With so much pain and devastation in the world, it has become all too easy to feel powerless. Overwhelmed. Sad. Lost. But there is one very important thing to remember in the days, months, and years to come: we are not powerless.

Though my blog is primarily related to makeup, fashion, and beauty, it is important for me to express how I feel about the world. Having an outlet for these emotions of mine helps keep me sane. I only hope that these sporadic political posts inspire you too....and let you know that you are not alone. So, today I wanted to share some of the quotes that give me comfort. They have been lifting my spirits and giving me some much needed inspiration. And inspiration is the fuel that keeps us fighting.

Which quote is your favourite? How do you stay inspired in dark times?

xo Shannon

Saturday, February 4, 2017

stop comparing and start creating.

I've heard it said that comparison is the biggest thief of joy. This is absolutely true. In the past, I've felt pangs of envy looking through friends travel photos on Facebook....or hearing about someone's job promotion. Suddenly, all of my own personal accomplishments faded into a lackluster shade of grey. All because I compared my life to someone else's.

For the past year or so, one of my biggest priorities has been my path of self discovery. I have opened myself up to new experiences, have learned more about my authentic self,and have achieved a sense of value and inner peace. (Not all the time, mind you, but more often than not.) Despite this, I had not realized that any deep or profound changes had been made. Apart from being happier and more positive, that is! Then something happened.

One of my friends texted me to share her excitement over a new job. It was a big step up and she was downright giddy about the next chapter of her lie. Ordinarily, I would have experienced a combination of elation and misery. The latter because the dreaded comparisons would begin in my head. What about me? When will my career take off? It probably never will. On and on it would go until I would feel completely and totally miserable.

That didn't happen this time. I was happy for her and didn't think to worry or compare. It wasn't until later that night that I even realized my reaction was not typical for me. Somehow, my own sense of joy and purpose had squashed my need to compare. Who knows if it will always be this way....but it was certainly a moment of victory.

xo Shannon

Sunday, January 22, 2017

my worst quality is that i get very passionate about what i think is right.

It wasn't on my list of New Years Resolutions....but perhaps it should have been. Speak my mind. Over the last little while, I have found it harder and harder to stay silent. In the past, I have bit my tongue, backspaced opinionated Facebook statuses, and scrolled past ignorant statements. I cannot continue to do so. With so much social upheaval happening in the world today, I refuse to be part of the problem. I will speak my mind.

To everyone who participated in the Women's March events that happened yesterday (whether you attended one in person, tweeted about it, or made a donation to an organization like Planned Parenthood)....know that I admire you. Your courage, strength, and determination to make the world a better place, inspires me. It makes me believe there is hope so long as we stick together.

As Hillary Clinton tweeted yesterday, "I truly believe we're always Stronger Together."

So, thank you.From this point on, I hope we will all continue to speak up, stand up, and fight for what is right.

xo Shannon

Saturday, October 8, 2016

a good snapshot stops a moment from running away.

This has been an interesting couple of weeks. They have been full of introspection and reflection. With every day that passes, I feel myself becoming stronger and more focused. And that is a pretty amazing thing. Perhaps that is why I wanted to take some time to look back on recent moments. This "snapshot" post is a collection of small accomplishments and lovely memories.

Going To The Blue Jays Game. My husband and I were lucky enough to see a Blue Jays game a couple of weeks ago. It was a wonderful way to kick-start the fall season. Our seats were fantastic, the Jays won the game, and it felt good to spend time together. Plus, there was popcorn and a soft pretzel involved. Clearly that is important.

Spending Time With My BFF. Sometimes I think people are meant to come into your life. That is exactly how I feel about one of my friends. She honestly means the world to me. Not only can I talk to her about anything (there is no judging and no such thing as TMI) but we do amazing things together. Whether we are binge watching a show, talking for hours on end, or taking a class together....she is my ride or die. Lately, I have been feeling especially grateful for her friendship.

Putting Up My New YouTube Video. It's hard to believe, but my YouTube channel has been up and running for a year and a half. Pretty crazy. At the moment, I have a massive list of video ideas. If only I had the time to film them all! I recently put up a video using only dollarstore makeup items. This was such a fun video to do. (If only because I was able to test out new makeup.) Take a look and let me know what you think of it....

Writing (and Doing!) a Makeup Tutorial. Writing is definitely a big part of my life. I write literally every single day. While I wish I had more time to write for myself (short stories, poetry, or doing edits on my book)....I am grateful to be busy and constantly writing. That is a big deal. On that note, I wanted to share a recent article that I wrote for LoveToKnow. It was a Minnie Mouse makeup tutorial - which is perfect for Halloween or a costume party.

Those are a few of the things that I have done lately. I am constantly trying to find a balance between work and a social life....and it feels good when that actually happens. These little snapshots might not look like much. But they make me happy. Here is hoping the rest of month brings just as much joy.

What have you done lately? Any standout moments?

xo Shannon

Monday, October 3, 2016

a good book stays with you.

It is easy to get lost in the shuffle of everyday life. There are to do lists to tackle and responsibilities to consider. By the time the day is done? You are wipes. Exhausted. Thinking of nothing but a blissfully deep sleep. Let's face it.....with so much on our plates these days, reading often takes a back seat. Who has time in this go-go-go society to sit and read a book? Not a lot of people. Despite time constraints and a hectic schedule, reading has managed to remain an integral part of my life. Especially over the last several months. I have been doing everything I can to make time for this joyous activity. Which brings me to the heart of this post. Some recent reads have inspired me in ways I never imagined. They made me think, feel, and grow. They are....

Jane Fonda: My Life So Far. The thing about autobiographies? Some are phenomenal and some are so-so. It depends whether the author is willing to be raw and real or if they want to stay on the surface. When I found Jane Fonda's biography at a thrift store, I was excited. Thrilled, even. I could not wait to learn more about my fitness guru. Not knowing much about her life (apart from the fact that she was an actress and workout queen), I went into this blind. But boy....were my eyes opened. She shared deeply emotional stories about her childhood, feelings of self, toxic relationships, and so much more. I felt deeply connected to her story. In a way, it felt good to know I was not alone. That even the great Jane Fonda struggled to make sense of herself. It was a heart-wrenching, educational, and inspirational read. One that stayed with me long after the last line.

Where Am I Now? by Mara Wilson. One of my favourite Christmas movies is Miracle on 34th Street. The re-make, not the original. Mrs. Doubtfire and Matilda were some of my favourite films growing up. Needless to say, Mara Wilson was a very big part of my childhood. So when I heard that she had written a book....I made a trip to the bookstore. Immediately. I could not wait to read her story. What I never could have guessed is how much this book would affect me. She spoke of her anxiety and OCD. Of her time on film sets. Of first loves and friendships. Of her mother's death. (The latter literally moved me to tears.) By the time I finished reading? I had found a part of myself. A part I never knew I was missing. She was always my idol growing up. Turns out, she still is.

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero. Confession: I love a good self help book. They force you to think about your life (the good and the not so good) and really focus on areas that you want to improve. Recently, my friend gave me You Are a Badass: How To Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living An Awesome Life. I knew this book was going to be good thanks to the witty writing and the authors sharp tongue. What I didn't expect is how much it would make me think. How many positive emotions it would bring out. While I am not finished yet (though I am certainly working on it), this book simply needed to be part of this list. There was a chapter about source energy that was particularly moving and information about the sub-conscious that profoundly affected me. Not to mention, this quote:

"If you are depressed, you are living in the past. 
If you are anxious, you are living in the future. 
If you are at peace, you are living in the present." 

Books matter. Words matter. Reading matters. If nothing else, I hope this post inspires you to pick up a paperback and fall into another world. 

What have you read lately? Do you have a favourite book?

xo Shannon

Monday, June 6, 2016

take the moment and make it perfect.

It was a relaxed kind of day. Woke up late, worked out hard, did a bit of work, and caught up on some TV shows. Don't get me wrong. It was a good day. I felt accomplished. I felt strong. I felt content. But there was one thing that seemed to be missing: inspiration. Despite the completed to do list and the laid-back vibe of the inspiration was seriously lacking. I missed that feeling. That flutter of excitement. Instead of waiting for it to appear, I found it. I started seeking out inspiration. Photos, quotes, people, feelings. The result was truly overwhelming. It began with a quick Google Image Search. Then I was on Pinterest. Then Favim. Then YouTube. My path to inspiration took me to unexpected - but beautiful - places. Places that will stay with me. So, I thought that I would share some of them with you today.

Inspired By: Sophistication and Audrey Hepburn.

My love of Audrey Hepburn is nothing new. Which is why the first place I sought out inspiration was by doing a quick search for photos of the iconic actress. I so admire her loving character, giving nature, and sophistication. She was so much more than a beautiful woman. She was a beautiful person. She cared so much about others. About giving back and making the world a better place. And that is something that always inspires me. Not to mention her touching quotes, incredible talent, and striking features. Audrey is a constant source of inspiration to me.

Inspired By: Nature, Music, Hope, and John Denver.

For me? John Denver feels like coming home again. His music, voice, lyrics, and words touch my heart in a way that I cannot fully express. He believed so strongly in making positive change. In being the best we can be. In ending world hunger, conserving the environment, and treating one another with love and respect. That is a message that is so desperately lacking these days. I often wonder how the world would be if he were still with us. I like to think he would be fighting to protect, conserve, and better our world. In fact, I know he would be. Initially, I was looking for a quote or two from John. I ended up watching his 1995 Windstar Symposium. It was....remarkable. Tears were shed (multiple times) and my heart felt full. Hey, it's good to be back home again.

Inspired By: Inner Strength and Memorable Quotes. 

This quote. Talk about inspirational! Sometimes, things don't work out the way you hoped. Or you feel discouraged. Or your goals seem totally out of reach. Those are feelings that I have been dealing with lately. So every now and again, it is good to look at quotes like this. They really help motivate and put things into perspective. Both in terms of my career and my commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Some days are hard. Some days you want to quit. But it is important to push forward and do your best. Because it will all be worth it.

Those are the things inspiring me today. The things that make life feel beautiful and blissful.

What inspired you today?

xo Shannon

Thursday, May 19, 2016

moments of clarity.

We all have moments of clarity. This was mine.

Staring at a half-completed to do thoughts were scattered. My mind unfocused. I was desperately unhappy. The problem? There was so much to get done. And there was always so much to get done. The worst part? The pay off just wasn't happening. My career just wasn't happening.

I never skipped school. I worked hard to get good grades. I went to University and earned my Honours BA. I took part in an internship. I wrote freelance articles. Five years later? I have written for over thirty online publications. I have applied for hundreds of writing jobs. I have tweaked my resume. I have worked off my butt off to make my dream a reality. It still isn't.

Should I give up completely? Should I let go of that illusive dream job and start a new career? One that pays the bills. One that will make everyone else happy. It is a tempting thought. One I have considered over and over again. But then I had this moment of clarity. A moment of honesty. I don't want to give up. Despite it all (the poor payment, the late nights, and the aggravation)....I don't regret fighting for my dream. It was always worth the risk. Today, there is something inside of me saying, keep going. Push forward.

I believe I was meant to be a writer. In some way at least. Maybe writing won't be my career. Maybe it will. Whatever happens? It will always be my passion. My dream. My heart. And that realization? That was my moment of clarity. That is the moment I will hold onto when things seem impossible or out of reach.

My apologies that this post is a little abnormal for my blog. This was simply a moment I needed to capture.

xo Shannon

Monday, February 1, 2016

you fill up my senses like a night in the forest.

True inspiration is rare these days. Not to say my life is not wonderful or fulfilling. It is. But there was a time in my youth when inspiration fueled me on a daily basis. Music was my everything. It filled me up in ways I cannot express adequately. An album. A song. A lyric. They all spoke to me so deeply. They made me feel. While I still listen to music obsessively....that sensation of being totally immersed in it? So overwhelmed, passionate, and yes, inspired? It doesn't come around much anymore. Recently, it did. In a big way.

I grew up listening to John Denver. My initial introduction was through his Christmas album with The Muppets. My parents would play that record every single holiday. Eventually we had listened to it so many times that the record was in pretty rough shape. So we moved to cassette. Then CD. And then my iPod. The moment I realized that I was a true John Denver fan? When I found myself skipping songs that featured The Muppets. I simply preferred to hear John's beautiful voice and earnest lyrics.

This year? I listened to John Denver's Christmas CDs over and over. Just like I always do. But post-holiday, I listened to the rest of his records as well. Watched his live DVDs. Documentaries about his life. Every song, every word, and every moment inspired me. And suddenly, the beauty of the world came into sharp focus. The perfection of small moments. Of true hearts. Of kindness.

I have turned to his music like I would turn to a friend. The truth? John Denver feels like home to me. So, today I wanted to share a very special outfit of the day. It is not a glitzy gown or a trendy layered look. But it is inspired. This is my OOTD featuring my beloved Rocky Mountain High t-shirt.

It feels good to be inspired. To smile for no reason at all. To feel connected to the universe. And I have the power of music to thank for that.

What do you think of this OOTD? What inspires you?

xo Shannon

Thursday, December 3, 2015

three reasons to embrace sweater season.

This is my favourite time of year. Why? Holiday music is playing in every store. Christmas movies are on my TV set. And of course, we are fully immersed in sweater season. The latter is of particular interest to me. Day after day, I find myself reaching for a sweater from my closet. Whether I am lounging around the apartment for the afternoon or plan on meeting friends....a sweater is never amiss. Especially now that the winter season is fast approaching. Still clinging to early fall styles? Can't quite commit yourself to sweater weather? You should. Here are three reasons to embrace the official start of sweater season.

One. Sweaters Are Comfy and Cozy.

Let's start with the most important reason sweaters are fabulous. Comfort! While I love getting glammed up every now and then....when it comes down to it, comfort is key. That is why I love late fall/early winter. You can throw on a cozy sweater and look absolutely fabulous. It doesn't matter where you are going or what the occasion is. A sweater is always a great idea. It blends style with comfort. And that is a pretty incredible thing.

Two. They Can Be Fashion Forward.

Remember the old days? When a chunky sweater was seen as frumpy or unfashionable? Not anymore. These days all of the hottest trends embrace knitwear. That means you can be totally fashion forward in a sweater. Throw on an oversized throw, wear a fitted sweater with a pair of coloured pants, or rock it with a pair of tights. The possibilities are endless. Take some seasonal inspiration from the runways, your favourite celebrities, and beauty bloggers. You will look better than ever before.

Three. You Can Dress Up Any and All Sweaters. 

Sweaters aren't just on trend. They are also versatile. They can be worn in so many different ways. That's right! A sweater dress is perfect for a holiday party, a black sweater can dress down a sequined skirt, and a sweater with embellishments can add oomph to a simple pair of denim jeans. Add on accessories to alter your outfit....and know that your look can be dressed up or dressed down. Make the most of this versatile item. Stock your closet with tons and tons of gorgeous sweaters.

See? Sweater season is a pretty exciting time. You get to look great and feel amazing all day long. Not a bad way to stay warm this season. So the next time you don't know what to wear, reach for a sweater. Trust me. You will feel flawless.

Why do you love sweater season?

xo Shannon

Thursday, November 5, 2015

writing is the painting of the voice.

It's amazing. I used to get so excited about every single article. Each time I submitted one....there was this wave of anticipation. When would it go up? Would anybody read it? Would anybody actually like it? For a long time, there mere concept of being published was foreign to me. Growing up, it had always been my dream to see my name in print. (Still waiting on that one. Internet writing is where life has taken me!) My whole life I had written stories, poetry, articles, and everything in between. But they all stayed with me. I rarely shared them. So, when I started writing professionally, there was this sense of fear and excitement that accompanied every piece.

The other day I was scheduling posts to go up for a company I write for. Suddenly out of nowhere I remembered. I remembered how I used to feel before every article went live. That buzz, that thrill. I remembered how I would send article links to every person I had ever known. That I would favourite the links. That I would screen cap every single page. The simple fact that something I had written was out there for public consumption? It felt like a dream come true. That moment of remembering? It made me nostalgic....but it also made me sad. I miss that feeling. In my need to get things done, stick to a schedule, and finish my to do list, I have forgotten how to pause, reflect, and process.

This is something I want to change. I want to feel proud of the things I have done and the pieces I have written. Which is why I decided to share a few of my recent articles with you. If you have a moment, please take a look.

The Best of NYFW S/S 2016
Lauren Conrad: From MTV to NYFW
10 Minute Hairstyles For Every Occasion 
The Very Best Beauty Apps
4 Reasons To Date Online
5 Ways To Infuse Your Day With Happiness
Wedding Flowers: Real or Fake? 
When To Post Wedding Photos

What have you written lately?

xo Shannon

Monday, October 19, 2015

fun fall musts for you and your bff.

If you have been reading my blog for a while then you probably know that I do freelance writing as much as possible. Writing is what I love to do....what I want to do....and how I spend my free time. Sometimes I write articles with the intention of posting them somewhere. Other times I write articles simply because I feel like writing them. The latter is true of this post. It is a bit different than the normal blog style I write in on Mansa Fashion. However, I am super inspired by the fall season right now. So I thought that I would share it with you anyway! Here goes.....

What can I say? I feel optimistic whenever a new season starts. Gone are the emotions that bogged me down. So long to stress and anxiety. A new season is a fresh beginning. At least in my mind. Thankfully there is one person in my life who feels the same way. My friend is eager to make the most of fall. Which is why we have come up with our very own to-do list. It has a little bit of everything. A few examples? Seasonal staples like carving a pumpkin and watching Halloween movies – along with fun goals like go to the zoo and write letters to one another.

There are so many ways to enjoy the season. So start filling up your calendar. Grab your BFF and give one of these fun fall musts a try.

Bake Something Special. Fall and baking always seem to go hand in hand. There are tons of delicious recipes to try. From apple fritters to pumpkin muffins and a million other seasonal delights. One way to make the most of the new season? Invite your best friend over for an afternoon of baking. Snag some recipes from Pinterest and see if you can re-create them. Once you are done being a culinary goddess you and your bestie can watch a chick flick and indulge your sweet tooth. Or you can wrap up those baked goods and hand them out to people you love.

Pencil In a Fall Themed Activity (Or Two). Certain experiences make the fall season even more memorable. They take you back to when you were young, wide-eyed, and innocent. Why not experience a blast from the past? Make time to go on a hayride with your BFF, jump in a massive pile of leaves (and take a few selfies while you’re at it), go apple picking, head to a pumpkin patch, visit a haunted house, or make your own Halloween costumes. These are silly activities that can help you de-stress and connect to your younger self.

Spend a Little Time Outdoors. The temperatures are definitely starting to drop. Lately you have probably needed to add on a layer or two. That doesn’t mean you need to say inside all day and all night. Call up your best friend and spend a couple of hours enjoying nature. Take a walk in a nearby park (you can look at all of the changing leaves!), visit a farmer’s market, take a hike, or fly a kite. The whole idea is to put away your cell phones and experience the magic of the season.

Show Your BFF How Much You Care. Tis the season to be grateful. Thanksgiving is one of the big fall holidays. Guess what? You don’t need to wait for Thanksgiving to tell your best friend that you care. Write down five things you love about her. Get her to do the same and then swap. Or give her a copy of your favourite book to read. You could also spend a day scrapbooking with your BFF. Put together a book of your favourite photos together. Think about it! This is is a great excuse to reminisce on those special moments. 

Fall is here. Thank goodness! This is a great time to pause, reflect, and focus on your happiness. Why wait? Text your BFF and start making plans now

What will you do this fall? Is there anything on your to-do list?

xo Shannon
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