Friday, August 26, 2011

makeup tutorial: bella vida

If you watched the prematurely canceled ABC Of Tourism show, Huge, you know Hayley Hasselhoff as the sweet but complex, Amber. If you didn't watch, you probably knows her as David Hasselhoff's daughter. Hayley and her sister, Taylor, make up the music duo Bella Vida.

I came across their first music video, Kiss Kiss Me Bang Bang, about a week ago and I love everything about it. The song is ridiculously catchy - it may be permanently stuck in my head - and the video features some amazing makeup. It is not very wearable, but could be if toned down just a touch. What I love most about this makeup is that it is sophisticated but tough. Such a great combination!

There are two looks that I am focusing on for this tutorial. They are very similar - the lip colour is the main distinction. So here goes! Also, I apologize for the low-quality screencaps from the music video, but the single isn't released yet and this is the only version on YouTube.

As dramatic as this look is, the makeup is actually fairly simple! So instead of going through everything step by step, I'm going to go by features.


After you have moisturized your face and applied your primer, it's time for foundation. The skin in this look is quite fair and really flawless, so definitely choose something with full coverage. Remember to use concealer on any spots with redness. Apply a small amount of a warm-toned blush to just the apples of the cheeks. Powder your face.


This look is all about the eyes. Let's start with the eyebrows. They are well-groomed and defined but not overwhelming. Fill in your brows with an eyeshadow a shade lighter than your eyebrows. Once you've got that done, apply a light colour all over the eyelid. I recommend a colour a few shades lighter than your natural skin colour. Take a medium bronzer and apply this to the crease and outer corner. Be sure to blend!

Now for the fun part - the eyeliner! I used a gel eyeliner simply because it is a bit easier to work with for a look like this, but liquid eyeliner will work just as well. Start by applying the eyeliner along the top lash line, thinner in the inner corner, getting thicker towards the end. On the bottom lash line, start right at the inner corner, keeping the line thin, making it slightly thicker towards the end. Once you get to the corner of your eye, keep drawing the line out so you get the winged-out look. Using a black eyeliner pencil, line your upper and lower waterline. Once you've done that, apply two coats of mascara to the top and bottom eyelashes.


For the first look, the lips are a tangerine colour. I used a coral colour I had and a light orange gloss over top. It didn't turn out in the picture that well, but anything in that colour family will look great. In the video, the lips actually have sparkles all over them - it looks amazing! Obviously not something for real life, but if you want to give it a try, have at it! For the second look, line the lips and carefully apply the brightest, sassiest red lipstick you have.

There you have it! It's actually fairly simple but definitely a powerful look. I had a lot of fun with this one!

If you're interested in watching the music video, you can do so here.

Let me know what you think of this look!


  1. Wow the look is very beautiful and dramatic :) Makes me think of Lady Gaga xD anyway you recreated it very well!


  2. So gorgeous!

  3. You created this look very well. It looks great!

  4. Nice post and thanks for the make up inspiration! Yours looks amazing!



  5. You're so pretty, the makeup reminds me of Lady Gaga too, very "out there" but still amazing!

  6. CHECK OUT OUR BLOG! We hope you like it!

  7. love the lipstick, it changes your face dramatically!


  8. i just watched their video and i absolutely love their makeup! it's such a statement and i love the way you recreated it! you did a really good job!

  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE the eyes and lips!!! its sooo classy reminds me of the movie Burlesque :) thx for sharing this post, really informative!


  10. I really love the make up!

    just found your blog and I'm following!

  11. super dramatic and beautiful!! tons of helpful hints in there!
    loving your blog! it'd be awesome if you could follow too! :)

  12. I love that second look of yours. Hottie hot hot with the red lips xx

  13. Nice tutorial! Such a pretty look :)
    Followin u babe! :)


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