Tuesday, August 16, 2011

makeup tutorial: emma stone - the help premiere

Emma Stone has been all over the big screen this summer. Presently, she has three movies in theaters. Impressive! Even more impressive, is her red carpet makeup. Emma consistently captures simple, chic, and wearable style. She showcased this most recently, at the premiere of her latest movie, The Help. Emma's makeup is flirty, pretty, and simple. Here is how to recreate this red carpet look.

STEP 1: Moisturize your skin, and apply a primer.

STEP 2: Apply your foundation. Keep in mind, that Emma never looks like she is wearing a ton of makeup. So, for this look, pick a foundation with less coverage, or a good tinted moisturizer. If you don't have a tinted moisturizer, mix some of your regular foundation with your moisturizer for less coverage.

STEP 3: Fill in your eyebrows. The brows in this look are very natural, so just fill in any gaps you may have with an eye shadow or brow shadow, rather than a brow pencil. You don't want your eyebrows to look severe - polished but natural.

STEP 4: Apply a warm toned blush to the cheeks. Don't go overboard with the blush, you want to add warmth to the cheeks while still keeping with a natural look.

STEP 5: Now for the eyes! Apply a shimmery white eye shadow all over the lid and just over the crease.

STEP 6: Add a shimmery light purple eye shadow colour over the white shadow, leaving out the inner corner of the eye.

STEP 7: Blend the two colours together, raising the excess shadow up towards the brow bone. Remember, there should be slightly more of the white shimmery shadow on the inner half of the eye.

STEP 8: Taking a light bronze colour, add a small amount to the outside corner of the eye, blending up towards the brow bone.

STEP 9: Using black liquid eye liner, line the upper eyelid, keeping the line thin on the inner part of the eye, getting thicker towards the outer part of the eye.

STEP 10: Apply a coat of mascara to the top lashes.

STEP 11: Emma has gorgeous cat-like eyes, so I would recommend adding some false lashes to the look, though this step is completely optional! If you don't want to add full lashes, I would recommend trying lash accents, which can be added to the outer part of the eye in order to create those winged out lashes. Using a pair of tweezers to hold the false lashes, apply lash glue. Wait 20-30 seconds for glue to get tacky and looking down, carefully apply lashes. Secure into place with either tweezers or your fingers.

STEP 12: Apply two coats of mascara to the bottom lashes. Her bottom lashes in this look are long and doll-like!

STEP 13: Apply concealer to any spots with redness, (ie blemishes or around the nose) and under eyes.

STEP 14: Line lips with a nude lip pencil.

STEP 15: Use a soft, slightly warm toned pink colour on the lips. Her lips are very glossy, so either use a lipstick with some shine, or add a gloss over top.

STEP 16: If you need to, add a cream or powder highlight. Apply to the apples of your cheeks, chin, and nose. Aim to look glowy, natural and fresh!

STEP 17: Spray your face with a setting spray to keep the look in place.

STEP 18: You're finished! Go on with your day knowing that you are rocking that Emma Stone red carpet look!

- Hard Candy Sheer Envy Primer
- Revlon Color Stay Foundation in 110 Ivory
- Neutrogena Moisturizer
- Cover Girl Powder in 201 Classic Ivory
- Urban Decay 24/7 Concealer Pencil in DEA
- Anastasia Beverly Hills Highlighting Creme Duo in Aspen
- NARS Blush in Deep Throat
- Sephora Colorista Palette
- Kat Von D True Romance Palette in True Love
- Maybelline New York Black Liquid Eyeliner
- Annabelle Lip Pencil in Nude Lustre
- Cover Girl Nature Luxe Gloss Balm in 215
- Christian Dior Diorshow Waterproof Mascara
- Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara in Black
- Ardell Fashion Accent Lashes
- Revlon Precision Lash Adhesive

What do you think of Emma's premiere look?


  1. Pretty ! This post is great and do is your blog! Following you! Check out my blog and follow me if you like it :)


  2. amazing job! you look great!

    XO Sahra

  3. Wow so beautiful!!


  4. She's just absolutely amazing! I love how she's funny, cool and so beautiful. She's the kind of girl you know you'd have so much fun hanging out with (plus, you could borrow her clothes!) xx

  5. haha i was just watching her in easy A! you did a fantastic job on recreating her makeup!

  6. so great!


  7. Emma is becoming one of my favourite actress: she's so cute, funny and nice
    Have a great day
    Jessica Blanton C.

  8. This is such a nice post, i have a dinner tomorrow night and was agonizing over what makeup look to do until i read ur post! thx!! :)


  9. Emma Stone is so beautiful!! And you did a great job matching her look - thanks for sharing! I will have to try it out :)

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    Also, check out the giveaway we are doing for a Tiffany & Co. necklace!!



  10. really pretty love it!


  11. hey dear, lovely tutorial- Id love to try this out!! following you!
    Do check out my blog too: http://beautyandeverythingelse.com

    Im having a small contest there- do enter!!!


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