Tuesday, August 30, 2011

they wanted me to be the dream.

In 2005, I saw Kelly Osbourne for the first time. She was a few feet away from me, and when I had my chance to say something to her, I froze. I sat silently, in complete awe of my idol. Six years later, I finally got my chance to meet Kelly for real. Today was a dream come true.

Kelly was scheduled to do an in-store appearance in Toronto several months back, to promote the Material Girls clothing line, which she is the spokesperson for. Due to illness, she canceled a few hours before. I had given up any hope of her returning, until I received a call from the store last week. Because I had been one of the first ten people to buy something from the line and sign up for the last appearance, I won a meet and greet!

The event was essentially an interview with fans watching. Because I had the meet and greet, I was able to be at the front of the crowd during the interview, and got to meet her beforehand! It was terrifying, but amazing. I planned on asking her about her music, but instead blurted out: "You are like, my hero."

Why Kelly Osbourne? I admire her more than I can express. I have always been painfully shy and I love that Kelly always says what is on her mind. I love her music, and I adore her taste in fashion. She epitomizes glam-punk style.

I love how she wore her hair - bows and buns! This is such a cute look, and I am definitely going to give it a try in the near future! Hopefully I can pull it off as well as Kelly did!

Also amazing? Kelly's shoes! I instantly fell in love with them and needed to take a picture to show you all.

If meeting Kelly Osbourne wasn't enough of a perk, they gave the meet and greet winners Flirty Fruit Body Mist and Body Lotion by Material Girls! Super exciting, because the Material Girls body mists just launched here in Canada. This particular one smells so so good! It is nice and fresh, but still has a powerful scent. The longer you wear it, the better it smells! And because I am a Material Girls addict, I bought a super cute skirt, a pair of ruffled shorts, and mix n' match earrings. I love them all!

I apologize for this self-indulgent post - thank you to anyone who read it! And be sure to tell me who your idols are!


  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog! We follow each other? ;)Kiss1

    ♥ Ylenia ♥

    Fashion Ave

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  2. I am loving Kelly's shoes!

  3. Omg you're so lucky!! :D indeed her shoes are awesome :)


  4. She is so cute and so are you :)

  5. lovely post- even I love Kelly!!! she is the cutest IMO...

  6. Im a 12 year old girl and I draw fashion designs.If you wanna see it,go on crazykidstyleemcks.blogspot.com :)

  7. Now she looks amazing. And these shoes...i love it!


  8. congrats on meeting her you're so lucky! i love kelly she is such an idol! thanks for the comment!


  9. Love the print on your dress.


  10. Oh my gosh, you're right - those shoes are wicked! And I love that red floral dress you're wearing xx

  11. I love those shoe's she's wearing! Super cute. And that's so great that you got to meet someone you admire. <3


  12. Awww I'm really glad you got to meet your idol! I wish I could meet Beyonce :D haha
    Please take a look at my blog and follow if you like

  13. I love the photos!:)


  14. Kelly impress me!!! She carries original rock with flirty girly touch! I dig tots!


  15. She really grew up looking beautiful without any of her good looks going in her head and her changing her personality! :)



  16. Hi there.)

    Oh, you ve got such a cute blog!! I love it!
    Nice post.))

    I need your help (maybe again) ...
    I spend new survey ..
    Have you watched the MTV awards prizes?
    if yes whether you agree with all the awards, or something you think was unfair?

  17. Kelly's shoes are lovely (I also like the studded shoes of who ever is stood next to her!)


  18. Awesome! Love who she's grown into...such a trailblazer! I'd feel the same way if Kate Moss made an appearance...omg swoon!

    Thanks for leaving me such sweet comments, hope to visit again soon!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog


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