Friday, September 2, 2011

books belong to the eyes that see them.

Bookstores are my weakness. I made a promise to myself not to buy any new books until I finished the ones I have....this plan backfired. Chapter's had this great sale - buy three books, get the fourth free. I planned on buying four books, but left with eight. Oops?

Reading books is such a rewarding experience. Even now, as I look over at that stack of new books, I am overcome with the thrill of anticipation. I hardly know where to begin! I am most excited about The Complete Novels of Jane Austen. Jane Austen is one of my favourite authors. I can't wait to dive headfirst into the exciting world of characters she created.

As you can probably tell from this stack of books alone, I have a pretty decent book collection. I love biographies and girly books - both current and classic. I love character driven stories. I find those to be so compelling and interesting. A great character is like an old friend you can always catch up with.

I am really excited to get started on these books. I haven't had a lot of free time lately, as I've been really busy with everything that is going on at the moment, but I am going to make the most of the time I've got!

What are your favourite kind of books to read? And what was the last book you bought?


  1. Thank you for your comment on my blog! I absolutely love reading, but at the moment I have put all my 'enjoyable' reads on hold, as I work through my reading list for uni. The books consist of 'fashion as communication,' 'the fashion handbook' it's about a 20 book list, so I won't bore you with eveyrthing I have to read.
    Im now a new follower

  2. Those books all sound interesting! But I understand having to put enjoyable books on hold....nothing worse than that! And thanks so much! <3

  3. I picked up The Help a few weeks ago and I read it in my spare time. It's really great so far.

  4. i love Chapters. i keep buying books and i never read them. then i take books out from the library and they end up being overdue.
    right now i'm reading "burned" by ellen hopkins. and then i'm gonna read identical by the same author. and then a photography book. :)

  5. lovely blog!

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  6. I LOVE to read! I seriously read all summer, but I don't read so much in the winter because of school, and college is just too busy to try to. Did you ever read any Jessica Blantonh Dessen books? She's my total favorite!!

  7. I love how you talk about Jane Austen, and then I see "My Booky Wook" in the picture. LOVE YOU.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  8. I love Jane Austen- I reread one of novels at least once a year. Persuasion is my personal fav of course Pride & Prejudice is another fav. I never get tired of the wonderful prose and I always find something new to admire in the characters. Is there a better hero of fiction than Mr. Darcy? I don't think so.
    I have the same book addiction as you and I'm thinking of purchasing an e-reader so I can stop breaking my back, lugging so many books around in my purse.


  9. Jane Austen and My Booky Wook essentially sum me up. :P

    I think re-reading a Jane Austen book once a year is a wonderful idea! There is something so inviting about the world she creates. And I agree, Mr. Darcy is one of the best characters ever written. :)


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