Friday, September 9, 2011

buying makeup is my addiction.

Lately I have been trying to be good with my money. It is important to make smart purchases and that is what I intended to do. I went to the drugstore to buy an essential - toothpaste. However, I ended up buying a bunch of makeup as well. Such is my life! Here is what I bought:

1) Playboy Body Mist in: Play It Lovely... and Play It Sexy
These were a last minute purchase. I couldn't decide on which one I liked better, so I just bought them both. Oops? They were really inexpensive though - seven dollars each! - so that is how I justify it. I really am loving both of these scents at the moment.

Play It Lovely... is a really pretty fresh, floral scent with just a hint of musk. It is the perfect scent for day time. It isn't too overwhelming but still smells very pretty and girly!
Play It Sexy.... definitely lives up to its name! This body mist is really floral and very sexy! It is very feminine and perfect to wear on a night out!

2) Hard Candy Baked Blush in Honeymoon
Out of everything I bought, I think this has to be my favourite. This blush a warm peachy-pink colour and is fairly natural looking. It is perfect for day time. What I really love about it, is that it adds a really beautiful luminosity to the skin. It completely transforms a look. Very pearly and totally gorgeous!

3) Wet n' Wild Lipstick 502A
Every so often, I end up picking up lipsticks from Wet n' Wild. Not because they are great quality, but because it's a good way of trying out different colours without investing a ton of money in it. This lipstick was super cheap, but pretty nice! It is a deep pink colour with a hint of purple. It has a nice shimmer to it as well, which I really like!

4) Hard Candy Creme Eyeshadow and Glitter Eyeliner in Pixie
I think I was in a really glittery mood when I went shopping! The creme eyeshadow colour is really nice and super sparkly. Definitely a plus. The only downside is that it's quite dry and crumbly, so it makes the product a lot harder to work with. The glitter eyeliner is again, super super glittery and looks great on, but the pencil is pretty dry. They look good, but are a bit harder to work with.

5) L'Oreal Paris Color Infalliable Eyeshadow in Forever Pink
Oh. My. Goodness. I am madly in love with this eyeshadow. It is really pigmented and shimmery. It looks just beautiful on with or without a primer. They had a bunch of colours and I found it really hard to decide which to buy, but I ended up choosing a pinkish gold colour. It is very girly and glam! Very nice product to work with!

L'Oreal Paris 6 Hour Infallible Lip Liner in Red Wine/ L'Oreal Paris Lipstick in 714 Blazing Sangria
These two products came together. I think that is why I decided last minute to pick it up. I am a sucker for red lipsticks, and needed a good red lip liner. he liner is really nice and creamy. The colour is gorgeous and I love that it doesn't need to be sharpened! Really nice! The lipstick is very moisturizing, which is always a plus! The colour is a nice deep red. It is very wearable and totally glams up a look!

So there you have it, my latest makeup haul! What have you bought lately?


  1. Nice haul! I bought lately wet´n wild nail polish and I also ordered NYX eyeshadow palette.

  2. Cool :) it would have been better with pictures and I can't wait for you to try them all :D Thanks for commenting on my blog!


  3. Oooh that is a lot of pretty stuff. Just the other day I bought a bloody red lipstick. It's my emergency kit, definitely perfect for those days when I'm in a hurry and have no time to do my make up. When I put that red lipstick on it instantly gives me that fully made up look without having to invest in a lot of time.

  4. nice blog! i like it! please, see and visit mine and my new post with miriamstella outfits, and tell me if you like it!if you like, plaese, become my new follower! thanks dear!
    have a good week end
    kiss kiss

  5. i was gifted a chanel lipgloss in 'fatale'... check it out on ur next make up run

  6. Playboy body mist,and those makeup.....
    *dies and faint*
    From the makeup lover (click it) xoxo

  7. Wow how cool makeup stuff!! <3 Thank you my dear for your comments :*****

  8. I was always wondering if the Hard Candy Baked Blush in Honeymoon would look good on the skin as it looks in the package , now i know it does! Thank you for your reviews! Very useful!

  9. What a fun mini haul! I love buying new scents, I can't stand wearing the same smell for too long.

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog... following you! :)

    By the way, if you love beauty stuff you should try New Beauty's test tube. Great stuff!



  11. love it!

    I NEED YOUR HELP! I'm taking part in the bloggers wardrobe competition - please please please vote for me by liking:



    every like counts, please help me win this!

  12. I never tried the cosmetics brands you posted, except for l'oreal, which I'm a huge fan of.
    Have a nice day
    Jessica Blanton C.

  13. Cool Stuff ! looks like someone had a nice time shopping !

  14. Hhehehe lovely shopping picks I must say! The PlayBoy body mist totally caught my eye and I can't believe they r so cheap!


  15. Fellow makeup lover,
    loving all this, if i went shopping for toothpaste ide end up with this too! haha



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