Monday, September 26, 2011

everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.

I love writing about makeup. Which is why this post is a makeup look of the day and a foundation review. Ready to find out more about the look above? Read a drugstore foundation review? Keep reading....

Makeup Look Of The Day:
While getting ready to go out yesterday, I was able to take my time and play around with my makeup a bit. I ended up doing a gray smokey eye with a pink/purple lip colour. What do you think?

Foundation Review:
In the past few months, I have been trying out a couple of different foundations, trying to find 'the' foundation for me. I really love the Revlon ColorStay Foundation in the winter time, as they have a formula for dry skin. This summer, I tried out another foundation by Maybelline and Cover Girl Nature Luxe (the latter I am a big fan of, and will probably buy again!)

Recently, I picked up Rimmel's Lasting Finish 25 Hour Foundation in Ivory.

I bought the lightest colour, which is actually a tad dark for me still. (Gosh, I'm pale!) But it actually looks nice and dewy on the skin. The consistency is a bit runnier than I typically look for, however. On the plus side, the foundation really does last quite well and looks natural and nice on the skin. So far, I am quite liking this foundation for times when I really need my foundation to last.

What is your favourite foundation?


  1. I follow you back, thank you xx Joice

  2. Love this foundation ^^

  3. You know, this blog is so cool! Oh thank you so much for your pretty comments! By the way, your eyes are amazing! :) Love this photo....<3

  4. you look great! :)

  5. Great post! At the moment one of my favourite foundation is actually by Oriflame.

  6. I have never tried this foundation before!

    My favorite is Laura Mercier foundation! It goes on light and clean and is not oily!

    xoxo Denise

  7. Hey hon, I wear a tinted moisturizer during the day that has an spf. I'm looking for a good tinted moisturizer for my nights out that don't have an spf - can you recommend any?

    Dirty Pink Cardigan


  8. You have gorgeous skin! <3



  9. Mac Prolongwear, but sometimes I stray to find a drugstore one to love. I wanna try this

  10. You apply make up so well! I'm absolutely hopeless :(


  11. Wow the look and makeup and outfit and all... so gorgeous!!! :D I guess that my favourite foundation is the illuminating Elite one :)
    BTW I awarded you awesome blog awards! Congrats! You deserve this :) please check it out here:

  12. LOVE this makeup look!! the smokey eye is PERFECT!! not to dark...not too light! enough to accentuate your eyes! I like to use either bobbi brown tinted moisturizer as a foundation base or l'oreal true match!!

    'LIKE' on FB

  13. Great foundation on you! I don't think you look dark at all, u look amazing! flawless indeed :) I have really sensitive skin so all I go for is only mineral foundation. So far the brand 'BareMinerals' have been treating my skin real good! :)


  14. I like that you choose a grey for the smokey eyes!

    would be great if you visit me too, have new reports of the London Fashion Week!

  15. Love your eye and lip combo! We are still into tinted moisturizers. Right now we are using Urban Decay, Origins Vitazing and some Elf tinted moisturizer. Might try some foundations in the fall/winter.
    We are now following you and would love for you to visit our blog and follow back if you like.
    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  16. I will definitely be taking advantage of the heatwave hah! But this is a great post - funnily enough, I use 2 different foundations at the same time. I use Mac Studio Sculpt (NC15) to put over any red spots/blemishes, then I use Max Factor Xperience(Light Ivory) to use for the rest of my face. Both of these work quite well for me, the Max Factor one is slightly runny though. And Mac is really expensive (for me) which is why I don't tend to use lots (as well as the fact that it makes me skin looked caked with makeup - and I prefer more natural looks) :D Loved your post, as always!

  17. love the make up so pretty! i use powder since my skin is kind of gross so i feel like the powder just sits better on my skin than a liquid one does i like the maybelline fit me

  18. Love the selections. Love the shoes and the makeup.

  19. This is a great foundation I love it! The color selection is a bit off, I tend to have to mix two of them,but imo way worth it since its great coverage without looking cakey.

  20. love this look you look fab :)
    saz xx

  21. We are currently trying out several foundations - some drug store brand and some not. We feel like we are a little obsessed with foundations at the moment!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings


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