Saturday, October 15, 2011

music post: vacation edition!

I love British pop music. I don't know when it started exactly, but over the years, it has taken over my CD collection. (At least half of my CDs have been imported!) When I was in high school, there was this specialty channel that used to play episodes of Top Of The Pops. I remember on the first episode I watched, Gareth Gates was number one with "Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)." I immediately fell in love, and scoured the room for a pen so I could write down his name. After the show ended, I Googled him and imported every single he had released.

There are so many bands and artists I have fallen in love with over the years. I still love them just as much today! British pop music is a big part of my musical life. On my trip to London, I picked up some CDs that were missing from my collection. I also managed to make a couple of my fangirl dreams come true.

Fangirl Dream #1: Meet Shayne Ward

I have loved Shayne Ward since he was on X-Factor. I own all of his CDs, and even his book! I adore him. He has a range like no other, and this beautiful soulful voice. Also, he is ridiculously gorgeous.

Shayne is currently playing Stacee Jaxx in "Rock of Ages" in London. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford tickets to the show, but I did manage to meet him afterward! There were a couple of girls waiting for him as well, who were quite lovely!

When he came out from the stage door, he started talking to the two other girls, then saw me with my CD booklet in hand, and told them he'd be right back. He was so sweet, took a picture with me, signed my CD booklet, and kissed me on the cheek! I was over the moon. I literally skipped back to the hotel.

Fangirl Dream #2: See Charlie Simpson Play Live

Okay, so I LOVE Busted. I was devastated when they broke up! They remain one of my absolute favourite bands. Charlie was always my favourite member, and I have followed his career over the years. I found out shortly before I left that he was going to be a part of Station Sessions at St. Pancras International Station, where he would play a free gig in the middle of the train station!

I showed up far too early and was the first person there. But hey, I was front row, so it worked out alright! Charlie and his band played a bunch of songs from his new album. It was AMAZING. I kept having these moments where I became so overwhelmed that it was actually happening. I never ever thought I would be able to see Charlie Simpson in real life. It was a huge deal. I am so thankful that I was able to be there when this was happening. Dream come true!

So there you have it! My fangirlish ways are exposed. My trip was amazing for so many reasons, and the music was definitely a big part of that.

What is your favourite kind of music?


  1. Beautiful Pictures Sweetie!!
    Pretty Blog!
    God Bless you~~

    Sakuranko Blog
    Fan Page Facebook


  2. I'm so glad you got to check out live music while you were there! :)

    Your first look is AMAZING. Come over and do my make-up please!

    Dirty Pink Cardigan


  3. I am a golden oldies girl but I am also an eclectic. I am willing to give anything a try. It looked like you had so much fun and I would definitely go listen to British Pop Rock if it meant just simply going out, enjoying myself and genuinely having a good time :D Thank you so much for the awesome comment and of course the follow. You know got another follower too ;)

  4. woooow!! what an awesome experience!!
    my music preferences are just all over the place....I pretty much like everything but heavy metal and anything like that!


  5. Oh, great post :D
    I'm following you now :)
    Follow me too if you want ^^

  6. I love Charlie Simpson!
    I listen to different kind of music..from Barry white, to salsa and then Stereophonics.Kind of Creepy I guess..

  7. beautiful photographs! i love that blue top <3

  8. just found your blog. it's really pretty. and i like that you not only write about fashion but also about music. X

  9. I love Rock. But most of all I love British indie music! so amazing
    Seriously britain must be the country with the most amazing artists ever!

  10. I really like song which make good mood - like danza kuduro:)

  11. thanks for your comment.
    You have a nice blog!

    Christel from

  12. It's always so exciting to meet your fave singers/bands, isn't it?
    I'm a punk/hardcore girl, but I also love vocal jazz. My fave UK singers are Amy Winehouse (RIP) & Adele.

  13. Aww I am glad you had a great time and enjoyed yourself!

  14. You have an amazing blog! I really like John Mayer (especially his performances live in LA) and Will & The People :)

  15. Your blog is really cute! I just found it. Love Charlie Simpson! I think you might like my blog too, it's a personal style and fashion blog and I would love for you to stop by and comment if you like it!

  16. So jealous! Of everything! And thanks for the music recommendations, I always need them.

    Jessica Blantonh Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  17. Great pictures. I love the blue top you are wearing. It looks great on you. <3


  18. I love that you are such a fan girl!!
    P.S. You are beautiful.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  19. aww such a lovely and sweet post! I love love love Shayne Ward and Busted too!!!!! U R ONE LUCKY GIRL!!!! I wish i could be in ur position :) I do love British pop alot as well!


  20. Great post!! I love all kinds of music but am not familiar with Shayne Ward or Charlie Simpson. Will have to look them up for sure.

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  21. I;m so jealous you got to meet shayne ward he is a hotty. I love your blog :)


  22. love those colors!

    XO Carmen,

  23. You look great in blue! An Helsinkian hello!



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