Thursday, November 24, 2011

sugar, sugar.

In the midst of my busy, stressed out life, I made time for one important day. On Monday, I went to a book signing by Buddy Valastro (The Cake Boss!) and also took in his show that same evening. My mom had bought the tickets for the show months ago, so it was exciting for the day to finally arrive.

My friend got me into Cake Boss when we went on a random mini 'camping' trip. I ended up watching several hours of Cake Boss on TLC, and it became an addiction. So when I heard about the book signing, I knew I needed to meet Buddy. My mom and I headed down to the bookstore insanely early. There was a massive line outside in the freezing cold and I immediately panicked. Until learning that Bill Clinton was also there that day. We got to go right on inside and get in line for Buddy's book signing. Not too shabby!

Opening the book signing, was a performance of "Sugar Sugar" (the theme song to Cake Boss) by Andy Kim, that Buddy joined in on. Then it was time for the signing! When my moment with Buddy came, I got really nervous. (I get so starstruck!) But he was really nice! He asked me how old I was, and I told him, and then proceeded to tell him to say hello to Cousin Anthony for me. Buddy then told me he would hook us up!

Buddy was really nice and I had a lot of fun! My mom and I spent the rest of the day Christmas shopping before Buddy's show. The show itself was amazing! Buddy talked about his life, family and career, and there were a bunch of really funny decorating challenges with people from the audience. I had a blast!

What is the last really great show you went to?


  1. Looks like you had a really nice day. I can't wait to go back home to go christmas shopping with my mum :)

  2. well I have not even started on my Christmas shopping. Glad you had fun.

  3. Looks like you had a great time, awesome event. Thanks for sharing and visit my blog sometimes ;)

  4. I love your blog!
    Mary from

  5. Thanks for your lovely comment!!
    I hope you'll stop by again soon! :)


  6. Love it! I bet you had a good time.I wish to do the same. Please do visit LIFO. It is an online hub for girls that let them have their own virtual closet, read and write about the latest fashion, beauty and celebrity trends.

  7. OH MY GOD YOU GOT TO MEET BUDDY!!! Sorry, had to capitalise that because I'm addicted to "Cake Boss". I'm super jealous right now xx

  8. i hope you had fun! seems pretty cool and interesting!

  9. A book signing and a show! How great of a Monday was that!!??!! I haven't been to a really good show since Phantom of the Opera 4 years ago and Stomp a year after that. Miss seeing more than a movie at a theater. But in a few months Michael Jackson Immortal with Cirque de Soliel!!!

  10. Such a lovely event,dear!
    I love cake boss too;)
    If you like surprises and gifts,I invite you to enter my Christmas swap!!
    Are you ready for a lovely Christmas swap ? :)

  11. Ahh how awesome!! We actually went to a book signing with July Bresser Vanderpump of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills! It was awesome - so much fun!

    Hope you had a great weekend! :)

    sorelle in style

  12. Love it when celebrities are as equally humble as they are famous...great coverage. What a cool experience!

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such thoughtful comments, hope to see you back sometime!

    Peace. Love. LOL!


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