Thursday, May 31, 2012

a bit of lusting after someone does wonders for the skin.

After ages of searching, I was finally able to get my hands on Garnier's Miracle Skin Perfecting BB Cream, in Light/Medium. Every store only seemed to have Medium/Dark left....for weeks and weeks! Very frustrating for someone as pale as I am!

I have been using the product for the last little while, and have completely fallen in love with it.

What They Claim:
"Garnier Miracle Skin Perfecting BB Cream is an all-in-one skin care that gives 5 benefits: Hydrates, corrects wrinkles and imperfections, protects with SPF 15, evens and brightens skin tone."

My Thoughts: 
This product really does make a difference. It smooths the skin and adds a nice amount of coverage. It leaves a really healthy, natural glow to the skin. This product also really does hydrate the skin - perfect for me, as I tend to have quite dry skin on my face. If you have oily skin, however, this product may not be a great fit for you.  I also love that it has an SPF in it - great for summer!

The only negative aspect of this product, would be the shade. At the moment, the Light/Medium shade matches my skin perfectly. I happen to be quite tanned at the moment, though. I don't think this product would work well for me during, say the winter months, because of the darker shade. 

Overall, Garnier's Skin Perfecting Miracle BB Cream truly is a fantastic product. 

Have you tried this yet? What do you think of it? 


  1. Hey hey,

    i wrote a review about it too a while ago, however, in summer my skin is more oily and in winter it's dry. So i liked to use this product back a while ago, when it was cooler outside and i didn't sweat that much. I can't use it right now cause it causes a mess in my face ;). So i do like it, but as for right now, i have to leave it on standby and will use it again when this heat is gone!
    btw i am using the medium/dark (i thought it's good for summer, duh!) and i think there's not a big difference between the light and the medium/dark shades, both of them are pretty dark!

    Love, Janine

  2. I have it too! And next week or week after that I will do my review about it. I totally agree with you that for winter months this shade is too dark. Too bad that this BB cream comes only in 2(?) shades.

  3. I am using maybelline's BB cream .. now i want to try this one too..

  4. I have been looking everywhere for this one over here to no avail!!

  5. i've heard so much about it too bad i have really oily skin so i don't think it would work out so well

    City Style

  6. You're right about this not being for those with oily skin. It turned orange throughout the day as it oxidized super quick on my skin.

  7. very nice!

  8. I want try it !
    dear what about to follow each other? :)

  9. i bought it in light and it ended up being way too light for my skin (even though i am extra pale). i haven't tried it again because i didn't love the greasiness. i'm glad you love it!

  10. I heard a very bad review about it but it seems to be a lot better! :D

  11. I have it and although I love how it looks on my face, I can't wear it because it breaks me out.

  12. I've never tried this BB Cream. I usually opt for the Asian brands but I'm glad to hear it works well for you! I like bb creams in general..good for light coverage! <3


  13. i have never tried bb cream before :x

  14. I wanted one too but now I don't wnat it anymore. Tried them out and they are al too dark for my pale skin! too bad ;( xx Nini

  15. I have been really wanting to try this stuff. Right now I use BB cream that I order from Korea. I love it but it would be nice to just be able to walk into a store and buy it! (Just wanted to add that most bb creams I know come in super light shades. So I was very surprised when you said that this seemed dark. I am super fair myself.)

  16. I really want to try a BB cream but the colours (Like you have pointed out) can be off putting. I am really stupidly pale and I know that they will look unnatural :(

    Love HH xx

  17. I love this too and have used it almost every day since I bought it!! It's fabulous and at a great price!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  18. I love this too! My mom didn't care for it too much, so she gave it to me. I tend to use this a lot more instead of actual foundation since we are into the summer temperatures now and I don't feel like having a ton of makeup on.


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