Saturday, August 25, 2012

when I would see shows that changed my life.

Going to concerts has always been a part of my life.

I know some people would rather stay at home and listen to the CD, but for me, there is something about the electricity in the air. Concerts are a place to get lost in a moment; to get completely carried away by a feeling, a note, or person - they are magical.

Last week, I was lucky enough to have two concerts fall in the same week! I went to the American Idols Live Tour with my Mom, and to the Our Lady Peace concert with my boyfriend. Very different shows, but I had a lot of fun at both.

What is the last concert you went to?


  1. You has a great blog. I'm very interesting to stopping here and leaves you a comment. Good work.

    Lets keep writing and blogging

    Nb: Dont forget to leave your comment back for us.

  2. I don't remember what's the last concert I've been to. xD
    You look very pretty! :*

  3. It's great that you're able to go to concerts. A lot of popular bands from different countries always go to my country but I never really get the chance to watch them. The only time that I watched a concert was when the band "Paramore" went to my country. That was my first and last experience in going to a concert and it was around 2009 if I remember correctly :) But I had fun though. Hope you had a lot of fun as well <3 Btw, your floral top is just too cute ;)

  4. Oh my gosh, Bombay Bicycle Club puts on the best concert you will ever see in your life.

    I suggest you check them out


  5. Oh my word it's been so long since I've been to a concert.
    I think the last one was to see The Parlotones live at an outdoor public gardens area lol. That was about 3 or 4 years ago!
    I will be breaking that time record in November when I see Linkin Park live though lol.
    You guys look great!

  6. I don't even remember when was the last time I've been to a concert!!
    I'd love to go to a concert soon!
    I've followed you, please check out my blog xx
    ~ Mannie

  7. Nothing compares to the atmosphere at live concerts :)

  8. Last concert I went to was Bon Iver and it was amazing! x

  9. I love concerts too! Would you like to follow each other? Just let me know.

  10. seems like u had fun.. u won't blv me when I say, I haven't been to a single concert :\ lucky u!

    wud u like to follow each other? Let me knw! :)

    Maybe you have time to read my new post is up: Life amidst chaos: Can you handle it?

    ~Boomerang Plus

  11. oooh, i love concerts! that's awesome that you got to go to two so close together :3 my last one was taylor swift, and i'm going to see emilie autumn in september... hoping to see marianas trench in october, too!

  12. i went to Quim Barreiros show... He's a portuguese artist with very portuguese song :P

  13. Your blog is amazing, very interesting post!

  14. Wow! Looks as though you had a really great time :)


    Leanne Thompson

  15. I LOVE going to concerts and I totally agree with you: listening music live it's a feeling that CDs don't give!

  16. I love concerts but did not go to any this summer :( The ones you went to seem like so much fun! Have a happy Sunday and be sure to check out my giveaway ending tomorrow (yummy prizes)!.

  17. Great photos!

    I want to invite U to visit my blog:

    and follow if U like!

  18. Super! Concerts are always cool!

  19. Looks awesome! :-)

  20. Great pictures!!! You look so beautiful in the photos!


  21. My last concert is many many years ago :S and I don't rimenber the singer!! :P

  22. My very first concert was to an American Idols Live show. I try not to admit that, though, so I say that my first concert was Metallica. (Technically, it was my second.) The last concert I went to was Slipknot. Yeah, I'm a rocker at heart.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  23. wow, gorgeous pictures. love them!
    and also i love it to visit concerts,
    it's always wonderful and fun.
    maren anita

    Can I invite you to my GIVEAWAY ???:

    *dogeared heart necklace*

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  24. you look lovely in these pics :) ooh your so lucky, i love concerts. i think the next one im going to is marina and the diamonds xx

  25. I'm going to sound reeeaally lame, but the last concert I went to was 6 years ago and the singer was from a tv series for kids hahaha, you look great as always, really Zooey Deschanel ish
    Have a great week, xxx, Rita

    Style Lullaby

  26. Looks like you had a great time! The last concert I went to was Tiesto, who came to my campus :)


  27. oh, i used to listen to our lady peace a lot in high school.... bet that was a great performance.

    my last show was cass mccombs.... brilliant performer and beautiful songwriter...

  28. so fabulous. Love this post, hun. If you get a sec, I'd love if you'd check out my interview with the stylist behind ABC Of Tourism's hit shows. xo

  29. ...very pretty look!!!...I love concerts...last concerts biagio antonacci...I love him!!!!!!

  30. Lovely images, I love your look on picture 4 and the last picture is so cute!
    xx chris


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