Friday, March 15, 2013

i pay no attention whatever to anybody's praise or blame. i simply follow my own feelings.

Before I start today's post, I just wanted to acknowledge the whole GFC debacle! From what I understand, Google Reader will be gone after July 1st. I'm not entirely sure how this will affect people using Blogger and GFC, so if you've got a better grasp on this, please fill me in!

At any rate, I have already imported all of the blogs that I follow on my Google Reader to BlogLovin' - which you can do here. If you're not already following me on BlogLovin', I'd really appreciate it if you did - just to be safe! 

Now, with that business out of the way....

I may or may not be a makeup junkie. Either I'm given makeup for gifts (most likely from my mom!) or I buy it myself. Whatever the case may be - I have a lot. The thing is that I love trying out new products. There is something fun about searching for the perfect (insert-prooduct-here). It may or may not be an addiction.

With that said, I have a few new makeup products to review today! Here goes...

Laura Mercier Foundation Primer: Radiance
I was given this foundation primer by my mom for Christmas and have been using it on and off since then. Overall, I have mixed feelings about it. I love the texture of the primer and the sheer glow that it leaves on the skin. The scent is light, fresh, and quite nice, actually. This primer really does leave a nice glowy finish on the skin - living up to the radiance claim in the name. However, for me, I found this didn't help to even out my skin all that well or make my foundation last longer. I was a little disappointed, though this is not a bad product. For me, this simply didn't live up to my expectations.

Rimmel Moisture Renew: 300 Rose Blush
Lately, I've been looking for some natural, every day lipstick shades. When I came across this Rimmel one in Rose Blush, I was immediately taken by the shade. It is a deep, warm pink that is totally wearable but still leaves an impact. In terms of the shade? I love it. However, I didn't find this lipstick at all moisturizing, despite the name. If you have dry lips like I do, I'd suggest wearing a balm over top.

Kate Moss Lasting Finish Matte: 102 Rossetto
What appeared to be a soft pink turned out to be a fun, bold, and vibrant pink. Even though it wasn't what I expected when I looked at the lipstick, I love this. It is girly and cute and I can see this lipstick shade being absolutely perfect for Spring and Summer. I love that the lipstick is matte and the packaging is really sleek, like everything from the Kate Moss line. Oddly enough, I actually found this lipstick to glide better on the lips than the Moisture Renew lipstick I mentioned above. Overall, I was really impressed with this lipstick. It's taking all of my willpower not to pick up a few other shades!

What makeup products have you tried lately? Have you tried any of these products?

xo Shannon


  1. Cool blog post! Love it. And your entire blog. Lol. xx

  2. I really want the kate moss lipstick,it looks devine! <3

  3. Recently Kate Moss's lipsticks caught my attention, i really like it in pink.

  4. Love the title of this post!
    Thanks for the comment =)

  5. I didn't tried any of these products. I follow on bloglovin.

  6. Kate Moss lipstick looks great, woahhh, i wanna try it!!

  7. Ok...what is WRONG with me??? Didn't even know Kate Moss came out with beauty products?!!! Omigosh, gotta run out and pick me up some! Thanks for looking out babe!

    ...and Thank you for the blog visit love! Hope to see you back soon!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  8. Kate Moss lipstick looks awesome !

  9. gostei imenso do post :)
    já sigo o teu blog, podes-me ajudar e seguir o meu?

  10. I've got that matte lipstick by Kate but other colour :) it's really great!

  11. love kate moss' lipstick! xx

  12. I've heard great things about that Laura Mercier Foundation Primer. Too bad you didn't like it that much! I'm in love with that Kate Moss lipstick. I want one too, haha! Thank you for the honest reviews, dear. :)

  13. I love Kate Moss lipstick! Thank you for your comment in my blog!

    Evi xoxo

    The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

  14. I must buy the Kate Moss Lipstick :) I already follow you on Bloglovin :) But it's such sad news that it's over Google Reader :(

    Giveaway - Win the Board Game by Bobby Raffin

  15. I love the lipstick's color! Must try it soon thx for the advice!

    Follow you on bloglovin!


    Eli - TheMoodyStyle

  16. It's simple, Google+Circle is replacing Google Friends Connect. Same little box with all our faces except it says "Add to Circles" instead of Follow. Go into your Layout, click on Add Elment, and you should see "google+circle" just click to add element.

  17. I just bought that Kate Moss x Rimmel lipstick and I love it! It's bold in subtle way and still looks natural. I'm actually quite a huge fan of Rimmel, especially their nail polishes--their flat brushes make for perfectly easy application for a lazy person like myself! :P


    P.S. BOO at Google replacing the GFC with Google+, urgh!

  18. Oh Kate Moss lip stick.. love it. Nice color dear:)

    wanna follow each other? let me know..


  19. Love the kate moss lipstick ! Check my blog out and maybe even follow GFC and bloglovin ? I always follow back (:

  20. I love kate moss lisptick <3

  21. love it!! great post!!!

  22. The lipsticks are beautiful!


  23. I have Kate Moss red lipstick, it was WAY more vibrant than what I expected too, but I love it still. Its always awesome when stuff works out that way :)

  24. I love the Kate Moss lipsticks and that is a gorgeous one!


  25. Hi honey! I just discovered and loved your blog! I also loved these products! If you want we can follow each other on GFC? Check mine and if you follow just let me know, I'll defienetly come back for you!! ;) kisses

  26. I love Kate Moss Lipstick..:)
    Stay in touch..!!


  27. I found your blog and I am following you now!
    Big kiss*

    Follow mw back if you want

  28. Great post! I really want to try Kate Moss's lipstick! Looks divine! HOpe you're having a wonderful weekend! xoxo Carla

  29. hopefully not the GFC..

    do you want to follow each other in bloglovin and gfc?
    let me know ^^ visit my blog ^^

  30. I have Kate's lipstick as well, and I love it!
    Thank you for your endless support Shannon concerning my loss! Another thank you for your kind words concerning my blog <3

    E from Helsinki

  31. Have to try Kate's lipstick, I love trying new lipsticks!!!

    Found you through Her Late Night Cravings blog :-)

    Great post!!

    xo Dinah @ Sunshine super glam!! Will follow you thru Blog lovin

  32. Love that rimmel blusg, but of course like most beauty products it is not available in Australia yet :( How fustrating!

  33. really like that kate moss lipstic shade, wearing it a lot;)X


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