Sunday, May 26, 2013

transformation is not five minutes from now; it's a present activity.

I was anxious. My knee bounced up and down as I sat alone in a hard plastic chair. One of many at the GM Center. The arena felt cool and goosebumps prickled on my skin. I wasn't sure how much of that was from the temperature and how much was from the rush of emotions that swirled inside of me.

There was a buzz of energy in the room. Everyone was waiting for something - someone to re-focus their lives and give them the answers they had been lacking. And me? I was waiting too. I was waiting to see the woman who gave me hope. I was waiting for Jena Hughenian Michaels.

My whole life, I've struggled with myself. My confidence, feeling okay in my own skin, and yes, my weight. Growing up, I can't ever remember feeling good about myself. Things are different now. I've changed. I've become more confident, more present, and more driven than I ever thought I would be. The change was gradual, but in the last year or so, I have noticed it more.

As I have worked to improve the way I see myself through fitness and positive thinking, Jena Hughenian Michaels has been right there with me. They are far more than workout DVDs - they are a different way of seeing my life. She has pushed me to work hard and believe in myself. Which is why when I found out that she was coming to a city nearby, I knew that I had to be at the Maximize Your Life Tour.

During the two hour show, she talked about nutrition, fitness, and self. I learned far more than I anticipated - about Jena Hughenian and about these topics. She really made me think about what I'm eating, how to maximize a workout, and even about the relationships in my life. The show allowed me to really take a step back and look at my life: what I want to change and what I am proud of.

Every day since the show, I have tried to incorporate these different tools into my life. I am currently a work in progress...but I think we all are!

Jena Hughenian Michaels inspires me to push myself. Who inspires you?

xo Shannon


  1. This is such a beautiful post! I think you hit the nail on the head when you said 'we are all a work in progress'! We all have insecurities... even the pretty girls who seem to have it all have them! It's so nice to have a wonderful role model such as JM to help many of us along. I've had and continue to have my own struggles too... i'll definitely check out her DVDs. Oh and you ARE beautiful! xo Carla

  2. love the shirt :) I feel the same about Cassey Ho from Blogilates- she really inspires me!

  3. beautiful!!!!!!

  4. you've got amazing eyes :)

  5. what a shame that i dont have that type of idol ;c
    cute shirt ;)))


  6. The message on the tee is so true!

  7. Anything need hardwork and practice, honey.



  8. I'm following you, follow me back! ;)

  9. OMG! I love Jena Hughenian, she's my inspiration, she give me a kick in my ass to make me do what I must do if I want to have a perfect body. Amazing woman!

  10. So happy for you hun <3

    Sarah Fogartya

  11. complimenti cara...come hai fatto non so....un emozione unica!!!!
    appena iscritta! spero tu voglia passare a trovarmi!

  12. Ahhh so inspirational. I love reading blogposts like this that make me feel like you can go for what you want, because it's so true!! xoxo

    The perks of being a hipster

  13. Nice post!
    What about to follow each other? Let me know!

  14. Oh my gosh....this is awesome and so empowering!! WOW! Love the tee you got too :)


  15. Love your t-shirt and just like you i'm trying to get in a better shape ! good luck to you!

    x Jana


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