Monday, June 17, 2013

it's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.

Friendship is like a glass ornament, 
once it is broken it can rarely be put back together exactly the same way.

Lately, I've given a lot of thought to friendship. For too long, I've kept people in my life that shouldn't be there...that don't deserve to be there. It isn't that they don't care. It's that they don't care enough.  

Growing up, I always wanted the kind of friends that I could talk to every day. I never really had that. Even now, I don't really have that. Instead, I largely have friends I see every month or two. It feels like we are always trying to catch up on each others lives. Always trying to fit the pieces back together again. To be fair, much of this has to do with distance and busy lives, but it doesn't make it any easier.

This is why I've made some changes in my life. The people that don't care enough are gone. I've made the rounds of social media cuts (...the way that Facebook and Twitter impact our lives, I swear!) and have said my private goodbyes for the friendship and memories we shared. Instead of being upset or angry, I'm at peace with the choices I have made. Those former friends were wonderful, but they didn't fit into my life anymore.

I've decided to better my life by making sure I have the right people in it.

Have you ever let go of old friendships?

xo Shannon


  1. Yes, it's hard but necessary. As we grow some pople don't grow with us.

  2. how right you are!! I have exactly the same thoughts lately!
    I have many friends but two or three best friends:)
    thanks for your comment on my blog hun!
    hope to see you soon again on Fashion Railways!


  3. Yes, and it is difficult, but at the same time freeing as when you feel obligated to meet up with these friends and it isn't quite right anymore, it takes up precious time in your life. Nice post Shannon, and all that matters is quality and not quantity of friends. xx Pip

    Easy Outfits by Pip

  4. Really good and true post! You're great to be able to bring yourself to do that cause it is quite hard I'd say :)) I'm Shannon too btw haha

  5. I think everybody have let some old friendships go,sometimes its the best to do for yourself and its hard sometimes

  6. I totally agree with you! We have to live the life we have now... with or without old ones...

  7. lovely post!

    Why don't you join my giveaway? :)

    xoxo ♥

  8. good idea <3 I'm sure it was hard, but I'm also sure that was the right decision. I struggle with this sometimes too...

  9. i agree. lovely post!!
    Thanks for share with me.

  10. one of the very lovely pic <3

  11. Good post ^^


  12. Great post! I've always tried to have few and close friends.


  13. Hyou have very nice blog
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    for queens by mary

  14. It definitely is hard but these are steps we have to take. Realizing that some friends don't care enough and than letting them go without hard feelings. But it sure is the best for you and also them I think :)

  15. WOW!! This hit SO close to home! You have NO idea!! I never thought at 30 years old, that I would have to make such a huge decision about friendships! I just always thought, 'make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold'. Figured that you just keep all of them around. It's not about how many friends you have or who's been there the longest, it's about the one's who have stuck by you during your worst times! Good for you for making such changes! Takes a strong and bold person to do such a thing! XOXO-Jen

  16. Great post! You definitely need to make sure you surround yourself with people that actually care for you.

  17. Hi Shannon, you have completely the right idea. You know the ones that will always be there the rest don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Loved reading this. Laura xxx ❤ Scottish Lass ❤

  18. I totally agree with this thought!

  19. I have to say it is not an easy question and I guess everyone makes their own decision. As for me I always remember my mom saying:"Life is too short to surround yourself with people that you dont like". So, I think it doesnt matter how many friends you have, as long as they are real.
    Hugs from New York,
    Ask Erena

  20. Infelizmente a própria vida acaba distanciando as amizades. Mas o que importa são as pessoas que realmente se preocupam com você!

    Ótima quarta!

    Beijo! ^^

  21. i have let go of old hurts, but people grow apart and it's a part of life

  22. amazing post :)

  23. this speaks so much truth in my life right now!

  24. I think about that frequently myself. We are like passenger trains. As we go along, we pick up people and they come along for the ride. Most of them get off as we pull into stations along the way, as we change and evolve. But a few will stay on until we get to the end of the line. Those are ones who matter the most, even if you do only get to see them once or twice a month. It is the ones who stay with you who are worth your time, whether it's your online time or your personal time. They are few and far between, but they are valuable.

  25. yea, i feel you, sometimes you have to do those cuts in your life, I've definitely have friends and relationships in my life that were so important 2 years ago all throughout college, and post college they don't make the effort (when I do) to maintain the friendships.
    good riddance!


  26. I have a friend whom I've known since I was 14. We don't talk all the time, but it feels great to catch up when we do and I really feel like I can tell him everything. Friendship is indeed something to invest in!:*

  27. It's always good to free yourself from people or things that aren't good for you. I always say better a few very good friends than a lot of loose contacts! :D xoxo Nini


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